How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies


How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

Many people are confident that the problems associated with habitat of harmful insects in apartments have long been solved. However, this is not so. Dozens of people are addressed daily to special services for destroying pests in homes. Is it possible to remove bugs from the sofa without resorting to the help of specialists? What does that require? What are the folk methods of struggle and how safe are they for a person?

How to bring bugs from the sofa yourself

Fortunately, these pests can be destroyed on their own and not necessarily call service. For this there are quite a few people's ways as well as chemicals.

Why is the problem of removing bugs so serious? The fact is that these insects are capable of causing human health weighty harm. These minor bugs breed so quickly that delaying with the struggle will lead to the formation of a significant population.

If it seems to you that the insect stuck in the sofa, because it feeds on wood or upholstery, you are wrong. Each individual is capable of living only with the blood of a person or an animal. So, first of all, under the threat, you are. What is the complexity of combating clusters?

The fact is that these bugs have a unique structure. Thanks to a dense protective sheath, crushing the insect is very difficult. Often, people are confident that they killed Claop, but he comes to himself. It is not always easy to explain the cause of the rash on the body, because bugs are rarely shown to our eyes in a bright day of the day. You can detect them only at night.

Before starting the fight against clusters, you need to make sure that you are dealing with them. After all, the use of inappropriate methods will not bring the result.

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What are the methods of struggle? What are bugs from the sofa? Among the folk agents are distinguished by such:

  • vinegar;
  • Pahoe herbs;
  • freezing;
  • high temperatures;
  • turpentine;
  • sagebrush.

What chemicals are recognized effective in combating clusters? Here is the main list:

  • aerosols against insects;
  • Special gels and ointments;
  • Various plates.

It is necessary to consider each other individually and figure out how to bring bugs from the sofa yourself.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

To successfully deal with harmful insects, you need to know what impact they are afraid. This will help determine the bug destroying strategy.

Insects are very sensitive to strong smells, high and low temperatures, and to some acids. So, correctly in the means of struggle, you can quickly resolve the problem.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

How to use vinegar?

You need to learn how to bring bugs from the sofa by vinegar. As already mentioned, some odors are simply destructive for bedbugs. That is why the complete processing of the habitat of the bugs leads to their death.
  1. Prepare a solution of vinegar.
  2. Using a tampon, treat the entire surface of the sofa.
  3. Special attention is paid to deepening and seams.
  4. Do not forget to apply on the back of the furniture.

Important! When combating clusters, all procedures are necessary to repeat several times. This will give a guarantee that all insects are destroyed.

What herbs are struggling with clouds?

The answer is simple, those herbs that have a strong smell. They can be attributed to the carnation or support. In order for bugs to leave or died, it is necessary to decompose this plant at the harness of the pest.

For example, you can hide the twigs of the carnation under the upholstery of the furniture. It is advisable to decompose the mixture throughout the sofa area or chairs. For these purposes, it is not necessary to seek a fresh green plant. Full and dried specimens.

Important! If you planned to change the sofa soon, who chose bugs, better get rid of it immediately. The fact is that these pests can quickly spread to your home and then destroy them on their own will be very difficult.

How does the burning help?

Although some families were able to cope with the pest using this method, it is not always effective. It is worth noting that the bugs are very live insects. They are able to withstand frost to 18 degrees. So, no devices will help here. At best, what you can do is to make infected furniture on the frost and leave there for a while. Moreover, it will be not effective.

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Fighting with high temperatures

Destroy the bedlop, applying the effect of heat, is much easier than to apply the effects of cold. It all depends on what technique is in your home.

The ideal version of the impact on harmful insects is to handle the steam generator at full power. It is worth considering that steam strike forces should be enough to penetrate the smallest seams. After all, small insects can hide exactly there.

If there is no steam generator in the house, you can use the usual iron with the effect of the excavation. Come two times all over the entire surface of the sofa. For convenience, it is better to decompose it, because processing requires all sides of furniture.

If your iron does not have the necessary functional, and a sofa of a special value, you can try another method. Heat sufficient boiling water. Follow the sofa. Special attention is paid to those zones where insects can hide. Under the influence of boiling water, individuals perish all ages. However, after such a processing, it is necessary to set a sofa for fresh air to complete drying. After that, the furniture must be pressed.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

How to use turpentine

Although this tool is considered quite effective when dealing with clouds, a person must be careful. The following recipe is offered attention:

  • A tablespoon of turpentine is taken;
  • mixed with glass of boiling water;
  • A piece of household soap is added;
  • The solution is mixed.

This composition must be applied to the zones of the accumulation of pests. When working, you can not forget about your own security. Skipidar has a strong caustic smell and can harm the respiratory system and organs of vision. Do not forget to protect your eyes and skin. Also, after applying such a recipe, the room in which the processing was carried out is necessary to thoroughly ventilate.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

How to help wormwood

This is a grass with a strong smell, which is not very soul to the clouds. So, if you want to figure out how to bring bed bugs from the sofa yourself, you can try this method.

Collect wormwood branches. Spread them where the habitat of insects is located. Thanks to a strong smell, you can handle clusters.

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Can I use salt?

This is a simple tool that is in every home will help successfully complete the fight against the clouds. If you have already conducted some kind of processing, you can re-use precisely salt. However, to the tool is effective, ethyl alcohol and some peroxide should also add to the processing solution.

The advantage of this method is that the problem of bedbugs will be solved, and the person will not suffer from such substances.

So, understanding how to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies, it was time to learn about specialized chemicals.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

How to remove bugs from the sofa on their own using special preparations

Of course, at first glance it may seem to deal with clouds the easiest way to be purchased by means. Their huge set. Who did not hear about the means like "Raptor" or "Combat"? However, it is necessary to take into account some aspects so that the struggle against pests has completed successfully.

  1. Processing chemicals should not be one-time.
  2. After the completion of the struggle against pests, you need to walk through all surfaces with soda mortar.
  3. Do not forget to remove from the room where all food and things that are not infected with clouds will be carried out.
  4. Isolate children as well as pets.
  5. All textiles that is in this room should be wrapped in high temperatures.
  6. After complete drying of the furniture being processed, it must be thoroughly speaking.

Of course, all these methods are effective. However, if you do not want to deal with the fight against clusters, you can contact a special service. Experts will be able to quickly and efficiently destroy insects in your apartment.

How to bring bugs from the sofa by the folk remedies

Video than bring bugs from the sofa

You can watch a video about how to effectively deal with this insect in your apartment and how to prevent their return.

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