How to sew a simple skirt - master class


Dear readers of the Internet magazine "Handmade and Creative"! Today we have prepared specifically for you a simple master class. We will sew skirt. First, you will finally use that pretty cut of the fabric, which has been waiting for the closet for so long. After all, you will agree, it often happens that we buy either too much fabric and it remains, or too little, and then it is postponed to the best time. There is also a cloth, the color of which is very, very much, but for some reason it does not come out of it. Secondly, it is possible to sew a simple skirt with your own hands in just 20 minutes. And this is an essential plus that speaks in favor of reading the master class to the end and try.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Required materials and tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • pin;
  • rubber;
  • Fabric - 1 meter.

Cutting out

The most remarkably in this master class is that it is possible to sew a simple skirt without measurement. They take so much time. Therefore, we will bypass without them. For the manufacture of the skirt, we used a cut of a cloth with a size of 1m x 1.15 m. Always the edge along the edge of the cotton fabric, it means that we do not need to process the edges. And it will give the opportunity to save time. Take the cloth and fold it in half in such a way that parts with the edge met.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Cut in the middle. Make sure you have two equal parts, because when you savage them a little later, they must fully match.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Sewing Skirt

Sew two parts together by connecting them by the front parties. You should have one long canvas.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

To make a simple skirt, it is necessary to do something like the pipe. To do this, overcome the upper raw edge by 2.5 cm inward. Start at the top edge. Make sure the pipe turned out to be sufficient so that it can be tightened with a gum. The photo shows that the edges are treated with overlock, but it is not necessary at all. You can process the edges to treat zigzag so that they are not rapidly.

Article on the topic: Crochet patterns with schemes and descriptions of knitting "Leaf" and "Sot"

How to sew a simple skirt - master class


Now it is necessary to determine the size of the gum. To do this, just overtake the gum around the waist and deduct 5-7 cm.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Using a pin, grind a rubber band into the pipe.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Move carefully not to lose the edges of the gum.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Take ends of the gum to the pipe.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Connection of the sides of the skirt

Sustrate the side of the skirt, folding their face to each other. If you did not cut the bottom edge, then you should remain the edge, and it means that the lower edge of the skirt is not needed. Usually, with a width of 115 cm, the tissue is enough for the length of the skirt turns out to be knee.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Now stitched simple skirt ready! Another point. You can make a double skirt. To do this, an additional cut of the matter needs to be simply sewed under the tower for gum. This can be done either at the very beginning and turn two tissues immediately, or first to access and strain one fabric, and then below to shoot another. To see two layers of the skirt, simply cut out a few centimeters from the top layer and end the edge so that it is not fruishing. Everything is very simple.

How to sew a simple skirt - master class

Wear with pleasure.

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