Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard


The awakening of nature from the winter hook inspires a person to capture the first signs of the emerging spring. The kids are very susceptible to the world around, so the spring mood manifests them most actively, and subsequently poured into original creative work. Many spring crafts in kindergarten are manufactured by a child with the help of parents. Such activities shall split the family and allows you to diversify joint leisure.

Creative work on the spring theme traditionally includes elements associated with the awakening of nature: primroses, young leaflets and a tree, birds, etc.

Miscellaneous raw materials are used in the creation of compositions for kindergarten. Often, work is carried out from natural material.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Pre-scored twigs, bumps and a small amount of plasticine will help to create a truly natural masterpiece.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

But sometimes there is no time to collect natural components for the product. How to be in this case? If there is a set of tight colored paper at hand, then it is realistic to build a bright cradle in the form of a bird nest, the manufacture of which is represented by step by step.

Cardboard nest

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

To work, you will need:

  • Cardboard of three types: corrugated, smooth, packaging (brown);
  • colored paper;
  • wrapping fabric (grid);
  • wood frame;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • Threads.

As the basis, the packaging cardboard stands. It cuts out several details of the future nest of the drop-shaped form.

Each next part in volume should be slightly less than the previous one, as in the photo.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

The greatest item remains solid, and the other round "window" cuts into the rest. Singing the hole, you need to glue a part of each other so that the smaller item is from above.

In order to create a bulk effect, during gluing, parts should be paved with cardboard pieces (3 × 4 cm). As a result, the similarity of the bird nest should turn out.

A wrapping grid with a size of 15 × 20 cm is assembled into a beam along the long side and is fixed by the thread.

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Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

From the packaging cardboard, the square is cut out with a side of 15 cm. From two opposite sides of the square, cuts are formed by a width of 0.5 cm.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

The resulting billet is assembled and fixed by the thread, connecting with the wrapping grid. The roof of the nest is ready.

A socket is glued in the lower corner of the wooden frame, and then its roof. Crafts will look impressive in the presence of bright colors.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Therefore, you should create colored birds. There will be three in their work. This uses corrugated and smooth cardboard.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Birds, wings, tails, beaks and eyes are cut.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

It is advisable to use different color combinations.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Elements should be made of each other. After that, pieces of cardboard are recorded on the torso on the reverse side, and then the products are glued onto a wooden frame. One bird needs to be located at the nest, two others - along the perimeter of the frame.

On a note! The work will look at one piece, if you add green leaves, imitating the foliage of trees.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Spring compositions can imitate both the phenomena of nature. Creating a rainbow cloud or a muddy rain will not take much time and requires a minimum amount of material.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Merry Tuchci

Crafts are made of paper. You should stock set of color and white paper sheets.

On white paper, several circles of the same diameter are drawn. They are cut and glued together in the form of a cloud. Paper strips of different colors 1 cm wide are taken. With the help of PVA glue, the strips are fixed on the back of the cloud.

The free ends of the rainbow rain are desirable to be tied with scissors or pencil. In the conclusion of work on the cloud drawn eyes and smile.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

The velucke option with bright drops can be a little different. A white or blue paper tucker is cut.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Details of a drop -ide form are made of colored paper. At the same time, it is necessary to cut 4 parts for each rainy drop. Elements are folded along the long side. First, the halves of the droplets glued together for two pieces. Of the four carved patterns, two details are obtained with a comb in the middle.

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Along the middle of one of the parts, the thread is paved, and paper halves are finally glued. Thus, several color droplets are rolled on the thread.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Three rain threads should be made. At the end of the work, each line with drops is fixed on the basis of the form of a tucca. Bright flowers - not uncommon in the crafts for spring theme. They can be created from absolutely different material.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Methods for the manufacture of flower arrangements are selected for the age of the wizard.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Children of the younger preschool age are completely able to create a cute paper bouquet with their own hands. To create it, you need to cut the square from the green paper and fold it twice. From the fold of the bend to make perpendicular cuts of the same width.

The rectangle twisted into the roll and gluits in the unintegotiated bottom. As a result, it turns out a bouquet with green stems.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Separately cut several bright colors with a contrasting core. For parts to keep the form, it is desirable to use cardboard or felt. Flowers need to stick in an arbitrary order on the green stems of the bouquet.

Older guys can master and more complex techniques for creating crafts. Flower compositions from napkins look luxuriously, and in their creation there is a simple material available to everyone.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Depending on the type of colors, the napkins are either twisted and fixed at the base with the wire, or fold it several times and cut off, in order to get the effect of a fluffy flower.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

If the boxes are accumulated from chocolate eggs, they can also be used in the creation of a spring bouquet.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Halves of plastic containers are applied along the edge so that there are pointed petals. In the center of each flower is done a hole, and the cocktail tube is inserted.

The basis of the composition can be a plastic jar, on the bottom of which plasticine is pre-posted.

Spring crafts in kindergarten do it yourself from napkins and cardboard

Finished flowers from the kinder are inserted with their stalks in plasticine. The snapshot not only pleases the eye, but also eliminates the accumulated containers from under the kinder surprises, so cute heart of the child.

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