Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo


The Slavic peoples have one old and good saying, the essence of which is that the house for a person is a certain fortress. As many clairvoyants say, such a saying and in our times is considered to be relevant. The house is really a fortress in which a person can be protected from the outside world, to be at an indefinite time one, enjoying his life. Such a "fortress" protects its owner from unkind people and unclean power. Magic properties also have all sorts of amulets and talismans. Thanks to them, you will not get to visit people with unkind intentions, will not be able to get any evil. In this article, we just show the creation of faiths for home with your own hands. With their help, a favorable atmosphere will appear in the house, and the house will be much more pleasant.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Horseshoe for protection

The first charm, which you can see the believing people at the entrance is horseshoe. Horses call good luck and protect the house from evil. Many believe that if you hang such a charm on the door, the good spirits will begin to protect the house more actively.

So, proceed to the consideration of the master class. Tune in to a positive way and inspire yourself that this charm needs you to protect.

For work it is necessary to take corrugated cardboard, yarn "grass" of beige color, bilateral tape, scissors and threads, felt, buttons, ordinary and gypsy needles, decorative elements.

The entire manufacturing process is shown in the photo.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Draw on cardboard horseshoe. Do not worry if it turns out to be uneven, such elements look more alive. Cut it from corrugated cardboard.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

We find the back side and fix the tip of the yarn for bilateral tape. Enroll yarn along the whole side.

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Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

In the center we make winding stronger, and on the sides weaker. Movement must be made from yourself.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

The next step is cut out from the felt details. For example, a goldfish will bring good luck, and a yellow boat is a symbol of interesting travel. In felt it is necessary to express all your desires.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Under the contours of the felt we pass the usual straight seam. We make a glazing for fish.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Send the stitches our charms to the horseshoe.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Do not neglect golden color, it is its most likely of good spirits. In our case, we sew a branch with small flower.

Then make buttons from the tree, if you have in the form of some figures, it is very good. After all, the apple is considered a symbol of a good crop, a cat is a symbol of heat and comfort, and the duck is a symbol of the absence of trouble.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

We make the suspension for which we will hang over. To inhale dense yarn in the Gypsy needle and secure the top of the horseshoes.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo


An embroidery of the cross is also a faith that went from those times while people still believed in magic. Most often it was applied on a tablecloth, towels and curtains. Cross-embroidery protects against evil forces, bringing only good to the house. Fabrics need to pick up silk, cotton, flax or wool. Threads need to take cotton. If you want embroidery to serve as a faith, you should take a thread of only red, green and blue. Red is a symbol of power, green is represented by peace and wisdom, and blue shows the forces of nature and stability.

When you make a fiction from embroidery with a cross, then you should not show an unfinished job to anyone so that it is not smoothed, at this time it is necessary to store it in a bright place. See cross stitch patterns:

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Protective broom

This charm is considered to be the best selling, but do not rush to buy it. You must understand that they make brooms on an ambulance hand for money, which means that it does not carry any protective function. Therefore, let's make such a beautiful and very light charm with your own hands.

In order to make a decoration, you will need PVA glue or moment, brush for it, paint brush, pliers, wire, burlap, scissors, satin ribbons, vegetable materials, sewing needles: dried flowers, dry red pepper, seeds, berries, spikelets.

Take a thick painting tassel, free from the wire. We divide the brush into two halves.

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Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

The top of the beam must be tied to the billet in the shape of a broom. We are wearing a broom in the form of a lure, we apply a small layer of glue first on one side. Let dry. Then on the other. We put under the press for one day.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

The place of attachment of the beams is closing a beautiful satin ribbon. Tie a bow. Increase the lower part of the overag and stick a ribbon using PVA glue.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

So it turned out the workpiece. Now it is necessary to start the decor of the Oberega. A total of 12 characters should be on one faucet, but no more. First attach large details, and then small.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Everyone is individual, but we will show what you can do. From burlap Sust a bag that will bring wealth. Write it with syntheps and make a beautiful ribbon. Lay out the ornaments using sunflower seeds, pumpkins, cereals.

Walnut symbolizes health and strength, cereals - Flood in the family, berries - harvest. Coins are a symbol of success in affairs, and garlic and peppers are expelled by evil, peas is a symbol of friendship. The canvas brings happiness to the house, and the nodule protects the family from the scandals, the bagel is considered a symbol of a strong family.

Charger for the house with your own hands: master class with photo

Video on the topic

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