Aza Creating Iquiban


Aza Creating Iquiban

Many people heard about such art as Iquiban, with their own hands this composition is quite possible to do.

This technique involves creating bouquets. Such compositions look very beautiful, and the bouquet itself will fill the room with a unique aroma.

In addition, this Japanese art has always a certain meaning. You can easily master such art.

Basic styles

Before thinking how to make Iquiban, you need to get acquainted with the theoretical side of this art. First you should study styles. There are many subspecies that are distinguished by stylistic features.

  1. Rickka.

Aza Creating Iquiban

If you translate literally, the name of this style is translated as "a plant that is worth". In other words, in the composition most of the bouquet should be vertically. You can use willow sprigs. Make a simple bouquet to make a simple bouquet. Based on such a style, many other varieties have been created, which are more complex. At the moment, this style, according to the majority of specialists, is considered obsolete, so it is applied extremely rarely.

  1. SECA

Another famous style is the sek. He was introduced in the middle of the 17th century. It is a more simplified variety of Rickka style. The main difference is that when building a bouquet of the sek style, only 3 plants are used, which will be vertically. They will be associated with the Earth, Heaven and People. In style, the main thing is to emphasize the beauty of plants.

  1. Nagire

Aza Creating Iquiban

This style in Japan is called Heik. The main difference lies in the fact that a vase acts as the basis, but unusual. It should be high and at the same time have a narrow neck. When the composition is made of flowers, high-type plants are put. And the main and support for them is the neck and the walls of the vase itself.

  1. Moriban.

Moriban is the opposite of the previous style, but only if compared on the basis. In this case, high narrow vases are not used. Now the basis is the idea, which is very low, but broad, i.e. Practically flat, like trays, saucers and plates. But this composition comes out volumetric, if compared with the previous style.

  1. Dziiuk.

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This style is based on the use of multiple styles. Such a mixture is very interesting, and for the creator of bouquets it will be useful to develop your fantasy, because Almost all boundaries are washed away.

Aspects of the preparation of Iquiban

Aza Creating Iquiban

Before thinking how to make Iquiban, you need to learn all the rules and nuances. It should be understood that there is a difference between the real art and the usual bouquet. The main difference is that Japanese compositions are created in accordance with a certain philosophy.

It must be remembered that each composition should consist of 3 main lines. The first line personifies the sky. It is called Sin. The second line indicates a person. This design is called Soe. The third component remains - Hikae. It is associated with the Earth.

If we consider ketabane (by the way, this name is correct), it will be seen that all 3 lines make a figure as a triangle.

The celestial line will be the top. The human line will be located at an angle to it, but it should not be the longest. But the line of the earth should be the most short. It is located horizontally downstairs. Usually Hikae is a big flower (it is better not to take a bouquet of artificial plants, and the very name of the art means "live flowers"), and all other lines are made of twigs, herbs and roots.

Aza Creating Iquiban

In addition, there is another rule that needs to be performed. The composition itself should be not symmetrical. This is achieved due to the fact that short and long elements are located at different angles.

Given the translation of the name of this Japanese art, only live flowers are required. However, gradually people began to apply both dry, because They will continue longer. Then they began to actively include in bouquets and artificial. Such elements of the bouquet will not cause an allergic reaction.

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If you make Iketubana with your own hands, then you need to always remember that each plant is a symbol of certain phenomena. So the composition is appreciated not only on external beauty, but also its semantic load.

For example, if you need to indicate durability or youth, you can use pine or rose. For indisputability, only magnolia is suitable for the spiritual. Orchid is associated with joy and positive emotions. For binding to prosperity and well-being in all matters used bamboo sticks.

Aza Creating Iquiban

Communication with nature is in chrysanthemum. Especially this flower indicates the sun and river. The wish of the world can be done using peony. The same flower is associated with kindness. The feeling of dignity is associated with the Iris, and the symbol of endurance is Iva.

In addition to such colors, it is possible to create an Ikebane and other plants - grass and shrubs. For example, the kites will suit, grain crops, reed, juniper. All these plants are used to create the main lines.

Be sure to take into account that not always the plants will be combined. For example, if you use large pink buds and small flowers, the latter will be simply imperceptible. Do not combine sprigs from coniferous and deciduous trees.

But not only the plants are used to create an Ikebane. Small smooth pebbles from glass, ribbons, plastic elements, pebbles are also suitable. These materials will be a beautiful decoration.

Iquiban do it yourself

To make a composition, you need to stock up in advance with cones, fruit slices, dried sets. You need to select and the basis for the composition - stand. You may need auxiliary devices as the holders of the branches. They will be equipped inside the vase itself or stand.

You always need to start the composition only from the heavenly line. Only then you can fix the lines of the earth and man. You can complement the structure with secondary elements.

  1. Option 1 - wealth and abundance.

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Aza Creating Iquiban

You can independently make a bouquet that will act as a wish of abundance. Wealth is an ambiguous concept in this Japanese art. It takes into account the wealth of the material plan, and a lot of experience. For the first symbol there will be an orchid, and for the second aspect it is alex (but there must be a lot of berries) or pine.

  1. Option 2 - Love.

Beauty is achieved not by quantity, but by force. The smaller the size of the composition, then its meaning will be deeper. For example, you can use white chrysanthemums, and roses of a red shade. These are the symbols of the male and female start. By the way, water includes water, because It interacts with flowers.

  1. Option 3 - power and resistance of the Spirit.

For such a composition, hypipers and stilgrass will be needed. They need to be consolidated in several places. For this, only dark threads or wire are used. Also, the needles of the hawthorn should touch the leaves of aspidistra. Ceramic vase is suitable as the basis.

  1. Option 4 - strong family.

The family is associated with home comfort and warmth. Pumpkin is suitable for this, so it is necessary to use its fruits. Also, they will also need hexes, on which there are many berries. Such a composition will stand for a long time.

Each person will be able to master such art as Iquiban, make a bouquet with their own hands, if you know the rules.

You can get not only a beautiful composition, but also a bouquet with a sense that will be an excellent gift to loved ones.

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