Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device


A real find for all dreaming to relax in nature, at the same time, without leaving far beyond the city, the gazebo becomes. However, I want to rest not only in the summer, but also in winter. For this, of course, you need to have a warmed gazebo, built a little different way than ordinary homes and arbors.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

The gazebo attached to the house is a convenient and interesting solution.

Device warm gazebo on Finnish technology

Before making the houses with a gazebo of this type, it should be sorted out that it is generally present.

Finnish gazebos, as a rule, are made in the form of a hexagon.

In general, it is customary to distinguish between two types of builds:

  • Finnish grill houses;
  • Finnish arbors.

By and large there is no special differences. The grill houses are like home, but on a smaller scale. The arbors are distinguished by their ease, as often being performed from the usual timber, unlike houses that can be erected from logs.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

Arbor to the house on Finnish technology

The house-arbor has a large area of ​​glazing and a full-fledged door. Inside, these two types are absolutely the same.

Stages of construction

The whole process is conventionally divided into several simple steps:
  • Fundament device;
  • Frame device;
  • Installation of the roof and chimney;
  • Insulation of walls and roofs;
  • Internal and exterior finish.


The gazebo near the house of this type should be built on a solid foundation.

Tip! If the gazebo is performed from the bar, then the foundation can be made of a layer of rubble, or in the form of a platform laid paving tiles.

Such foundation will help save.

So, at the place of the future gazebo, the pit, in which the layer of rubble is falling asleep. It is recreated and over the sand layer, which is compacted.

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On top of the sand stacked a tile with a curb stone.

Instead of a tile, styling another layer of rubble is allowed, on which the structure actually will stand.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device


By and large for such a light structure, there would be a tape foundation, or even a columnar. But the selection of the slab is due to the requirements of fire safety - inside such a gazebo in the center there is a grill or a brazier. Therefore, in the event of a fire, the slab foundation will not allow the flame on the soil.


The entire frame of the arbor near the house is made from the bar. The following dimensions will be required:

  • Section 100 * 100 mm for pillars. There are only six poles of approximately 2.5 m;
  • 80 * 80 for lower, upper and medium strapping.
  • 50 * 100 for roof frame. Total 6 such bruises of the calculated length.

It should be immediately said that the fastening of all elements is carried out using metal corners and self-tapping screws or nails.

So, the direct device begins with laying lower strapping. Bruses 80 * 80 mm are placed in a hexagonal form (with an angle between two adjacent 120 degrees) and are fastened by the specified manner.

In each individual angle raises a pillar. It is exhibited by level and attached the same devices. To immediately fix the pillars, along the installation of their installation, the average tissue is performed.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

In the photo Lower strapping with poles

Tip! So that in the installation process I did not have to disassemble and collect several times, the place of installation of doors and windows is better to provide in advance.

After installing all the risers and their fixing, it is processed to the upper strapping device. It is performed by the same principle as the bottom. Bruses are associated with each other and are attached to the risers, giving them additional rigidity.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

Compound of brus of top strapping using plates

The elements of the upper strapping can be attached to both risers on the side and on top of them.

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After laying the upper node, start the mounting of the jumpers. Additional horizontal jumpers are put in those places where windows and doors will be installed. I must say that such jumpers must be throughout the window circuit or door.

Articles on the topic:

  • Gazebo attached to the house
  • Grilled house
  • Finnish gazebo

Installation of the roof and chimney

The roof is going to the following principles:

  • The roof frame of the arbor at the house is collected from the Brus of 50 * 100 mm. At the same time they fit on the edge. Such a gazebo has a small difference from the usual;
  • In the roof she has chimney. As a rule, the chimney of the rectangular shape itself, but the rafters form when connecting the hexagon;
  • In addition, the chimney will be constantly hot, and the wood is a flammable material. For these reasons, chimneys through the roof are held on special devices that are called - the trailers.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

Pipe in the center of the roof

In order for the roof rafters firmly to the penetration, they are spilled at an angle of 30 degrees. Fasten rafters to herds with the same corners. Additionally fastened with reinforcement brackets.


After full framework of the frame, it is insulated.

Warming is made by any material:

  • For internal warming, it is better to choose mineral wool;
  • For external insulation, foamed polystyrene (foam) are chosen.

All large gaps, as well as the formed seams close up by the usual mounting foam.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device

Warming up the arbor with the house occurs on the same technology

It should be insulated not only the walls, but also the roof. A warmed gazebo at home with her hands with a stove inside can be used in winter, almost with any weather.

Installing windows and doors

The windows, like the doors, are already installed in the finished form. At the same time, all the cracks are closed with the same mounting foam.

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External and interior decoration

Inside, similar arbors are separated by the wagon board. The outer finish can be in the walls of the walls of moisture-resistant OSB plates.

Very often, the arbors are finished with their own hands and siding or "block house" panels. It must be said that the price of such a finishing material is higher, but also looks more attractive.

Arbor to the house: stages of an independent device


As for the roof, it is best to choose a flexible tile.


So, to build a gazebo in the form of a house is not very difficult, but quite expensive, if we compare with the usual structure of such a plan. However, in such a gazebo cozy and warm.

More information can be found from the video in this article.

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