Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video


How many times each of us losing the keys and how not in time they are hiding when we rush somewhere. As a rule, our keys are always scattered through the hallway or on table tops of various Tumb. But for this there is a special invention - the keystitch. Nowadays it is an important attribute of the hallway, and its design is no less important. In this article we will analyze in detail how to make a wall key with your hands.

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

Residential Keys House

So, that our keys never lose and always were in hand, we need to "build" a house for them. But first will prepare everything you need.

We will need:

  • plywood (you can take fiberboard);
  • Acrylic paint and spray can;
  • veil;
  • fabric and paper napkins;
  • PVA glue, which is divorced by water (proportion one to one);
  • Tassels;
  • loops;
  • small hooks;
  • sandpaper;
  • Lobzik;
  • Hammer with nails (nails better to take "shoal").

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

After you prepare everything on the list, you need to design a house on paper. It is necessary to do it without scale, that is, in the amount in which you want to see the house. Usually, the same sizes are used for the key, for example, 40 by 30 cm. When your project is ready, cut it out and attach to the DVP, with the help of jigsaw, cut the part. As a rule, the square is initially cut down, and then the house itself form.

Do not forget about the side walls and roof. They should be with such a calculation so that the depth of the keystone is about 10-11 cm. Be sure to pass all the edges of the workpiece so that they are all smooth. Using nails, pick up the details of the house.

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Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

If you do not want to complicate the process, you can search for a suitable box and then add a roof and door to it, but even with such a workpiece will have to be tinted to polish it well. The entire surface of our house is processing acrylic paint. Color Choose the one that you will like most. From the napkins, cut out the fragment you like and move it to the keyproof.

In childhood, we often translated stickers, here the technique does not change. Put the napkin fragment face down, on the decorated surface. Then wake the entire surface of the PVA glue, which is divorced with water.

This procedure resembles a decoupage. With this technique, you can reap all surfaces, except for the back wall.

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

After the decor, it remains for small - to screw the loops for the door and hang hooks. Be sure to think about how your product will be mounted on the wall and, based on this, consider fasteners for the rear wall. This process is very interesting and has no boundaries, you can make literally miniature work - make the roof asymmetric, to build a chimney, make a small lock on the door.

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

If you do not like the decoupage or you do not bother with him, you can stay on the classics, just cover the whole house with varnish to give a shine tree. For creative people, it will be appropriate to paint the key to the paints. You can paint in the style of rainbow or make an inspiring phrase. After all, with this attribute of the hallway you will encounter every day, you see that you will read the words that you inspire you, will be very cool. This master class you can do a big and friendly company, for example, men make the basis, and beautiful half with children decorated it. Work time takes no more than 2.5 hours.

From the subwoofers

To store keys it is not necessary to build a whole house, sufficiently remedies, and in this section we will show you which one.

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Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

The first option for storing keys will serve as a simple wooden plank. Provide ordinary twigs and swirls to it (you can use a plank on which small twigs grow). Just get sled to her and cover it with a varnish. The most important thing is that the tree is not dry, and the twigs were able to withstand the severity of your bundle with keys.

The second option will serve Borovik - this is a common dried mushroom. As a rule, they are very durable and long-term. Do not forget about kitchenware, as bent spoons and plugs will serve a great keys holder.

Wall keyword with your own hands in the form of a house: master class with video

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