Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class


Seeing products made in the form of carved laces of simple paper, you will never say that such beauty is easy to create with your own hands. Master the openwork cutting out of paper, the schemes of which are also provided, maybe each. This kind of needlework is also called paper graphics, silhouette cut, but the essence is one, it is always a solid drawing on a monophonic background. There are two main directions: cutting with knife and scissors. For beginners when creating patterns from paper, tremendous patience will be required, perfection and desire.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

You can apply this interesting technique not only to create postcards, panel, but also to decorate the interior. Typically make products from white or black paper, but other shades will also look good. Openwork cutting out of paper can be both flat and volumetric. So, using silhouette cutting equipment, you can make such fabulous things: decorations for windows, snowflakes, postcards, napkins and much more.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

What materials and tools will be needed to learn openwork cutting out of paper? In fact, nothing special and expensive need. You will need:

  • printed schemes (invented independently or finished);
  • White sheets (can be different) color;
  • Make-up (stationery) knife;
  • Tablet, a regular board or a piece of dense cardboard, on which you will cut;
  • nail scissors.

As can be seen, we need ordinary office stationery.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Consider a master class on openwork cutting out of paper, which will help you master this interesting art.

When all tools and materials are prepared, you can start work. Most often, patterns are cut on a sheet of paper, which is composed in a certain way. Intenitious patterned Christmas snowflakes in childhood cut out almost everyone. But in this way, you can still make a frame for a mirror or a table for a table. Very napkin or frame, made by the sample in the photo below:

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Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Step-by-step job description:

  • We take a sheet of white paper and fold it.
  • With the help of tracing, we translate the contour of the pattern to the base, circulating it twice.
  • Cut the pattern with scissors or knife.
  • Expand the product very carefully and join the flap of the iron through another sheet.
  • We put the openwork napkin on the color cardboard or paper and glue. Watch that the glue does not leave traces.
  • If you wish, you can unite the product so that it lasts longer.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Decorate the house for the holiday

Easter holiday is one of the most beloved holidays for both Orthodox and Catholics. Many hostess traditionally prepare for him - paint eggs, bake cakes, decorate their home. We will help you in this matter. For special templates to Easter, you can make beautiful attributes and wonderful scenery. But you can show your fantasy in the technique of filigree cutting and come up with your options.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

One of the main characters of this holiday is eggs. Usually, the hostesses are painted natural eggs or decorative, for example, from wood. But you can easily make openwork eggs with your own hands. To do this, just need to translate the pattern using a copy paper or tracing paper, cut and glue and gently glue. It is better to glue from the center first to one end, then to another. During operation, it is necessary to give glue to dry, before we take for the next seam, otherwise it may disperse. Put ready-made eggs in a patterned basket, and a fabulous composition will be!

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

In this way, you can also make greeting cards for Easter, decorated gift bags and boxes, decorate the windows. Eggs are used even as a festive garland, connecting them among themselves. Inspiration and fantasy will help make a unique holiday of Light Easter.

For new year

The holiday of the New Year loves both children and adults. Everyone wants to create houses a New Year's fairy tale and plunge into a wonderful atmosphere of magic. Nowadays, New Year's decorations are not only balls on the Christmas tree and garlands, and a lot of other wonderful things for the festive decoration of your house. Our tips will help you in uniquely prepare for this wonderful holiday. One of the most traditional ways to decorate the room is a decoration with paper snowflakes. They can be made, for example, such.

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Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

Usually they are glued on the windows, doors of cabinets, shelves, walls. Some make garlands from them and have a Christmas tree.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

So that you have beautiful openwork paper snowflakes, cutting schemes are better taken ready.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

The main thing in the work is to properly fold the sheet of paper to apply template. Each snowflake consists of a repeating circle of the pattern. Billets are usually for 1/6 and 1/12 of part. You can fold the part based on the already cut circle or any sheet, which first need to cut to the square, and then fold or, on the contrary, the bends are first performed, and after the shape of the circle sector is cut.

Openwork cutting out of paper: Schemes for beginners with master class

In addition to wonderful snowflakes, you can use the outtasis of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, snowman, bells, christmas balls and many others.

Beautifully look at such openwork templates New Year, composition of paper:

So, you learned more about what is an openwork cutting out of paper with your own hands. Do creative and success to you in creating beautiful decors!

We offer several inspirational videos that will most clearly show the art of openwork cutting.

Video on the topic

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