Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials


The arrangement of a private house or cottage often consists in repairing or bringing into the proper appearance of only a residential building. However, for a normal rest, many nuances, such as a cozy and comfortable gazebo, should be thought out in its own area. Garden picnic gazes can have different shapes and sizes, can be made of various materials.

Of course, among all this diversity there are also those made manually, that is, on their own.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Building for 6 faces of timber

Stages of the device

If it was decided to make a gazebo with your own hands, then the best material than the tree is not found. It is convenient to work with him, and the price is lower than the same metal profile. All technology implies the execution of several stages.

However, before considering them, it should be decided on the type of such structure in terms of its mobility:

  • Will the gazebo be constantly standing in one place;
  • Or she will be seasonal.

Consider the case when the picnic gazes are made on an ongoing basis.

In this case, the list of all stages will have the following form:

  • The construction of the foundation;
  • Lower strapping device;
  • Installation of support pillars;
  • Upper strapping device;
  • Installation of roof frame;
  • Roofing roofing;
  • Some other works.

Construction of foundation

The foundation for such a lightweight structure, as a gazebo, can be small enough. It is excellent with a ribbon with a height of the taming part not more than 20 cm.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Foundation of bricks for hexagon

The construction of the foundation can be described in the following steps:

  • Digging trench . It should be a little wider thickness of the selected material. If the timber is chosen 10 * 5 and, and it will fit on the edge, the tape must have a minimum width of about 10 cm. The depth must be about 30-40 cm, that is, about 10-20 cm on the subferences from rubble and sand, and 20 see on concrete;
  • Production of formwork . It is better to do from the board.


If the foundation does not rise above the soil, then the formwork can not be set.

  • Failure of rubble and sand , as well as its subsequent leveling and sealing;
  • Pouring concrete.

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After that, you need to give a foundation a little dry, on what is required from 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on weather conditions.

Device of the bottom strapping

In the event that it is planned to make a gazebo of the usual form by 6 faces, then the lower strapping is a bonded log. Such logs will be only 5, since the sixth edge is used as an entrance door, so it is not appropriate to lay the log in the form of a threshold.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Clutch of brusons and pillars in the bottom strapping

Bruses are cut into each other in any way, for example, in Polbrevna, and are additionally sealed or simple nails. Since the faces of only 6, then in relation to each other, the brows must lie at an angle of 120 degrees.

Installing columns

We must immediately say that poles can be installed in many ways:

  • Swinging and concreting them to the foundation;
  • Way to produce them on the foundation and attachment to the strapping;
  • Other methods.

Since we began to consider the gazebo, made in the form of a frame with a strapping, then the pillars in this case must be put on the foundation.

The pillars are put in the corners and are attached to the bars of the lower strapping. You can use big nails for attachment. To give a greater rigidity, metal corners are used, which are fixed with a pillar on both sides.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Poles can be temporary strips


In order for the arbor, it was easy to collect and disassemble, all items should be attached using bolts and nuts.

This also applies to the pillars, and walls, and strapping. For such an attachment, the holes of the desired diameter are drilled.

Upper strapping device

The upper strapping is performed precisely by the same principle as the bottom. Only for it you can choose a material with smaller sizes. Below we will look at what elements which material is needed.

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Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Option of the top node, where the brows are nailed from the side of the columns

The upper node is intended to bind to the poles among themselves and create a roof support.

Bold all the elements of the upper strapping can be the same nails or bolts.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

The photo shows the upper knot, where the vessels lie on the pillars

Montage of roof frame and coating with its roofing material

The roof frame is made with a six-tag, that is, by the number of facets of the arbor. The rafters are put on top of the arbor pillars and are fixed with corners to the strapping and nails and brackets to the columns.

From above, all the rafters are collected at one point and fasten together. You can do this with the help of nails, screws and ordinary shine. Tire rafters are wrapped in 2-3 times. At the same time, the shine is attached to nails to each rafyl.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

One of the embodiments of the rafters

On the rafters fasten the boards of the crate.

The roofing material is laid on these boards. It is best to use a flexible tile or rubber slate - Ondulin. Such material and secure easily, and its weight will have a small pressure on the entire design.

Other works

At the previous stage, the garden gazebo is ready. However, you need to put furniture in it and make walls.

As a rule, the walls are made of timber, which is installed crosswise between each two pillars. Such a design performs not only aesthetic function, but also increases the rigidity of the entire structure.

Picnic gazebo: Stages of the device and necessary materials

Paul and shops

The gazebo can be crushed by polycarbonate, or cover with a cloth. For this purpose, a special awning can be used, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

It must be said that there can also be purchased entirely by the entire gazebo, including the framework.

Required Material

So, the instruction on the device arbor suggests the presence of the following material:
  • Cement, sand, crushed stone for foundation;
  • Bruses 10 by 5 cm for upper and lower strapping;
  • Bruses 10 10 cm for pillars;
  • Boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm for the crate;
  • Roofing material;
  • Fastening elements.

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As you can see, make your own gazebo or Altank for rest is not difficult. Not only wood, but also metal profile, metal pipes and other material can be used as a frame for a frame.

More information on this issue will help you learn the video in this article.

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