Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions


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  • Children's bed: its size and dimensions
  • Bed change in children's
  • Celebration of baby beds in size
    • Cots from 0 to 3 years
    • Potted cots
      • Manufacturers and models of adhesive beds
    • Bed-playpen for a child up to 3 years
    • Bed transformer
    • Children's bed for preschooler and schoolboy
    • Bed teenager and its size
    • Child bed size selection

    The bed is a place where the child spends a significant part of his life. Depending on age, the bed is busy from a third to half of daily time. Here he sleeps, plays, resting, communicates with friends and parents, sometimes brings here food, reads books, watching TV. The right choice of bed provides a child and comfort.

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    When choosing a bed for a child, it is necessary to take into account its gender and age.

    To purchase suitable in all parameters of the bed, it is necessary to choose a suitable design, manufacturing material and, most importantly, dimensions.

    A suitable combination of the species, material and sizes allows you to make a children's sleeping place cozy and comfortable. A comfortable children's bed with a sleeping area of ​​the desired size forms a sensation of the house, calm and security.

    Children's bed: its size and dimensions

    Psychologists and pediatricians advise to pick up the size of the bedroom in accordance with the growth. The length of the adult is +30 cm. For a child, the length is calculated with a large margin: the growth of the child + 20-25 cm on each side (from the head to the head and from the legs to the lower edge of the bed). Too small bed or the inner space "Üpritk" will be inconvenient, because the child will have to sleep in a forced pose, in the morning it will not relax as it should, and during the day it will be irritable. Large sun beds seem to be uncomfortable, sometimes causes a feeling of fears and anxiety. In a wide long bed, you can sleep next to your parents, then the baby will be calm, and on a large adult sofa, the child often turns for a long time and cannot sleep.

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 1. Bed cradle fit newborn children who can not sit and get up. For more adults she is unsafe.

    According to the requirements of the GOST, the sizes of children's beds are governed as follows:

    • Cots for baby up to 3 years old: the box should be 120 × 60 cm, and the maximum height of the side walls should not exceed 95 cm. The lower position of the bed is limited to 30 cm, the top is 50 cm. Furniture sizes are often increased by 5- 10 cm in width and length;
    • Children's beds of preschoolers: The recommended length size is 140 cm, the width is 60 cm, the height of the floor of the floor is 30 cm;
    • Children's bed for a schoolboy: Length 160 cm, width 80 cm, Lodge height 40 cm;
    • Teenage bed: Length 180 cm, width 90 cm, Lodge height 50 cm.

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    Bed change in children's

    From birth to 18 years old, when a person ceases to be a child, in the bedroom traditionally replaced at least three beds. The first baby baby bed has protective sides. As you grow up, growing and acquiring certain skills in sides, some sticks are cleaned to enable the baby on self-independent getting out of his "house". After, to two years, the front side is removed, the crib becomes like a children's sofa. After three years, the child grows up to the back and headboard, the time comes to change the bedroom furniture and purchase the second bed. To put the child at once, the teenage sofa will be ridiculous, so the furniture complex of medium sizes is acquired, which can serve for about 10 years.

    With the beginning of adolescence comes the time of the next acquisition. A teenage bed of adult sizes appears in the son or daughter's room, or a furniture complex without children's designer decorations, designed in the style of "everything like an adult, and even better."

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    Celebration of baby beds in size

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo №2. Power cots will facilitate parents of night care for the child.

    The internal dimensions of children's beds determine their external dimensions. As the cost of the bed significantly exceeds the price of the wardrobe items, it is not purchased for one season, as often happens with clothes for a child. Most often, the furniture for sleep has a certain size corresponds to the raising age of 3-4 years. For example, a crib from birth to 2 years old, or from 3 to 6 years. Below is a review of the main furniture categories that distinguish children's beds in the age of children on which they are calculated, and according to the appropriate age size.

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    Cots from 0 to 3 years

    Sometimes the upper age of this category is shifted for the year younger, and then marked the age of the kid, for which the bed is intended, ranges from 0 to 2 years.

    For this age, three types of beds are designed and manufactured:

    • cradle;
    • Manege;
    • Potted beds.

    The crackers are the smallest cribs, their sizes involve the use of them until six months (see photo 1). At the age of 4 months, the child is actively turning over, and after 5 months it is successfully grasped on board with handles and begins to sit down. Sleeping in the cradle kid after waking up can try to show activity in search of a mother, which in the kitchen prepares lunch, and fall out of the lulent design. Therefore, crackers are best useful to three months. The dimensions of the width of width are from 30 to 45 cm, in length they reach 65-90 cm. The sleeping place is located at an altitude of 50-70 cm (depending on the fancy of the manufacturers).

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    Potted cots

    Power beds are available in several dimensional groups. For babies from birth to 9 months, there are dotted beds with dimensions of about 90 × 60 cm and 90 × 55 cm. If you add a side side of the side structure, the width of the scene will decrease from 55 to 40 cm. More universal dotted model with dimensions 120 × 60 cm The baby can sleep up to 2 years old. The overall height of the flooring of the floor is about 80 cm.

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 3. When a child "grows out of an appal bed," it can be used as a table for a baby or a seating for arms.

    Internal dimensions and external dimensions from various manufacturers may differ by 5-10 cm. The height of the bed location in such crots is smoothly adjusted under the height of the parent sofa and varies from 30 to 50 cm. Movement of the horizontal plane is carried out by vertical support guides, they are fixed on them. special attachments (see photo 2). As a rule, the kit also includes mounts for connecting to the parent bed. Additionally, such models are equipped with wheels for easy movement and retainers to prevent spontaneous rollbacks.

    An additional side is included in the installation of an appropriate model, if necessary, it is installed and use the crib as a separate safe bed for infants. The advantages of this design:

    • Comfort for the child: the kid calmly sleeps at night (mom nearby);
    • Comfort for Mom: For night feeding, you do not need to get up from bed. At night, the baby melted at night can be quickly calmed, stroke without getting out of bed;
    • Psychological comfort for mom and baby: in the first year of life for the normal development of the psyche and strengthening the health of the baby, the mother should be near, a bodily contact is necessary;
    • Comfort for the Pope: there is no need to move to the floor in those nights when the child climbs and sleeps badly;
    • Comfort for the whole family: adults and the child are poured.

    The only disadvantage of adhesive beds is their relatively quick way out. After a year and a half, such a design is often unclaimed. In this case, it can be passed to the commission, leave for the next child or use as a table for three years or seats in the hallway to arrange the whole family. The control of the level of the horizontal plane allows you to use the appropriate piece of furniture differently (see photo 3).

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    Manufacturers and models of adhesive beds

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 4. The Bed Manege allows the child to "train" - to get up, holding the baby, and the mother can do homemade at this time, without worrying for the safety of the baby.

    Below are some manufacturers of appropriate beds, models and dimensions of the furniture:

    • Miracle: 47 × 86 cm mattresses sizes;
    • BabyBay (German Tobi manufacturer): The size of the bedway is 86 × 43 or 94 × 51 cm;
    • Fabimax: Standard internal dimensions, 90 × 45 cm;
    • Multi-Bed, the downtime is available in two versions: 45 × 80 cm (standard for children from birth to year) and 55 × 100 cm (maxi for age up to one and a half years old);
    • Factory "Red Star": 85 × 45 cm (small downtime for age to six months);
    • BedNest: The model of the European manufacturer with dimensions of 86 × 47 cm is folded and placed in a separate handbag, convenient for movements with a baby on vacation or to visit relatives;
    • Cullabelly: Italian Cot 81 × 38 cm, base - natural wood covered with fabric cover;
    • Roba: Also german detached beds, their dimensions are increased, and the size of the mattress is 120 × 60 cm. The peculiarity of such a bed is that the bottom is fixed in the lower position almost at the floor surface - especially for kids who learn to get up on legs.

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    Bed-playpen for a child up to 3 years

    This design of the bed is limited to four sides with lattice walls and has several (more often two) the level of the horizontal surface for sleep. The high location of the bottom (50 cm from the floor) is convenient for the age of a newborn baby (1-3 months). In terms of the level of development, the kid can not get out of the crib or fall out on the floor, and the mother is comfortably shallowly tilted to the infant. When a child begins to grab his hands behind the sticks and sit down, the layer level is lowered up to 30 cm from the floor, while the height of the sides rises to 60-65 cm. Through such a height of the side the child will be able to climb only 2-3 years. For the racks, located every 6-10 cm, it is convenient to grab, such a bed becomes the first simulator for learning to get up on the legs and a playpen for seating games (see photo 4).

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 5. The transformer bed allows you to gradually increase the sleeping place along the growth of the child.

    Such a children's bed has a sleeve size of 60 × 120 cm, while its dimensions occupy 70 × 140 cm. The height of such models is 100-110 cm.

    Additionally, the design of sleeping playpen is equipped with linen boxes located above the floor. For the indication, the lower supports are performed as small arcs bent down. One of the sides can be removed, in this case (if the height of the bottom of the bed and adult sofa matches), it turns out an appropriate model for a newborn or an option of a separate sofa for a matured child.

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    Bed transformer

    An interesting design will be a transforming bed that initially is a model with a lattice front side and a built-in wardrobe. For a stupid child, the chest of dresser from the indoor space is rearranged out and installed next to the children's bed. In this case, the built-in furniture can be transformed into the table, a bedside table of several boxes or a single door bedside table. This design is a whole furniture complex (see photo 5).

    Bed sizes Domestic manufacturers are changed from 120 × 60 cm to 170 × 60 cm. The standard width remains unchanged (60 cm), and the length increases (more often to 170 cm). The headboard for the older child is lowered. Such transformations allow you to use the changed bed to 10-12 years.

    General dimensions of such a model assembly when the bedside tables are built into the inner space, are 175-180 cm in length, 65-70 cm long and 100-110 cm in height.

    European manufacturers produce transformers with slightly increased dimensions (plus 10 cm in length and width). Sleeping place for a grudge child in European models takes 180 × 70 cm.

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    Children's bed for preschooler and schoolboy

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 6. Preschool children have their own hobbies, so prefer original beds in the form of cars or ships, as well as their favorite heroes.

    Furniture for night sleep schoolchildren and preschooler will be different from the design of an adult bed coloring, decoring and sizes. In the bed of the preschooler, sharp corners are cleaned and bright colors are used. Models can be made in the form of a machine, a carriage for a princess with a canopy or a pirate ship (see photo 6). At this age, the attic beds are becoming popular, equipped with cabinets, drawers and tables, but also equipped with an attached sports corner. You can climb such a bed onto the second floor of such a bed in a Swedish ladder or rope, it is comfortable to go down with it comfortably on a hill or side wall with leg holes. The size of the bedroom in beds for preschoolers should be 150 × 75 cm. External dimensions will be determined by the size of the simulation of the machine, the ship, a hanging cavity or a sports corner.

    The furniture complex is usually calculated on a wide raising age about 6-10 years old, that is, for a preschooler and a schoolchildren at the same time. The dimensions of the occupied area of ​​the children's complex assemble are about 150 cm in the height, the height of the bedroom location of the preschooler and a schoolboy in a bed-attic can be about 130 cm. When installing the "attic" need to know the recommendation of psychologists: over the head of the sleeping child should be at least 70 cm free space. The size of the sleeping place for a schoolboy is 170 × 70 cm, respectively, external dimensions with a compact arrangement of built-in furniture will occupy about 180 × 80 cm area.

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    Bed teenager and its size

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 7. The bed furniture complex helps to save space, as it combines a bed, a wardrobe, a desk.

    A bag for a teenager has almost adult sizes, may contain small decorations characteristic of age. The length of the teenage bed (190 cm) corresponds to the length of an adult sofa. For people with growth above 180 cm, these beds, of course, are small, they need to make furniture to order. Dimensions of teenage furniture for sleep can reach 2 m in length and 80 cm in width, if it's just a bed, and the widths of about 110 cm for the bed furniture complex. The overall height of the complex reaches 180 cm if the height of the inner space of the bedroom is allowed (see photo 7).

    Private beds for almost adult children are a adult bed. The width of the adolescent bedroom can be minimal (75 cm), ordinary (90 cm) - this size corresponds to the one-and-and-half size of an adult sofa. European models for sleeping adolescents are performed expanded to 100 cm, it is relevant for those who often turn into a dream and as a whole sleeps restlessly. It is less common to dual size of a teenage bed - 120 cm.

    Children's bed, bed sizes and external dimensions

    Photo number 8. In bed boxes, you can store things, then the wardrobe will not need a wardrobe.

    The drawers of the drawer, located under the horizontal base, will take a little more space, but at the same time save part of the space. The number of rows of boxes can be increased to 3-4, then the height of the bed will rise to the height of the retractable chest under it. It can be placed in it a significant part of things: bed, clothing, seasonal shoes.

    The size of the bed for a teen in height can be 45 cm, if it is a simple model on the legs without additional boxes, and 80-90 cm for the design with the rows of advanced shelves embedded in the bottom (see photo 8).

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    Child bed size selection

    Choosing the dimensions of the furniture, take into account today's height of the child, the speed of its growth and the possibility of the family budget. If you wish and sufficient funds, you can change the baby's bed every two years, acquiring a new interesting model and removing the old one, boning. In this case, there is no need to purchase a sleeping place with the size "on the grown". For 1-2 years, the child will grow by 10-20 cm.

    Most often, the bed is purchased for 4-5 years, sometimes for 10 or 12 years. Then it is necessary to take into account that the growth rate of the kid from one to three years can be 10 cm, and the preschooler and schoolchildren - 5-6 cm per year. In the adolescence, jumps are again possible when the growth of the son or daughter per year reaches her mother or daddy, and maybe to overtake it. In such cases, do not do without a reliable growth stock.

    The right choice of children's furniture is determined by a comfortable stay, normal growth and development of the child.

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