Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video


The magnificent element of the dress decor can be considered a flower of fabric. It is able to transform your appearance and add a touch of mystery and charm. Having learned to make flowers on a dress made of fabric with your own hands, you will create a unique image. Create this decor element will help you master classes with photos provided in this article.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

History of the web

The fabric appeared before our era. People did it from the natural materials available then - wool, silk thread, flax and cotton.

Woolen canvas created using wool and animal fluff. At first, the thread was severed, then the fabrics from it canvas. This material was based on clothes of our ancestors who needed to survive in difficult conditions.

Silk threads were mined by Chinese masters of cocoons of a tute silkworm. The legend says that the Chinese princess once dropped a cocoon in hot water, and he broke up to the finest threads. Scientists of many countries were engaged in the creation of silk fabric, but they could not solve him. The Chinese have protected their secrecy for a long time until silkoplar cocoons have been penetrated into other countries.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flax was cultivated in ancient Egypt. The masters of a weaving business created the finest Muslin, which was a favorite material for tailoring clothes of rich venel. Crusades helped to spread this remarkable tissue on the territory of the Mediterranean.

Ancient Greek Veson is a cloth made of cotton, thoroughly tilt and added to the use of natural dyes. The clothes of the ancient kings and their latest decorations that were found during the excavations were created from this tissue.

With the advent of manufactory, the fabric ceased to be something deficient. Materials for its production began to grow everywhere. Only the Chinese with dignity carried through the time the process of creating silk fabric. China and India to this day are famous for the quality and luxury of this material. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists have developed the first artificial fibers that began to be used in the production of fabric. They gave it special properties, such as elasticity.

Going to the store where the matter is sold, you can see a wide range of different textures and coloring of fabrics.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Artificial floristics

Creating artificial colors is a whole science. Simple flowers that can be decorated with a liberty dress do not require special time and materials. Even novice masters will be cope with them. But the flowers, the most similar to the real, require painstaking work. They are able to become a magnificent addition to the wedding dress or enter the bouquet of the bride.

A bouquet-dubler, created from fabric flowers, will not start and will not lose its appearance and help keep memories of the very happy day.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

For the manufacture of such colors you will need:

  • Pattern. It is most often removed by disobeying a real flower on separate petals;
  • The cloth. It is better to choose thin fabrics - satin, tightness, chiffon, silk, atlas, organza;
  • Bully. This tool can be purchased in the store of goods for creativity and needlework. Bulds are balls of different diameters, fortified on the handle. A spherical shape will help imitate natural bends of flower petal;
  • Aniline dyes for fabric are needed to tint petals, thereby giving them a natural look;
  • Scissors, blade for lining the edge of the petal, awl, glue, tweezers;
  • Burner. Heat treatment fabric easily accepts and retains the specified form;
  • Decorative elements - pestles, stamens;
  • Rubber pad. In it, petal is pressed and give him a form.

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Now let's see how to make a flower. More tools listed above may not be needed. The simplest flowers can be made on the basis of small circles of different diameters.

Note! The more layers of the fabric you will take during work, the more magnificent will be the finished product.

Prepare several circles from your chosen fabric. The fabric needs to open correctly, this is "on oblique". For transfer of patterns, simple pencils do not use, because Graphite flashes and dirting matter. Use a colored ballpoint handle. Cut the cut slightly below the circuit.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Using a burner or a candle, placing the edges of the blanks. The process is shown in the photo.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Followable parts Connect the thread.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

In the center of the flower you need to make stamens. To do this, use purchased decorative elements or make them yourself.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Similarly, a lush rosette is made. It is based on circular petals of different diameters.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Petals are processed by bleb.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

If you want to decorate the dress of the brook, make a felt liner and strengthen the necessary accessories on it.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

These simple flowers will become an excellent decor as a wedding and everyday dress.

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Simple ideas

Let us turn to simpler, but no less beautiful flowers from the fabric. The process of their manufacture is so simple that even does not require additional clarification. So, look carefully on the photo inhibition.


Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Chamomiles and chrysanthemums

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video


Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video


Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Fantasy flowers

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Flowers on a dress made of fabric with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Using master classes, you will learn to do a beautiful decor for finishing dresses.

Video on the topic

We offer you to visually see the process of creating unique decorations in the form of flowers from the fabric.

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