How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options


The coating of the lining is finishing, which is widely used both indoors in the country and outside. This coating is simple, but it is quite reliable. It is used to decorate walls, ceiling, doors, veranda, etc. The lining is a tree, and the tree is the most eco-friendly building material. However, wood, like any other material used inside and outside the house, loses its appeal after time expiry. It is covered with dust layers, absorbs it, fades. This material is highly dependent on temperature and humidity drops. Therefore, needs protection and restoration.

Protective coatings

The coating of the solids of the lining outside and inside the house will save the drying tree, protects from destructive sunlight, dust, insects and mold. Painting will also make a periodic wet cleaning at the dacha light, preventing the impregnation of mud.

How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

The total separation of funds intended to cover the lining outside and within the house, occurs within two groups: Protective and decorative means.

Means responsible directly for protection inside are primer and impregnation. The soil is applied to fully fill the pores of wood. As a result, the best grip of paints and varnishes and their economical consumption will be provided. Special impregnation prevents rotting, fungus, drying and eating insects of wood. These means are absorbed inside the material and do not leave tracks.


Decorative substances are paints and varnishes, the assignment of which is to give the desired color of the lining and partial surface protection.

Their list is very wide. The difference between them consists in the price, manufacturer, the term of use, naturalness, use inside or outside the house and other features. From the set of these characteristics will depend on which paint or varnish you will cover the lining on your own dacha. Consider the most popular options in more detail.

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Oil paints

How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

Their advantages:

  • have the ability to repel water;
  • dry quickly;
  • Hold gloss and color brightness about 5 years.

Their disadvantages:

  • have a caustic smell;
  • the smell keeps enough long time period;
  • When working needed constant ventilation and, accordingly, warm weather conditions.

Acrylate paints

Their advantages:
  • The smell is not felt;
  • dries very quickly;
  • You can work at any air temperature.

The design of the surfaces by this type of paint is full of positive moments, the only drawback is a relatively high price.

Decorative glaze

How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

This is not a particularly common paint, the advantages of which:

  • transparency;
  • the ability to emphasize all the details of the structure;
  • Allows to dilute the color and mix it.

There is no significant flaws.

Acrylic Aqualaki.

They completely repeat the advantages of decorative glaze. There is only one drawback - they are not suitable in order to apply the floor to the floors in the house.

Opaque enamel

A distinctive feature is that enamel completely and tightly covers wood outside the house. But to achieve this density and the color is bright, you can only by overlaying three layers, one after another.


How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

Nakov in the construction services market is also a big set. At the moment you can select the following types:

  • aqueous acrylic (matte and glossy) - used exclusively for work inside the room, and not outside the house;
  • Polyurethane acrylic is used even in the solar premises, because it is not amenable to burnout - the color remains pristine;
  • Polyurethane varnish - protects the finish from ultraviolet radiation and yellowing;
  • Alkyd varnish (universal) - suitable not only for internal works, but also external;
  • Water-emulsion varnish is the best option for internal work in the house.


Before you start working with paint, the lining should be cleaned. To do this, it should be treated with a bleach. Bleachers purify the surface of the tree from all kinds of dirt, brighten the darkened areas.

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If it is not possible to choose a bleach yourself, then it is recommended to try the veil. Morilka is a special composition that does not paint the tree, but reflects the light. Thanks to this, wood does not darken over time.

The surface of the lining, processed by a bleach or veneer, should be perfectly smooth, without a single flaw. Therefore, the material must be thoroughly prepared before the installation: to open and clean the brush.

When wood becomes a flat clarified web, it can be primed and painted.

How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

It is worth being attentive when using finishing materials for lining. We must take into account that:

  • Oil paints change their color, so it is better to use a darker color;
  • The most environmentally friendly paints are considered water-based paints;
  • The most harmless option for people susceptible to allergies is to paint the surface with acrylic aqualaks;
  • In order to paint expensive lining, most of all is suitable polyurethane varnish - it emphasizes the naturalness of the tree, its texture, color;
  • To finish the pre-banker inside the house, the most suitable options are the alkyd varnish and paint antiseptic, since their validity of close to 10 years, and they also perform excellent protection of wood from characteristic mold, rot, fungus;
  • Cases of pine can be painted without using the antiseptic, but the oil paint is recommended;
  • To cover the car ceiling, the most suitable means is aqualak;
  • Oil paints do not allow the tree to "breathe", in contrast to acrylic aqualak and primers, which protect the coating from dust, moisture;
  • If you paint the surface with varnishes, a light film is formed, and if the paint is dense;
  • Morida does not prevent the wall rejection;
  • To process the inside of the room, you should not use Olif, as its smell is bad effect on well-being, and wood is significantly dark with time;
  • Color the cutting substances the lining is needed on both sides;
  • The surface of the paint in the newly open can be ripening the film - it is not worth mixing with the rest of the mass, it is better to produce material through a pair of a bank;
  • In order for the paint to save its quality and view in the bank, and it did not stuck the film, then on top it is worth putting paper and pour it with oil;
  • If the door is painted, and it is just necessary to close it, so that the surface does not glue, it is worth using foil - while the structure and integrity will be saved;
  • Painting should begin with the top;
  • It is recommended to have a large set of brushes - in hard-to-reach places you will need smaller tools;
  • If approached, they can be easily removed using a dry brush;
  • Hands after paint can be cleaned with solvent or vegetable oil.

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How to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage: options

If you carefully examine all the nuances, then make a good color of the lining or remove the old painting from the wall can be quite easy. The main thing to remember is that it is easier to do everything right away, having bothering to study before this theory, than to redo.

Now you know, in favor of what finish will make your choice. It will help to achieve in the premises of the most comfortable climate, warmth and feeling of unity with nature inside the house at the cottage.

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In this video, it is described how to paint a country house, the walls of which from the inside are lined with wooden lining.

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