Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video


From generation to generation, our ancestors transferred folk traditions. People believed that they would carry the strongest energy flow. Hello legends, songs were created conspiracy from diseases. All this enriches the culture and heritage of history. In this article we would like to talk to you about creating folk dolls with your own hands, show detailed master classes and tell what small dolls are needed.

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Strong Obereg

Most often, the pupa was created in the form of a guard and, perhaps, the most famous is a toy for happiness.

For our lesson, we will need:

  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • linen fabric (light shade);
  • linen pala
  • wool.

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

When you prepared everything you need, you can proceed to work. From linen fabric Cut a rectangle for legs, a square for the head and two small rectangles for shoes. A large square must be fill with cotton and tied with a red thread. Now load the angle and turn the edges to the center, tie the red thread, the handles are ready. Take large rectangles and roll into a sausage, and then bend in half, tie the thread, the legs are ready.

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

On your feet, put little rectangles with a fitted corner. Take the color tissue and sew a triangular sundress for the pupae and with the help of a thread in that dress make straps. The sundress should not close the shoes dolls. Now we will deal with the workpiece of the braid, take the linen pass, arrange and divide into two parts. One part of the firm on the forehead dolls, and turn back another. Gently put your hair and turn the braid. Our doll is ready.

This doll can be given to health and for pregnancy, also Sony will serve a toy for children.


Another famous "lady" is a doll-spring.

As a rule, she was done on Easter and suspended for a thread on her finger. The doll was created from a bright fabric and burned out after day.

To fulfill, you will need:

  • Color fabric;
  • wool;
  • scissors;
  • Threads and needles.

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Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Make blanks from colored fabric. Rectangle to create a torso. Long strip for scrolling head and colored small square for hands.

To begin with, make a head, stinging it with cotton and tangle. Put it on 2 cm below the main triangle (from which we will do torso). Generate from two sides of the edge and fold in half. Tie a finished head. Make the handles and maintain the edges so that the fabric does not work out. Ends tie out red thread. To make a sundress, take a color rectangle and fold it in half.

On the second collapse, take suns, which will serve as arrows. They are inserted under the handles, and the sundress is assembled into the folds, let it with a thread. It is necessary to make a golk on my head. It is performed very easily. Cut the triangle from a bright fabric. Pulse over the head and tie the thread. On the top of the sew neat loop. Doll is ready.

Darych to Maslnitsa

Which family does not like to celebrate Carnival. All bake pancakes and go to visit each other. On the square different walking. In this section, we will show you how to make a darke's doll, which you can give to your guests to Maslenitsa.

To make this product, we will need:

  • Multicolored fabric (white for head, colored for skirt, yellow for pancake);
  • Rogatina.

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

With the help of a white loskka, make your head, and from colored chest (you're well tying it). Cogshot ends Wrap a white cloth, then neatly spiral with a different color. Make the handles. At the top of the slingshot, make a head and attach the chest, all the elements tie. Sweep a lush skirt from a large circle and put on a doll. Cut from the colored tissue to the screech and draw a head. On top of the skirts put on the apron. From thick cardboard cut the circle and cover it with yellow cloth. Sew this circle to hand.

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Such a successful, as in the photo below, is done with the bell and is an excellent faith. Her homeland is Valdai. From a long time, there is a belief that the ringing of the bell protects people from the plague and from bad news. Code Man gives a bell, he wishes his friend of abundance, prosperity and health.

For the manufacture of this product, we will need:

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

Folk doll do it yourself from the fabric: master class with photos and video

  • Three circles of colored fabric (diameters - 25, 20, 15 cm);
  • a small segment of beautiful braid;
  • Multicolored triangle of fabric;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • wool for filling;
  • bell.

Take your cotton and tie to the bell, cover an increasingly multi-colored circle of fabric. Tie the thread. The remaining circles fold together, put on the head and impose. With the help of white squares folded diagonally, make knobs. Then the trick small cuffs to the handle. Be sure to make sure that the handles are the same size. Take the brain to the neck and secure the back. Conduct all the details and engraft to clothing products. Pupa-success is ready!

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