Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)


Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

You can easily use a balcony as part of the room - what kind of area did not have your apartment, if there is a balcony, you can easily win a few more extra square meters. The balcony is a kind of bonus that, if you combine it with a room, can easily give you extra space.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Advantages of balcony and room combining

Of course, the most important advantage, for which the balcony is often and combined with the rest of the room, there will be an expansion of the room, and the ability to additionally put something there. More advantages:

  • The area zone will be much more comfortable.
  • When selling, you can rescue for her a little more souma.
  • Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

  • The room will be lighter due to the lack of partitions.
  • Combining will become an additional highlight, which can be wondering in the designer plan.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Stages of work: how to connect a balcony and a room

The process of combining the room with a balcony includes several stages that are sufficiently important components in general.

Registration of documents for redevelopment

The very first of your task will be the design of all necessary securities and permits. It is also necessary to determine which of the restructuring options will suit you best:

  • Dismantling of the balcony unit - the door and window box are demolished.
  • Full dismantling - includes the absolute elimination of the balcony block and the windows part of the wall.

In both cases, this will be considered a redevelopment of the house, respectively, must be carried out officially, and without hiking in the right instances it is easy to do not do.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

When decide on the restructuring option, first will need to contact the builders architects to consult on all the necessary issues. A qualified specialist will be able to correctly draw and calculate all moments of redevelopment, and already with the finished sketch will need to go to the public service. There they will consider your project and ask for additional documents for registration if it is approved.

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The basic list of documents that may be needed:

  • Ownership of the apartment.
  • Written statement that you want to conduct a room for combining the room with a balcony.
  • Acts that confirm the coordination of this idea with family members and neighbors.
  • Definitions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES on the security of these works.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

It is important to pay attention to the validity of the documents, because some of them can be relevant for only a few days.

So, when our request is approved, proceed to the most interesting - redevelopment of the room and the balcony, as well as their design and design.

Balcony How often Rooms: Preparatory work

In order for our balcony to become a full part of the room, it is necessary to insulate it, in order not to have a sharp temperature difference. It is best to put double-glazed windows that will undoubtedly protect your room from the cold.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

If you have an angular room or just enough cold house - additionally use heaters.

The design of both rooms most often provides for one floor level for the balcony and room, so do not forget about this moment and turn it on to the main list of works.

Interior of the room "Room + Balcony"

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

So, the main works are completed, now it is necessary that two rooms that have become one of the whole are beautifully harmonized with each other. Each of us will be faced with some issues related to the design, so now we will try to think about their decision.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

What to do with a partition between the room and the balcony?

First question of a designer character - how to brighten the partition? Does it need it at all or better to dismantle it.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

In fact, the answer to this question you must give yourself. If you completely demolish it - the spaces in the room will be more, but there will be no sense of zoning.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Alternatively, you can leave on the sides of several centimeters of the partition, which will give a sense of zoning, and you can make a separate small room in this part (for example, to arrange a working area, or the relax zone). In the living room you can equip there a recreation corner or reading, in a nursery or bedroom - a working area, and in the kitchen - a dining room, for which in our small apartments, often just lacks the place.

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A beautiful designer decision will make the arch, which will emphasize the refinement of the room, especially if it is decorated in a classic style.

You can build there, where there was a partition - a worktop where the flowers often place or put aquarium.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Room design combined with balcony

Of course, questions will arise, in what style, color scheme and other details place the room.

In fact, simply do not exist any special requirements or rules. Everything should be issued in such a way that you can be comfortable and pleasant to be indoors.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

For starters, think, you will merge completely or still partially zonate these two rooms. Stripping from the answer, you can make them in one color scheme or slightly divide similar shades.

One of the ideas can serve as a multi-level ceilings and gender. For example, if this is a bedroom - make a podium bed, from which the steps are going to our former balcony.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

The top can be transformed using mounted ceiling and special lighting, which will emphasize one or another zones.

For design, it will be important to choose beautiful textile accessories and elements. For example, curtains and bedspreads will look good, which are echoing coloring and style.

A large green flower and a beautiful carpet will also help create a special style in the room, so see what you like more, and make your room in integrity and harmony.

Lighting on the balcony - parts of the room

A very important point, because it can solve many questions in the combined premises - this is lighting. Usually the lighting is not provided on the balconies, so it will need to be done there (because it is already part of our room).

Depending on how you use the zone of the former balcony, respectively, you need to think about which coverage there is best right.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

If this is a work area - it should be sufficient to work in a comfortable environment. Here it may be enough and the usual so lamps.

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Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

If, for example, this is a relax zone - the light can be muted, with the addition of color backlight - hang wall scaves or add backlight to furniture or decorative niches.

Do not limit yourself to one form or number of lamps, select those options that you like exactly and harmonize with the general picture of the room.

Furniture for balcony, combined with room

Furniture design for the balcony area, combined with a room, you need to pick up so that it combines with furniture in the room. An important factor here will be compactness and functionality. You can put a small sofa or baffs, together with the coffee table, and enjoy tea drinking or morning coffee without leaving the room.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

It is very convenient, because if it is a one-room apartment, you can take guests on the balcony zone, without destroying the comfort of sleeping room.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

The main advantages in choosing one or another furniture will be:

  • Ease. This means that the selected furniture should not be cumbersome, easily moved and did not take visually a lot of space.
  • Compactness. Of course, she should not take a lot of space, because we expanded the area not in order to climb it.
  • Choose it in such a way that it does not block the light in the room.
  • Aesthetics. Of course, the furniture should please the eyes and be beautifully inscribed with the overall interior.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

Balcony decor that has become part of the room

It is advisable to refresh our space and it can be beautifully done using decorative flowers or aquariums.

It will be the last stroke in the design of our combined premises and will be able to place beautiful accents in the room.

Our project is ready and you can safely set. As you can see, the union of the balcony with the room in principle carries only positive qualities in itself, because we receive not only an additional area, and many possibilities, how to use it.

Balcony as part of the room in the interior and its design (40 photos)

The only nuance will be a small load in terms of documentary permissions, but to be honest, you can spend a little time, but then you can enjoy in your converted room for a long time.

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