Corner dressing room: species, features of choice and design projects


In most cases, the angular space in the bedroom or living room remains free. But, experienced designers developed a universal scheme for placing things in small rooms. So, called the angular dressing room does not take up much space and gives a feeling of comfort and freedom in the bedroom.

A wide selection of this system of organization of space puts in a deadlock of buyers. That is why it is so important before buying a dressing room to explore the types of its planning and features. In this article, we will look at the main advantages and nuances of using corner dressing rooms in residential premises.

Corner dressing room

Is it worth choosing an angular dressing room: for and against

By its structure, the angular dressing room is a full-fledged dressing room with a necessary set of storage systems and functional properties. The main task of this type of organization is saving space in residential premises. Thus, it is possible to distinguish the main advantage of the corner wardrobe - the rational distribution of space and the lack of the need to use additional furniture items.

When the project is erected, the following scheme is taken as the project: the inner surface of the wardrobe is two angular walls (all free vertical room space is used), the facade is created separately.

Corner dressing room

The most difficult in design is an angular triangular dressing room - in this case, the center of the triangle acts as the place of storage of clothing, linen, shoes and other personal belongings. This in turn involves the formation of a closed system, as the design can occupy all the free angular space (closing the gap next to the door).

Such a designer approach is used to release the room from foreign interior items for visual expansion of space. The result will be especially noticeable if we are talking about an open storage system.

Corner Wardrobe Open Type

Although the construction of such a design and does not cause special difficulties, the cost of repair work is significantly higher than buying a classic dressing system (wardrobe, chest, chest or rods for hanging out the outerwear and everyday wardrobe items).

In the presence of initial knowledge in construction, the corner dressing room can be built with your own hands on all sorts of drawings and schemes. However, in this case, it is worth remembering that the quality and reliability of the result can be significantly worse. Also, much depends on the selected materials and possible content.

Another undoubted disadvantage of such a wardrobe is that during installation work there may be damaged the surface of the walls (traces from dowels, rigged wallpaper or paint). This problem is very serious if you are planning to move the dressing room in the future to another part of the room. Station Stationarity Many consider system advantage, but this is not always the case.

In large rooms there is a need for a variety - that is, the change of external attributes. It is possible to radically change the space of the apartment, moving the dressing room into an unusual place.

Corner wardrobe room

The main rules of the device of the corner wardrobe room

To create such a wardrobe, there is no need to highlight an additional area, a sufficiently small free plot in the hall, a bedroom or children's. If there are spacious rooms, you can recreate an integers wardrobe room with a competently planned storage system.

Experienced designers recommend adhere to certain rules when setting up a dressing room so that the cabinet and other elements do not violate the overall unity of the interior of the room. Here are just some of these rules:

  • For small angular dressing rooms, it is especially important to highlight a sufficient amount of space for dressing up. This kind of design externally presents a separate room a very modest area with uniformly spaced cabinets (better if an open organization system will be used).
  • It is impossible to imagine a hidden dressing room without powerful lighting, but many forget about this important criteria. The excellent addition will be accommodation in the built-in wardrobe room of a large number of mirrors and point lamps.
  • In the case of a minimum amount of free area, all elements of the furniture headset should be moved to a free corner or to another place to which it can be easily reached.
  • When planning a dressing room, it is necessary to consider how the shelves for storing shoes will be located in the future, place for outerwear and additional drawers where casual accessories will be.
  • To organize an angular dressing room. You will need a large amount of time and finance. However, such a solution will drastically change the design of your bedroom or living room (a very effectively closed system looks in studio apartments).

Article on the topic: Wardrobe arrangement in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Wardrobe room in the corner

If you have a more spacious room (over five square meters), then you can implement the original design project. Add comfortable puffs, mirrors on legs and a dressing table will be very appropriate.

Remember that the main task of such solutions is a competent and easy-to-use device of compartment and shoes.

Arrangement of corner dressing room

Wardrobe Design Projects

The most common design of the corner wardrobe is the location of several metal struts, racks and drawers around the perimeter of the room. Over time, such a system of organizing free space began to call Loft. To accommodate a large number of items of the wardrobe between the racks, the shelves, special boards and rods are installed.

Corner Wardrobe in Loft style

Simplicity of attachment and the presence of various holders allows you to change the height, depending on the personal preferences of the owner. The photo below shows the example of the loft style room. The cost of this design is relatively low.

Please note that when using high-quality reliable elements, install the sections and the design itself can be on any kind of walls (even on the designs of plasterboard).

Open angular dressing room

Bow-buzzers are used to design a spacious room for changing clothes. Rods are attached to the canvas with hangers, shelves and dressers. However, to create such a system, very strong walls are needed, since a strong mechanical impact will constantly be directed.

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

As the basis of the design, racks and special fastenings on the back of the wall are standing. This is an excellent option for large bedrooms, because with it you can originally zonate space.

If you are going to restore the example shown in the photo example, remember that there should be a clearance of at least 3 cm between the wall and panels (it is also necessary to take into account the height of the floor sections to the ceiling).

Wardrobe Boazeri

Cabinet furniture can be an excellent complement to the internal design of the dressing room. Externally, such a system will resemble a large-sized cabinet without doors. The central space will take the shelves and walls between them. The disadvantage of such designs is the creation of an expensive frame.

Corner carcinal dressing

For small rooms, the corner wardrobe is suitable, which, with proper placement and filling, can become an ideal wardrobe replacement.

Important! When choosing cabinet furniture, pay special attention to the quality of the material and its operational characteristics, check the goods for external damage and dents.

Corner wardrobe

Whatever design project you choose, a high-quality ventilation system must be present in the dressing room, as well as bright lighting. Otherwise, the humidity of the air will increase in the apartment, there will be an unpleasant smell, and that mold or fungus can begin to develop worse.

Corner wardrobe

On video: Design and size of a wardrobe.

Types of wardrobe

Most buyers, coming to the construction company, think that the corner wardrobe has only one constructive appearance. However, this is not so. This system is divided into several species, each of which deserves close attention. Like any design, the proposed storage schemes have both advantages and disadvantages of use.

Article on the topic: What is the wardrobe to choose: species and structural features


But the photo below shows an example of a trapezoidal storage system of shoes, upper and casual wear, as well as accessories and decor elements. The shape of the trapezium allows you to optimally distribute the space of the bedroom and make it proportions are more rational. The construction of such a design involves the creation of an additional wall due to one of the corner walls, and the subsequent attachment of transference with the doors.

Trapezoidal angular dressing room

It is important that the angle of inclination is gentle - it will enable to place the retractable racks, drawers and shelves in the same order. It is very problematic to build such a dressing room with your own hands, so we recommend to seek help from specialists and do not save on the quality of materials.


A feature of such a form of a dressing room is that it is placed along two walls of the room. Due to the good capacity and ease of operation, this model is especially popular among Russian residents. As for the internal design of space, then there is a uniform arrangement of shelves, rods with hangers and other elements. Thus, the room accommodates different storage systems.

M-shaped dressing room

Doors are often choosing either swing, or a coupe - the last option is more convenient and occupies a minimum of space. Although this system has many advantages, the cause of refusal to such a designer idea is the lack of sufficient free area for fitting things.

M-shaped dressing room


The design of the five-colored dressing room design relatively simple in execution, if you wish, you can independently make a scheme of such a planning. Below in the photo presents a classic version of this kind of design. As can be seen, it has a rather big dimensions, because at the expense of the features of the form somewhat moves forward. Thus, inside the room is enough space and for the placement of things and for the fitting zone. And the premises itself acquires the original appearance and logical completeness.

Five-colored angular dressing room

Remember that such a system is suitable only for spacious bedrooms in country houses or cottages. In the case of a two-room apartment, it will look inappropriate and only further reduces the level of comfort.

Corner dressing room


Wardrobe triangular configuration perfectly fit into the interior small bedroom, living room or hallway. It has a compact look, does not clutch the room and contributes to the optimal saving of free space. We also want to note that this is the most unusual form of a wardrobe, which overnight transform residential space.

Triangular angular dressing room

The functional properties of such a design are at a high level, and the external characteristics deserve praise. The installation of this design is carried out as follows: The angle of the room is separated from the rest of the room with a common, within which all the necessary storage systems (racks, drawers, rods and grids are placed).

A feature of the triangular scheme is the diagonal position of the doors, which visually increases the area.

Corner triangular dressing room


Round (or semicircular) Wardrobe is used to maximize space saving, which is why it is usually used in small rooms. However, its undoubted disadvantage is the complexity of installation and design. As practice shows, the cost of doors, panels and round-shaped partitions are significantly higher than standard parameters.

Semicircular angular dressing room

In the living room, the most representative will look at the semicircular wardrobe with sliding doors on roller guides. She successfully fits into any interior, and in order for it to be combined with the colors of the room, it is possible to choose consultant building materials. Rooms with side sides of 2 m are quite enough for convenient use.

Semicircular wardrobe

In the interior of the sleeping perfectly fit the semicircular design with sliding glass or wooden doors on the rollers. The main thing is to choose the appropriate shades of wardrobe, which would be harmoniously combined with a common style.

Semicircular angular dressing room

Dressing room by type

Today, the market presents a wide range of various wardrobe, differing from each other with forms, dimensions, functional and constructive features. The main difference is the specifics of the planning, the use of an angle indoor and the content of the system.

Article on the topic: Types of wardrobe storage systems and options for their equipment | +62 photos

In accordance with these parameters, the following types of wardrobe are distinguished:

  • A frame of a wardrobe is a special type of construction, the base of which is the metallic frame, combined with the walls of the house. The main advantage of similar structures can be called low cost, achieved due to the use of a small amount of materials. It should also be noted that for such dressing rooms in the bedrooms are characterized by an open storage system.

Carnation carcase

  • Dressing room padlings - relatively inexpensive design with a cumbersome system of compartments, drawers and other elements. It is great for a living room or bedroom made in a popular High-Tech style. And a wide variety of functional objects, such as shelves, racks, dressers, cabinets, make it truly indispensable in any interior.

Corner panel dressing room

  • Mesh Wardrobe - It is used as a stylized room supplement with a loft finish or high-tech. By its design, the mesh storage system resembles a frame, however, with some differences. So, instead of wooden and metal shelves, in this case, specific mesh shelves and other surfaces are used. This feature makes the wardrobe more spacious, easy and convenient in operation. If you wish, you can supplement the design with glass doors and the combined lighting system.

Corner Mesh Wardrobe

From whatever material, this storage system has been performed, it is a bulky and heavy design. However, the undoubted plus of any cabinet is high strength and reliability, as well as mobility (you can move the furniture on your own and change the interior as needed).

Designers agree that there is no only correct version of the organization of the corner wardrobe in the residential premises. You can choose any shape, size, stop the choice on the project you like or recreate your own idea.

Wardrobe in size

In conditions of accommodation in apartment buildings, many are faced with the problem of proper planning of the internal space. The dimensions of the wardrobe in the living room, hallway or bedroom play important.

Closed Wardrobe in the corner

It is also worth replacing that the corner wardrobe can be made with your own hands in a separate room (converting unnecessary pantry, an office or part of the corridor). Depending on the scale of construction, two types are isolated: an open (separate room is not used) and a closed (concrete room).

Open angular dressing room

Before you start planning a dressing room, you need to decide on the real configuration of the room. This parameter directly affects the internal content of compartments. From the rapid and convenient distribution of wardrobe items to the section depends on the practicality of the selected image.

Mini corner dressing room

The smallest size of the wardrobe must be from 1.1 to 1.5 square meters. meter. These indicators are characteristic of angular and rectangular configurations. However, the functional features of these models are different - the angular has a greater tank for the location of the necessary sections, the rectangular makes the interior more unusual and perfectly separates the space on the zone.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the wardrobe room in the corner is the optimal way to organize free space in residential premises. This option is suitable for both large and small rooms, will fit into any interior. The only thing that should be considered when choosing a design model is filling and layout (that is, the features of internal design).

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Enchantment of wardrobe in the bedroom: interesting ideas for different conditions | +84 photo

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Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

Features and advantages of corner dressing room [main types]

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