Dressing room in the hallway: design and variants of different configurations?


It is impossible to imagine a dwelling, especially if it is an apartment in a multi-storey house, without an entrance hall. Creating a common interior, do not bypass this room. The main task is to give it functionality. In some embodiments, it was possible to observe a wardrobe in the corridor. But, his appearance did not always fit into the interior, and his capacity is doubtful. One solution is the built-in wardrobe in the hallway. How to equip it?

Wardrobe system in the hallway

Wardrobe options for hallway

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the wardrobe, you need to think over all the nuances. First of all, concerns the capacity and functionality of the design. Provide not only a wardrobe, but also other elements: retractable boxes, boxes and plastic containers.

Wardrobe in the hallway

The use of the cabinet provides storage of things both everyday use and seasonal. For things constant use, easily accessible open shelves will be suitable. The space at the very top of the wardrobe is assigned to things that are used less often.

It is recommended to consider the pencil. It is perfect for placing boxes with shoes. For convenience and a common decor, a couch and mirror in full growth are added.

Wardrobe in the hallway

In addition to functionality, the appearance and location of the wardrobe in the hallway are thought out. In this case, the planning of the room plays a significant role.

With swing doors

The device is a dressing room in the corridor with swing doors suitable classic style of the interior. Its dimensions are directly dependent on how much the hallway allows. The original appearance is achieved by means of a variety of fittings.

Wardrobe in a spacious hallway

In its structure, two or three compartments are usually made in the closet. On the upper shelves you need to place low-use things. At the bottom of the tradition, shoes are placed. The middle compartment is intended for outerwear. Examples of wardrobes in the hallway are presented in the photo below. You can choose any option.

Wardrobe with swing doors

An obvious disadvantage of furniture with swing doors in the hallway is the fact that it is uncomfortable to use it in narrow corridors.

With door-coupe

One of the most popular wardrobe options today are cabinets with a door-coupe. First of all, due to the possibility of saving space. It is possible to mount them not only to the furniture box, but also directly to the ceiling.

Article on the topic: Features and advantages of corner dressing room [Main types]

Wardrobe with doors-coupe in the hallway

Place such cabinets along some kind of walls in the corridor. Dimensions directly depend on the size of the room. The advantage of the cabinets is the possibility of using them even in the most narrow rooms, but only with the only inconvenience - the depth of the cabinet will not have the standard dimensions of 0.6 m, and only 0.4 m.

Cup models for wardrobes in the hallway are diverse, which is why they got so popular.

Wardrobe coupe in the hallway

With open-type shelves

This type of dressing room will suit the corridor of small sizes. The cunning lies in the fact that open shelves visually expand the space. The disadvantage is the fact that almost all things will be in sight. This entails constant maintenance of order and purity.

Wardrobe with open-type shelves

In appearance, the wardrobe of the open type consists of vertical partitions, between which the shelves of various types are mounted. Closed boxes are permissible only at the bottom of the dressing room. In order to somehow reflect the appearance and hide from prying views of the thing, for storage use various boxes of decorative species, containers with elegant weaving and so on.

open dressing room in the hallway

Near the department, in which it is supposed to store the upper clothes and shoes, for convenience there is a couch or empty.

Open dressing room in the hallway

Closed option

The enabers of the wardrobe of the closed type directly depend on the size of the hallway. But, be that as it may, in any room you can arrange a closed storage for things. Compared to open shelves, such a type of locker room has considerable advantages. First, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that things will fall as dust, and, secondly, storing things does not require additional storage accessories.

Wardrobe closed type in the hallway

In the case when the hallway has large dimensions, in a closed wardrobe, you can arrange your small boudoir. You can position the mirror or even install the ship. But, this option should be well thought out in advance, the space is properly distributed and the functional zones are equipped.

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Additionally, in the dressing room of a closed type, the ventilation system, proper lighting and storage system is thought out.

Wardrobe room in the hallway

Corner dressing room

The angular dressing room in the hallway is a good option for premises with a minor area. In this case, if the scheme is competently thought out, a large number of things can be placed. Capacity is the main advantage of the corner storage.

Corner dressing room in the hallway

Experts advise apply modular designs: open shelves, drawers, metal rods for placing clothes on her shoulders.

Corner dressing room for hallway

Many believe that the angular dressing room is quite cumbersome. Visually, it is also perceived. To eliminate this shortage of the wizard, they resort to certain tricks - in the project it is necessary to alternate closed and open zones. You can expand the space using built-in large mirrors.

Article on the topic: Types of wardrobe storage systems and options for their equipment | +62 photos

Corner dressing room in the hallway

Wardrobe in Niche.

One of the most economical options is a dressing room in a niche entrance hall. Many corridors already have such corners that can be used to store things. It remains only to give it a stylish look. It complies with unity with the general design hallway.

Wardrobe in Niche.

Inside the niche is distributed space. For how many departments it will be divided, directly depends on its size. Next is thought out a way to closing a niche. You need to arrange the doors. They can be both swing and sliding type. The material for their manufacture is chosen at the discretion of the hosts.

Wardrobe in the niche of the hallway

On video: Wardrobe room in the hallway with their own hands.

In size of the hallway

The wardrobe dimensions for the hallways are directly dependent on the free space. They can be small, and they can be a whole room-dressing room. Consider several of their features.

Little wardrobe

In case of possession of the apartment standard sizes in which the hallway does not differ in large sizes, you can arrange a wardrobe area of ​​4-5 m2. For tenants in the amount of 2-3 people, this is quite enough. With minimal enabarits, the dressing room in the corridor decreases to the area of ​​2 m2, which by and large does not have differences from a conventional wardrobe. The main thing is rational to distribute the space.

Little wardrobe in the hallway

The main tips on the arrangement of a small wardrobe:

  • It is better to have a wall having the largest area.
  • To save space, install the door-compartment, desirable from the floor to the ceiling.
  • The inner part is filled with shelves, railings, shoes, baskets and boxes.
  • Must be monitored so that no square centimeter walked.
  • Shelves are arranged under the ceiling. For ease of use, they are stirred.

If the project of the room allows, then you can equip the corner wardrobe to the hallway. The easiest option is to burn the angle by the plasterboard by a septum, and then install the coupe. Shelves are mounted directly to the walls. This design has a triangular shape.

Corner dressing room in the hallway

We also note the easiest option - the open-style mini wardrobe. It takes a small space at the door. It consists of a minimum of elements: shelves for shoes, rails with hooks and top shelves for hats.

Open dressing room in the hallway

Large wardrobe

In the case when many free space in the hallway, a large wardrobe room is placed. For this, the plasterboard partitions build a wall and installed the door in the opening. Inside the reserved space, you can experiment and distribute the shelves, drawers and rods for hangers at your discretion.

Large dressing room in the hallway

But so that everything looks modern, it is recommended to listen to the opinion of specialists:

  • For large dressing room, several rods for storing clothes on hangers are installed. Their placement is performed at different levels.
  • The more it turns out to arrange drawers, the better. They can be arranged in another color. Recently, the device of wicker or plastic baskets is very relevant.
  • Shelves are an indispensable attribute. In the wardrobe room must be a lot.
  • To place the shoes, the compartment is removed, which in appearance is narrow and high. It is called penalties. The shelves are arranged directly in it.
  • We should not forget about the placement of ties, scarves and other accessories.
  • The wardrobe rooms are mirrors in full growth and the presence of a soft puff for convenience.

Article on the topic: How to make a dressing room from the storage room: the ideas of arrangement | +50 photo

Large dressing room in the hallway

Where to locate the built-in wardrobe

The optimal option for the price is the built-in wardrobe option. Some of its advantages over the cabinet furniture are noted:

  • reduction of elements, which significantly reduces the cost of the design and simplifies the installation;
  • Increase sustainability, so it is impossible to overtop it;
  • monolithic design, as the rear and side walls perform the elements of the dressing room;
  • The built-in wardrobe fits perfectly into any interior.

Such a wardrobe is best embedded in large niches, with their absence - the wall that has the largest area. If you allow space, you can install opposite the entrance door. In addition, in very spacious premises, the built-in wardrobe can act as a wall-partition.

Built-in wardrobe

Design Hallway with Wardrobe

Everyone wants to have a spacious hallway with a comfortable dressing room. But, not always it is real. When creating the interior, it is necessary to proceed from what is. There are several preferred vessels with a dressing room. Ideas can be viewed in the photo shown below.

Design Hallway with Wardrobe

In addition to the structure and shape of the wardrobe, their design is important, which can be complemented by the following variations:

  • Accessories, the variety of which is not decently large;
  • The presence of mirrors with different decoration;
  • A variety of backlighting: spotlights, LED backlighting and so on.

There are quite a lot of examples. They can be viewed on the Internet in the photo and, if you wish to create your own individual project. You can also refer to designers that will definitely give delivel tips.

What to take into account when choosing a dressing room and a wardrobe (2 video)

Different wardrobe options (60 photos)

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

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Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Long Corridor Design, 96 Pictures - Employer Regarding Corridor Repair Photo - Goodrzz

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

Enchantment of dressing room in the hallway: simple options and original solutions

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