Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself


Built-in wardrobes have long become guests in most apartments. They allow you to save space. You can put a wide variety of items. It does not have to be clothing or shoes. Household items or dishes can be stored here.

Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

Drawing of the built-in wardrobe.

The modern market offers many different models of built-in wardrobes. However, not all of them are distinguished by high quality assembly. In most cases, really good furniture is worth a decent money.

However, you can make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands. Today you can buy almost any material for these purposes. Construction and furniture stores often distribute everything you need. So they can be found even in the most small town. Making such a wardrobe is easy enough. This is worth talking in more detail.

Material selection: What is better?

First you need to decide on the material that is best suited for a similar cabinet. There are several basic options here. They all have a place to exist. At the same time, the person must choose the concrete material itself. Only the advantages and disadvantages of various species will be given here.


Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

Plywood is quite strong and durable, so the furniture made from it serves for many years.

Already has long been used by man in the manufacture of furniture. For the built-in closet, it will also fit. A distinctive feature of plywood serves her high strength and durability. Many elements of furniture made on its basis serve as decades. However, this material has its drawbacks with which they will have to put up during the performance of work and further operation.

The most important negative point is the complexity of processing this material. Smooth pieces should not be squeeed and easy. Often it is not recommended to work with such material. If a plywood is selected for organizing a built-in closet, then it is necessary to take care that it is cut in advance in size in the store. Only so you can exclude all misunderstandings.

Plywood has a property to flashable under the action of water or other liquid, so if the cabinet is planned to be installed in the kitchen, you should not use this whimsical material for its manufacture. In other cases, you can take the basis of it.

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Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

LDSP is pretty simple in processing and therefore has a huge demand, but he has a disadvantage - it is not the most eco-friendly material.

The material that deserves respect among many people. It is him in most cases and applies a person to arrange embedded cabinets. It is distinguished by high durability, reliability and durability. In addition, it is easy enough to process with any tool. This is an undoubted advantage and is fundamental when designing cabinets. There are no drawbacks here.

LDSP is produced in the form of huge sheets. Not always to work with them. For the seed accounts for every way to be sophisticated. However, in this case, you can provide the possibility of sawing to specialists in the store. The main thing is to prepare all the sizes in advance and write them on the leaves.


Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

The advantages of plastic are: long service life, resistance to mechanical effects, moisture resistance, heat resistance and immunity to fats, chemicals and oils.

Such material has already long entered our lives. It is not always used for the production of furniture, but sometimes even embedded cabinets make it from it. Plastic has a number of undoubted advantages that make it one of the leaders of the modern building market. It is easy enough to handle almost any tool.

It does not require any specific skills. During operation, the cabinet will easily clean. To do this, you can use the most ordinary rag moistened in water. This material is not afraid of any liquids, even aggressive. Chemical components can be used for washing. These advantages are affected by purchasing activity. Disadvantages are also noticeable. Plastic does not look so organically as natural construction and finishing materials.

Furniture shields

Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

Scheme for the formation of packages of furniture shields with a chip filling: a, b - order of operations; 1 - Metal gaskets, 2 - finishing cladding, 3-Cutting facing, 4 - shield frame, 5 - Forming frame, 6 - Filling.

They are the optimal option for making the built-in closet with their own hands. They are produced with a thickness of 18 mm.

At the same time, they are fairly easy to cut into parts, as they are not so bulky like plates of LDSP.

The perfect option is almost for any occasion of life.

Of course, they will not suit when it comes to the design of a large size of the cabinet.

Here will have to look for alternative materials.

The choice of material remains at a person. Our goal is to show their advantages.

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Required tools

  • roulette;
  • Lobzik;
  • pencil or marker;
  • screwdriver;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper

Choosing accessories and fasteners

In order for working with the closet only pleasure, it is necessary to select only high-quality fittings for him. Here we are talking about wheels, guides and handles. All these elements without any problems can be purchased today in specialized stores. The guides are chosen roller. It is worth ensuring that the rollers themselves are made of high-quality materials.

Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

Detailed closet circuit wardrobe.

It may be plastic or metal. The main thing is that the assembly is good quality. As for the handles and loops, then you can pick up any standard option. The most important thing is that their coloring and external design exactly approach the interior where the closet will have to stand.

Fasteners will be used the most diverse. Its choice directly depends on what material the built-in wardrobe will be made. You can also use self-tapping screws, but it will be necessary to take care of the acquisition of special plastic or wooden linings. They will perfectly hide all design defects.

Such linings can also be purchased in furniture stores. Wooden dowels will look good if the design is performed using furniture shields or plywood. It all depends on the material that was chosen as a basis during the manufacture of the cabinet.

Build fitted wardrobe

Independence on which material is used to manufacture the built-in closet, the principle of its construction will be the same for all cases. To begin with, it is necessary to make all the necessary markup in accordance with the drawing. This is done using a measuring and drawing tool.

Before work it is worth cleaning the place where the cabinet will be installed. Then engage in drawing markup. The most important thing is to correctly arrange the guides so that they make it easy to stick and put forward the boxes.

It is necessary to screw the aluminum profiles by means of screws to the door canvases, which must be sliced ​​in advance.

Built-in wardrobe: Montage do it yourself

Scheme assembly door wardrobe.

Before installing the rollers, it is necessary to pull out special installation screws, intended by their design. Large wheels are installed downstairs, and small at the top. So the load will be distributed evenly. After that, the screws must be tightened. Due to this, the profile and door canvas are connected.

After profiles are attached to the canvas, you need to do holes for the rollers. Immediately do this should not be done, as this may prevent far-to-assembly work.

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Now you can go to the next stage of the work, which is the installation of sliding doors. To install door guides a little effort of one person. You will have to invite yourself an assistant who will be together with you to regulate them. Otherwise, the likelihood is great that the doors will overflow.

Special adjustable supports are installed for alignment in height. Guides are attached to the ceiling, and then ready-made door canvases are inserted into them. Only after that the lower guide is installed. Now it can be safely fixed with screws.

This stage was not final, since during the execution of previous works only a naked box was obtained. It must be filled with internal content.

The internal decoration of the built-in cabinet can be diverse. Some people prefer to install modest fixed shelves in it. Some comrades make drawing lockers. It all depends on the desire of a person and its capabilities. Simple shelves are much easier to do than to equip retractable boxes. Here the main thing is to produce the correct calculations of all components.

For the arrangement of ordinary shelves, the same shield that was used for the installation of the main structure will fit. Previously inside the cabinet, it is necessary to make marking for these same shelves. Bashed them in various ways. It is best to use wooden dowels in this situation. The number of shelves can also be the most diverse. It all depends on the functional purpose of the embedded cabinet.

Some features

If we talk about drawers, then make them best of LDSP. This material is easily processed. For their arrangement, guides will need. In this case, it is roller options. They are mounted strictly in a horizontal position.

For alignment, it is best to use the level. The liquid tool should always be at home available. Retractable cabinets themselves are removed simply. For ease of use, special handles can be attached to them.

You can make a built-in wardrobe, in which there will be retractable cabinets, and ordinary shelves. In this case, it will be universal. Here it will be possible to store almost any clothes. Doors are sometimes made with glass windows. This allows you to see everything that is inside. As a result of the work, a wardrobe is obtained, which is currently very popular among the inhabitants of our country.

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