Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos


Swan has always been a symbol of beauty, grace and grace. Make a swan of plastic bottles with your own hands is easy. Although it is necessary to show abatinity, patience and spend a little time, then a beautiful swan from simple plastic bottles will be a great ornament for a garden or cottage.

This article will present a master class on the cradle, two techniques for the manufacture of swan with detailed instructions are described, which are supported by photos and video.

Here are some photos, as the swan should look like:

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

Stage creation composition

At first it is important to choose a place in the garden or at the cottage in which the swan will stand. Such an original bird is used as a football for flowers or other plants. The name of this craft is a swan of Kashpo. Stunningly spectacular and functional thing.

First technique

For crafts, materials will be required as:

  • Five-liter large plastic bottles;
  • 0.6 millimeters of iron wire;
  • Metal grid to make wings bird;
  • Putty;
  • Roller for putty;
  • White bandage;
  • Tassel.

It is necessary to cut a bottle of pressure, and bend the wire and give the look of the numbers two, make a hole in the bottle tube and paste the wire. Strengthen the design with special ceramics glue, and to be stronger inside the product, flood with stones or broken bricks. Hole fill with wet sand.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

How it works? Under the pressure of sand, the bottle should become more rounded and take the shape of the bird body.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

The workplace for working on the cradle should be closed by cellophane. At the next stage of work it is necessary to make a solution of putty. To swan it is easier to sculpt, a solution is required to do thicker. In order to make the bottom of the product, the first layer of putty should be smeared directly on cellophane.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

Put the bottle on top of the solution and neatly spatula to align layers.

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Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

The next stage is to make the bird's neck. To do this, we must begin to deceive the wire with putty. Starting from below and do it with wet hands.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

Similarly, to deceive the entire bottle with a spatula, a thick layer of two centimeters.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

To make the wings of the bird, you need to bend the grid into the shape of the wing, attach to the side of the bottle and pick up, fix the putty. Wait until the solution grabs.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

When the putty grabbed, to deceive the bird wing with a solution.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

While the wings dry, you need to deceive the bird's neck.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

During the workflow, wet the wet white bandtik.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

It is required to form the tail of the bird. To do this, part of the grid to bring at an angle of 40 degrees and hold the solution. Then hold your head and leave to dry the product for 30 minutes.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

From the bottom of the tail to make roundness at the bottom of the tail.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

Make the top of the tail in several stages.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

View of the tail from above.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

View of the tail side.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

When the harvesting for swan is ready to dry, you need to launch it, paint white paint and check.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

Lovely swan ready!

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

Second way

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

For crafts, such materials will be required:

  • White liter plastic bottles Exactly 25 pieces and one bottle of 500 milliliters;
  • Five-liter transparent bottle;
  • One light-visible bottle of plastic, volume of five liters;
  • Three meters thick wire;
  • Women's elastic tights;
  • Sinypron and corks from bottles;
  • Leske and wire;
  • Small pebbles;
  • Red fabric for beak;
  • Scotch;
  • Eye buttons.

First you need to prepare bottles. Remove the neck, corks, rings, flying out the labels. Next you need to cut the bottles, but before cutting, draw clear lines for which you cut.

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photo

There should be three details. Next to make a neck. To do this, cut the neck of the bottle of 6 identical parts, and the cone of the bottle on 8 parts. Then you need blanks for the head.

The half-liter bottle is cut, remove the neck and cork. Making cuts to a bottle cone. The first incision to do on casting seam. Next, make the beak, melt the ends of the clothespins and a clattold of a seboard two holes. Scotch and collect two halves of the clothespins. Torso swan to do with a 5 liter bottle.

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Next you need to assemble the product. Bend thick wire into two parts and skip through the wire in the bird's head. In the head, put the syntheps and drive the plugs alternately with 6-petal parts.

That should be the neck:

Swan from plastic bottles do it yourself with video and photos

To strengthen the body, you need to skip the cervical wire through the bottom of the five-liter bottle and output through the hole in the lid. To stabilize the product to fill the bottle of stones. From the ends of the fishing line make the tail. Cut and strengthen feathers with synthetic thread.

Crafts of the majestic swan ready!

Video on the topic

Light videos, how to make a wonderful swan from bottles.

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