Lighting in the apartment: new ideas? [right organization]


Light zoning has long been used in the design of residential and work premises, because the competent combination of natural and artificial light is capable of transforming any space. Lighting in the apartment requires careful preparation and compliance with certain design rules. A well-selected scheme can visually increase the area of ​​the room, hide design mistakes, and unsuccessful only aggravate the disadvantages of the interior. In this article, we will look at how to choose light sources for different rooms, as well as we will analyze modern trends in this direction.

How to organize lighting?

Lighting planning is an integral part of the repair work. To this process, it is necessary to proceed at the design design stage. The organization of light in the apartment should be started from the separation of the room into several thematic areas. In the classic version, the lighting is divided into two types: general (basic) and local.

Local lighting is designed to illuminate specific elements of the interior or a corner of the apartment, the overall roles of the key element of artificial light.

Lighting in the interior of the apartment

In turn, the local illumination is the following types: working and point. Most rooms provide for the presence of the so-called working area (kitchen table, office, children's playground). To ensure sufficient illumination, large chandeliers, lamps and sconces are used.

The dotted light is most often used as an additional element, it performs a purely decorative function.

Point lighting

Diffin place a feature of artificial light is the ability to use at any time of the day and night. By changing the color of the light zoning, it is possible to change the proportions of the room overnight and divide the room to the functional zones.

It should also be noted that the shade of light strongly affects the human perception of reality. Let us give an example: green color soothes, and yellow raises the mood. Thus, when choosing a lighting scheme in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account the functionality, safety and aesthetics of design.

Light zoning in the interior

Power standards and number of lamps

To achieve the most efficient and comfortable lighting in the interior of the apartment, we should take into account the uniform power standards and the number of lamps on the illuminated area. Thus, experts advise placing instruments with a capacity of about 70 kW for every five square meters of the room. This indicator may vary, depending on the specifics of the room. And we are talking only about central lighting, it can be supplemented with different types of decorative or point sources of light.

Light norms in different premises

After studying the basic requirements for the illumination of residential premises, you can independently calculate the required number of fixtures in the apartment. You are also entitled to use all sorts of design tips. Most often they consider the organization of electrical displacement in apartments studios.

For one-bedroom housing, the area of ​​which is 30 square meters, you need about eight lamps (one central chandelier, work lighting, three point lights, floor lamp and several sconce).

Lighting in the Studio
An example of lighting in one-room apartment

How to check the quality of light?

By receiving a chandelier or any other lighting device, first of all you need to know which lamp is used in the installation. The most common option is the incandescent lamp - it gives a bright uniform glow. However, minus such devices are a quick consumption of electricity.

Today, most companies producing lighting devices are moving to energy-saving lamps. Their cost is slightly higher, but reliability and low electromagrators are worried about buyers no less than the price.

How to choose an energy saving light bulb

There is one simple way how to check the quality of light in the chandelier, for this you will need a mobile phone. Apply the device to the lighting device and turn on the camera, follow moving light stripes on the screen. When a significant flicker is detected and numerous bands, know that the quality of light leaves much to be desired. In this case, it is better to immediately replace the goods, because with time you and your family members can begin with vision problems.

how to check the quality of light

Colorful temperature

As already mentioned, the color temperature of the lamps plays an important role in light zoning. Three colors are distinguished: warm white (up to 3300 K), standard white (up to 5000 K) and cold white (from 5000 K). In accordance with European standards in residential rooms, it is customary to use warm white light, but in secondary rooms, such as an entrance hall, it is recommended to use classic white.

Article on the topic: Lighting in the corridor: stylish solutions for large and small apartments (+62 photos)

Color temperature lamps

Sources of light

Today, various light bulbs are used for lighting apartments, all sorts of chandeliers, sconce and floor lamps. In specialized stores in Moscow and other large Russian cities, a wide selection of similar products for every taste and wallet is presented.

As a direct source of light apply:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • LED devices;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • optical fiber;
  • Metal halide light bulbs;
  • Halogen light bulbs.

Types of lamps and their characteristics

All of the above species have both advantages and disadvantages of use. We give a simple example: Popular incandescent lamps do not correspond to modern trends, as they consume a large amount of electricity, and the quality of light is very low.

Natural light

The best decoration of a wooden country house, and an ordinary apartment is natural lighting. It not only does not harm vision and positive effect on the well-being of people, but also looks impressive in any interior. To fully enjoy the living light, in private houses make windows over the wall, it looks just amazing. However, such an effect is very difficult to achieve in a one-room or two-bedroom apartment.

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Artificial lighting

The options for lighting in the apartment are invented by many, but not everyone comes up to the selected room style. It is worth remembering that artificial light implies not only the installation of expensive lamps. This process should be sent responsibly, because the health of the eye and the human nervous system depends on the final result.

To create a functional system of light zoning of an apartment, you must familiarize yourself with the possibilities of installing instruments. The photo below shows a universal version of the living room design using lamps of different species.

Lighting in the living room

On video: What to take into account when designing lighting.

Types of lighting

Four types of artificial light are isolated: general, local, combined and emergency. The last look will be infrequently visiting in residential premises, but it is indispensable in the premises, where the light turns off the light threatens serious injuries. Next, consider all types of lighting in apartments in more detail.

General or basic lighting implies uniform (directional) dispersion of light throughout the area of ​​the room. Most often, this species is used in the living rooms and in the kitchen. Due to the same distance between the lamps, the optimal level of illumination is achieved. Another option of such light zoning is a single light source localized at one point. As an example, located in the center of a large chandelier.

General lighting in the apartment

Local lighting in the apartment is used to attract attention to certain parts of the room. Thus, the light source is located directly about the illuminated interior item (on the desktop, in the bedroom or in the kitchen). According to designers, this type of light zoning introduces the completion and integrity of perception in the interior of the space.

Local lighting in the apartment

Separately, the general and local lighting have certain functional disadvantages. That is why the combined light zoning scheme was developed.

Combined lighting in the apartment


Since on Russian apartments have become held everywhere, a point lamps appeared on the ceilings, walls and decorative objects. Such built-in lighting appliances are becoming increasingly popular. Now no one will surprise a multi-level ceiling with halogen bulbs.


It is worth noting that there are two types of point lamps - fixed and swivels. The latter are very convenient to use, and if you wish, you can independently change the direction of light.

Swivel point lamp

When choosing such devices, pay attention to the width of the beam. Let us give an example: 40-50 degrees is great for highlighting large items, and for minor elements of the decor, halogens are suitable with a ray of 10-20 degrees.

Neon lamps

Neon backlight is a special type of artificial light, which is a gas-discharge lamp in the shape of a tube (inside low pressure contains neon). The "native" shade is bright orange, but the color of the backlight may vary depending on which the inert gases are added to the composition.

Neon lamps

Bring to the interior of the apartment of the paint will help the neon lamp. The photo below shows the lighting design in the apartment in pink-purple tons.

Neon backlight ceiling

LED ribbons

Recently, various LED devices began to be used for decorative lighting. The very popular LED tape remains. This is a flexible board, the coating of which is made of LEDs. Bright neon colors, unusual appearance and low price - all this makes this light source with an excellent addition to the outdoor lighting of a wooden house.

LED Strip Light

With the inner design of the premises, such a backlight can be used both on the ceiling, walls and small built-in structures. For more effect, you can arrange a tape in the form of graphics, thereby creating a unique atmosphere.

LED Patterns on the ceiling

LED Duralight

For additional illumination of individual parts of the room, various LEDs are used, as well as a novelty in the Duralight market. This functional device is a flexible cord made of elastic plastic. A continuous garland from LED light bulbs is pressed - LEDs.

Article on the topic: Lighting options in the living room and tips on the organization (+110 beautiful photos)

LED Duralight

Flexible neon

Also is a flexible tube inside of which the lighting scheme is fixed. It is nothing but an electroluminescent wire. Externally, he really does not differ from the usual wire - the same flexible, it can be even tied to the knot.

Unlike LED ribbons, flexible neon glows on all sides, it is safe and even waterproof, has widespread use.

flexible neon

Options for placement of lamps

The main design rule is the bright light increases the space. It follows from this that the ceiling and wall decoration should pass using all sorts of reflective materials. Directionally directed lamps visually make the ceiling. And to darken some of the room, you just need to correctly distribute light sources around the room.

New ideas in the Svetzayne say that the universal electric lighting of the house must combine the general and local (point) lighting. This guarantees the so-called multi-level zoning.

Lighting in the interior of the apartment

There are no strict rules for organizing electrical displacement in apartments, but there are certain tips that should be adhere to with independent interior planning.

Living room (hall)

The main source of light in the hall is central lighting, it can be a luxurious chandelier or a number of point lamps laiddered around the perimeter of the room. For classic interiors, the first option is suitable, and in the arrangement of modern apartments, it should be first oriented to the preferences and material capabilities of tenants.

Lighting in the classic style living room

For the living room (hall) in the style of High-tech and neon lamp, and LEDs, and even the light floor are suitable.

Lighting in the style of High-tech


As in other residential premises, in the bedroom it is the most reasonable to use combined lighting. As a baseline, the chandelier comes up and a few lamps, and point lights around the ceiling perimeter only complement the overall picture. You can also transform your bedroom with the help of local lighting devices - they cost quite inexpensively, and the spectrum of their purpose is very diverse.

Lighting in the bedroom

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

Point lighting: how to place lamps on the ceiling (+68 photos)

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

Point lighting: how to place lamps on the ceiling (+68 photos)


Most of the time the child spends in his room. This causes a large number of requirements for the light design of children's. It is necessary to choose the lighting devices of suitable power and the shade, because the mood and psychological health of the baby depends on the competent planning. Special attention in the children's room is worth paying and decorative illumination. Below in the photo shows the options for children's light zoning.

Lighting in childhood


The kitchen is characterized by multi-level lighting. It involves the visual separation of the room on the functional zones: dining room, workplace and recreation corner. In the kitchen, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of controlling the brightness of light - this is especially important for the dark time of the day.

In the kitchen, the selected type of backlight may operate independently of other light elements. Even if only central lighting is installed in the room, make sure that it can be turned on in parts.

Multi-level lighting in the kitchen


There is no natural light in the hallway and the corridor, so the room needs a large number of built-in lamps. There are no special requirements for the organization of light in the corridor, it all depends only on the tastes of tenants.

Lighting in the hallway


There is no natural light (no windows) in the bathroom, due to which the role of artificial light increases significantly. The use of local high-power devices is unacceptable for the bathroom. The backlight must be sufficient, but not too bright. When choosing a lamp for a bath, you must take into account the increased humidity of the room.

Backlight in the bathroom

Light zoning in the Studio apartment

Most often, light zoning is used in the studios apartments, since in such premises there is a problem of lack of free space. The separation of the apartment on the thematic zones allows you to visually increase the area of ​​the room and give the home the logical congestion.

In such conditions, you can experiment with lighting devices - use local devices, large chandeliers, decorative elements.

Lighting in the apartment Studio

Ceiling lighting

Modern ideas of the LED give the ceiling lighting a special role. In most cases, the choice of lighting devices causes positive emotions, but to place the acquired light bulbs, hide them (when creating hidden illumination with your own hands) is not always easy. Before starting the installation of spots, it is recommended to highlight three main light sources in the interior (local, local and decorative).

At low ceilings

If the ceiling is rather low in the apartment, then any tensioning and even more so suspended patterns of speech can not be. The chandeliers of the suspended type will not be suitable, as well as massive lamps. Built-in point lamps here cannot be built here, but you can install overheads of their options. Ceiling chandeliers of flat shape, track lighting systems and LED panels will fit harmoniously.

Low ceiling lamp selection

Hidden ceiling lighting

With your own hands you can build a hidden backlight of two types: using a niche of drywall and with a fiber optic cornice. A combination of plasterboard box and stretch ceiling with hidden illumination perfectly hides minor errors that occur when the ceiling.

Article on the topic: Types of lighting ceiling and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

Hidden illumination ceiling

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Multi-level lighting

For a comfortable stay, do not do without competent lighting of the room. For more than ten years, all designers are inclined in their works to a multi-level light system in apartments. Such light zoning is the optimal separation of space into several functional zones.

It is customary to allocate four main levels:

  • upper (sides, sconce and chandeliers);
  • medium (lamps, lamps);
  • lower (local illumination);
  • Internal (used to highlight the wardrobe and cabinets).

Multi-level lighting

Multi-level zoning rooms with light does not require special skills and knowledge. If you wish, you can drastically transform the appearance of the living room or children's room with your own hands. To do this, you will need a little imagination and a set of different lighting equipment. The competent combination of chandeliers, spots on the walls and on the floor will bring comfort and calm in your home.

On video: multi-level lighting in the apartment.

Decorative backlight

For decorative illumination, an inexpensive LED tape is most suitable. The positive features of this product include simplicity of operation, light and fast installation. If the interior of the room is made in a classic style (with wooden furniture, pastel shades of walls and tapestry), then the LEDs are replaced with local lamps and special luminous elements for the decor.

A distinctive feature of the decorative illumination is the specificity of its use. It applies if necessary to hide the lamps and make the light more muted.

Decorative backlight in the wall of the wall

Neon backlight in the apartment

Such decorative lights can be equipped with various LED and LED devices. Most often they are installed in the suspended ceiling, in drywall niches. Often, flexible tubes or cords are used, which are shined in neon light.

Neon backlight in the interior

Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment with illuminated

Glass blocks are hollow cubes with glass walls with a thickness of about one centimeter. In Soviet times, such elements of the decor were used often, they could be seen in the interior of baths, hospitals, staircases. Today, the glass blocks are improved - they have decorative illumination.

Floor illumination

Floor illumination is another solution with which you can give the room an unusual look. Different devices are used to highlight, it can be point lights, a LED tape, a duralite cord, which are mounted in the plastic base of the plinth or glass floors.

Decorative floor illumination

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Modern lighting trends

Lightsign is a unique combination of technical progress and artistic planning. All new design trends come first into the light zoning of the premises, and then spread to the whole interior. A distinctive feature of modern design is high functionality, this is the so-called smart design, which is aimed at meeting all the needs of its owner. This trend got the name personalization of lighting.

If you carefully examine the appearance of modern lamps, it becomes clear that they completely lost clearly expressed borders. Now round, asymmetrical, small built-in sediments are particularly popular in the design of interiors. Track systems have become an integral part of the ceiling, which also lost its borders.

New ideas of lighting in the apartment

Night lighting in the apartment

Night lighting is not a significant necessity when designing interior. However, it allows you to avoid accidents in the dark time. Install the night light can be installed around the perimeter of the strategic movement either in separate areas of the room.

Night lighting in the apartment

With traffic sensor

Recently, the construction of illumination sensors or a different twilight switch has become increasingly used in the construction of country houses. The light sensor is a device for automatic control of light sources, depending on the level of light zoning of the surrounding space.

If you still use incandescent lamps in the evening, then boldly replace them with the latest nightlighted system. So, in just a month you will save several thousand.

Lighting with motion sensor

Wireless lighting

What is wireless lighting? This is a special design, a single panel with mounted inside with glowing elements. In turn, the light bulbs are responsible for the flow of current. The functioning of such panels is completely "mobile", which allows you to mount them on any surfaces and not worry about damage to the wires.

The principle of operation of such an installation is comparable with the night lights - when moving tenants from one room to another, automatic launch of lighting devices occurs.

Wireless Lighting in Apartment

In conclusion, I would like to note that the organization of lighting in the apartment should be thought out in all directions. Modern trends are to freedom, the absence of clear boundaries of light sources, which, in turn, guarantees the comfort and high functionality of the room. A couple of embedded lamps can change the perception of space by making it more expressive and deep.

How to place lamps on the ceiling (2 video)

Lighting in interior design (90 photos)

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Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

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Features of lighting in the kitchen: What happens and how to organize? (current ideas)

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

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LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Features of lighting in the kitchen: What happens and how to organize? (current ideas)

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Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Lighting Apartments: Organization, accommodation options and new ideas | +90 photo

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