Ceiling lighting: what happens? ? [Types of lighting appliances]


The ceiling lighting in the residential premises contributes to the creation of coziness. The design decision on interior design may be ambiguous, the main thing is that the apartment is light. In this article you will learn what the ceiling lighting is, how to place lighting devices, as well as about the elementary rules of their device.

Advantages and disadvantages of glowing ceiling

When repairing repairs in the apartment, you should not leave the ceiling. After all, this space is for the flight of your imagination. The ceiling construction can be decorated, inhibiting the lighting system in it, thereby transforming the interior of the room as a whole.

Ceiling space lighting covers the following advantages:

  • Used point lamps are economical;
  • Design solution is diverse;
  • It is not necessary to pre-process the surface before installing;
  • The lighting device is allowed on any form;
  • creating an optical increase in space space;
  • the ability to reconfigure the devices, depending on the degree of glow;
  • Stretch ceiling with built-in luminaires is operated for a long time;
  • Uncomplicated cleaning and creating comfort.
Unusual ceiling backlight
Ceiling lighting can be very original

The disadvantages include:

  • Sources of light should be at least 10 cm below the ceiling level, so the apartment is not recommended in the apartment with a small wall height;
  • Ceiling lighting does not change after mounting the ceiling;
  • With independent installation of lighting devices, difficulties may occur;
  • When working should comply with technology so that there are no defects.
Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo
Installation of lighting devices is always better to entrust specialists.

Types of lighting ceilkov

Lighting is not only the creation of heat and comfort in the room, but also a designer solution. The ceiling backlight can be performed using various types of devices. Before choosing one or another type of lamps, it is necessary to determine which of them are optimally suited for your ceiling.


The suspended ceiling is a construction, the installation of which is performed at a considerable distance from the concrete base. Therefore, this type of ceilings is suitable exclusively for large rooms with a high level of ceiling overlap. However, there are plays here. So, in the suspended ceilings there is the possibility of installing a variety of lighting devices, there is from what to choose from.

To illuminate the suspended ceiling, it is advisable to use the following lighting devices:

  • Spotlights;
  • LED ribbons and panels;
  • Flat chandeliers;
  • Suspended embedded lamps;
  • Fiber fiber light sources.

Designers note that the backlight in the suspended ceiling will be original when using several lamps of different types.

Suspended ceiling lighting


If a large number of different lamps can be applied to the suspended ceiling, then it is much more difficult with the stretch cloth. The fact is that PVC film, which is stretched under the base, does not have super strength and heat resistance. From here, we can conclude that it is easy to hang a heavy chandelier directly on this web simply - the film immediately breaks. Also, it is also impossible to install lamps with conventional incandescent lamps, otherwise there is a risk of melting the film section next to the device.

To equip the tensioning canvase, it is allowed to use such electrical devices as:

  • LED point lamps (embedded);
  • suspended and special chandelier ceiling;
  • LED ribbons and fluorescent devices.
Stretch ceiling spotlight
Point lamps are most often used in stretch ceilings.

Concrete or wooden

The lighting of a wooden or concrete ceiling can be made using lamps of different types. There are no restrictions here. In such grounds there is an installation of instruments on the hook, anchor or a dowel that is securely fixed in the overlap. You can hang even the hardest chandelier and not worry.

Article on the topic: Organization of lighting in stretch ceilings: Installation and ideas for different rooms | +70 photo

Installation of chandeliers on a concrete ceiling

The lighting system for a concrete base can be equipped with a chandelier with conventional incandescent bulbs. Suitable as suspended and sealing models of lamps. The LED tape will look at the perimeter of the ceiling.

LED backlight of the concrete ceiling

For wooden bases, both chandeliers and embedded devices are suitable, such as point. However, they are inappropriate to apply, because the process of installation work is complicated.

Spotlights in wooden ceiling

Glowing stretch ceiling as a major solution

Often, professional designers are equipped with overall lighting in the stretch ceiling. It looks very impressive, it seems that the ceiling is an intention. Using the tensionable web and competent illumination, you can create the effect of the night sky, and if a pure white PVC film is used, it will be a bright glow of the entire ceiling space.

Glowing ceiling as basic lighting
Just at the same time unusual

In the stretch ceiling and its lighting there are some nuances:

  • The use of PVC canvas with 50% transparency, which is practically no different from the transparent film.
  • To make a luminous ceiling, set the LED tape or point lamps in the space between the concrete base and the tensionable web itself.
  • There are several varieties of tape: it is produced both in white and in other colors.
Glowing ceiling under the starry sky
Amazing shine of the starry sky right with you above your head

On video: LED led-lighting ceiling.

Types of lamps for the ceiling illumination

Modern lighting today is diverse and consumer market offers a lot of lighting options. These are not only ordinary chandeliers and point lamps, but also the backlight, made by track systems, flexible designs. When choosing lighting, you should pay attention to the characterizing the parameters of the room, for example, to the height and indicators of the area, as well as its purpose.


The most commonly used type of devices for the lighting of the room are chandeliers. They are divided into:

  • Suspended. Direct the light flux straight down. Usually such a suspension is performed on cord, chain or other material.

Pendant chandelier

  • Ceiling. These devices shine up, evenly distributing the light stream. There are different forms (round, square, rectangular), and fasten directly to the ceiling using a plank.

Ceiling chandelier

  • Classic. The device of these devices is the most common, a lot of lamps are used, and the main structural elements are made of metal, glass, fabric or crystal. Hang on the hook in the ceiling.

Classic chastley


Lighting ceiling overlaps include the use of point lamps. The amount of this type of lamps is set by calculated, based on the power index of the instruments. Point lighting can act as the main and as an additional.


The dotted luminaire division is made by:

  • Mounting method - embedded, suspended or overhead;
  • Type of lamps - halogen, LED, luminescent, incandescent lamps;
  • execution - can be both swivel and non-reflective.

Different types of point luminaires

Track systems

These are peculiar luminaires fixed on rails - the so-called busbar. The design can have several locations, depending on the design. Fastening on the ceiling is carried out on special cables and is adjustable to different heights.

Track lighting system

It is worth noting that the voltage indicator of light sources can be both in 12V, so in 220 V. The latter are distinguished by simple installation and safety during operation.

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

Flexible lamps

This is another type of lighting, which is most often used as an additional. Such lamps can be used in any parts of the interior, due to its flexibility can be installed in the ceiling structure of any forms, and also differ in soft luminescence.

A glowing effect is created:

  • Duralight cords;
  • LED ribbons;
  • Neon tubes.

Color LED ribbon.

They are easy to fix on the stretch ceiling, use to design a ceiling of plasterboard. With a competent approach, the fixed tape serves quite a long time and the design is not necessary to specially serve. Make the main light still worth it, even when using this option of lighting devices.

Flexible neon tube on the ceiling

Ceiling lighting ideas for different rooms

To date, there are many ways to design a ceiling with light. When choosing, you should consider the purpose of the room, and what characteristics have lighting devices.


Several recommendations on the coverage of the corridor:

  • With a low ceiling, the placement of the lamps is recommended with a predetermined direction of light on the walls and up to increase the size of the room.
  • If the ceiling level is below average, the effects of the original lighting are achieved when using halogen instruments.
  • To expand the space, embed and mount the lamps so that the light falls on the walls.
  • If a high level of ceiling, then you can install multiple lighting devices, so the light will fall on the floor.

Article on the topic: Features of lighting in the kitchen: What happens and how to organize? (current ideas)

Lighting in the corridor


The main or overall lighting required for this room is applied, additional - local in the form of point lamps, wall braids. The first form is usually used to illuminate the entire area, and the second in the place of preparation or meals.

Ceiling lighting in the kitchen


Before mounting the lighting devices, you need to make sure where the bed will be located, the wire laying depends on it. The main lighting is recommended to perform in the center of the room, you can use a conventional chandelier, and on the wall of the bed to hang a night lamp with a halogen lamp.

Ceiling lighting in the bedroom

Living room

The main lighting element may be chandelier located in the center of the room, but it is important to consider the parameters of the area and the height of the ceiling. If the room is large, then the overall chandelier will look original. If the living room is small, then the ceiling can be made by embedded lamps for visual expansion of space.

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo


The ideal solution will be matte or transparent plaffones. If a very high level of ceiling, then you can suspend the chandelier, and if low, then it is enough to fix the lamps to the walls. It is worth noting that the selected materials from stained glass will be not the best option, since the flow of light will distort.

Lighting in the bathroom


There is little place on this site, so you can use:

  • small desktop lamp;
  • Ceiling light source;
  • Wall location Bra.

Lighting on the balcony

Usually for lighting on the balcony or loggia, the selection is given in favor of devices designed for the street.

Luminaires on the balcony

Details about point lighting

Built-in inserted or stretch ceiling spotlight today has become popular. Types of lamps used are practical and exploited for a long time. The point light is dissipated evenly throughout the area, which provides normal illumination.

Key Features

On a suspended or stretch ceiling, placed point lights light up a small area. The dispersion angle does not exceed 30. Therefore, these devices should be placed tightly to each other. Light streams have a cone form, it means that they must cross at one level, which is above all objects and furniture.

Features of point lighting

Pros and cons

Advantages of point lamps:

  • can be used to illuminate certain places;
  • have a small electricity consumption;
  • can be installed anywhere;
  • have small dimensions;
  • Emit rather bright light;
  • The possibility of performing in different colors.

Ceiling Light

There are disadvantages:

  • Design complexity;
  • use of additional power supplies;
  • should not be used for low ceilings;
  • When overheated, defects may remain on the suspended ceiling.

Placement of lamps

Dot luminaires can be located differently, it all depends on the functionality of the room and the design idea. But most often choose the following lamp accommodation options:

  • parallel to each other;

Parallel location of point lamps

  • around the ceiling perimeter;

The location of the point lights around the perimeter

  • in the form of an arc;

The location of the point lamps in the form of an arc

  • circle or square;

Circular location of point lamps

  • cross;

Cross-shaped location of point lamps

  • in a checkerboard.

Chess location of point lamps

How to calculate the number of lamps

To calculate the number of point lighting devices, it is necessary to measure the ceiling area. Thus, with the power of lamps in 35 W, it is possible to illuminate 1.5 m2 (20 W is illuminated with 1 m2). With additional lighting, for example, the chandelier, the number of point luminaires is reduced.

Table light lighting standards
Light norms are represented in suites for 1m²

It is worth noting that there are types of point lamps equipped with a rotary mechanism or with a lamp inside, it allows you to increase the angle of dispersion. Based on this, you can acquire a smaller number of lamps.

On video: How to calculate the number of lamps in the stretch ceiling.

Minimum distance

In the case of selecting point lighting devices, it is necessary to consider the following:

  • From the walls to the lamps, the distance of at least 20 cm should be suppressed;
  • between the devices themselves must be left at least 30 cm;
  • The distance from the seam of PVC films should also be more than 20 cm;
  • One lamp will illuminate a plot of 1.5 m2.

These requirements need to be performed so that overheating does not occur, and, accordingly, did not break the integrity of the material (in the case of a tension ceiling - PVC films).

Article on the topic: Lighting options in the living room and tips on the organization (+110 beautiful photos)

Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

Point lighting in different rooms

Spotlights applied perfectly in any rooms, not only in the living room, bedroom, but also in the hallway, bathroom, bathroom and corridor. This is the optimal solution if the apartment is small. But here it is worth considering that the point lamps should be installed in a tension or suspended ceiling construction, and it does not suit any room.

Before installing such lamps, it is necessary to perform markups on the film or sheet of plasterboard, given:

  • ceiling area;
  • Purpose of the room;
  • overall design;
  • The number of available chandeliers and sconces.


The light must be saturated with bright colors, but not to such an extent that the light cut the eye. The best option is the creation of scattered light. Point lamps can be positioned by numerous beams, and place a chandelier in the center.

Point lighting ceiling in the hallway


For any owner, light in the kitchen is required. You need to withstand the distance between the lighting devices, as well as calculate their power. When choosing an additional source of light, the number of major luminaires should be reduced.

Point ceiling lighting in the kitchen

Living room

One of the decisions in the design of the living room is the use of combined lighting. Point lamps are evenly located relative to the main source of light or around the perimeter, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of regulating the power.

Point lighting in the living room


So that the light has not risen into the eyes, point lamps are recommended to arrange on the steps of the ceiling or by its perimeter. The number of lamps is better to set less than it turned out when calculating. In order to adjust the lighting, it is recommended to use a dimmer.

Point lighting in the bedroom


Lighting creates point sources of light over the workplace of children, for example, where they draw or engage in other creativity. In addition, with the help of point lamps of different capacities and light, you can create a fairy tale imitation for children.

Ceiling spotlight in children's


There are no more than two point lamps to illuminate this room, since the area is usually more than 5 m2. Everything is determined by the calculation. Under any circumstances, it is worth considering that it is important to use the sealant performance of lighting devices and the ideal solution will be the use of halogen lamps.

Point lighting in the bathroom

Options for stretch ceilings

This type of ceiling is equipped with lamps of several varieties. A distinctive feature is only the depth of installation of current-carrying parts. The use of mortar lighting devices is most relevant, and the ring is fixed around the lamps to avoid the filming of the film.

Above the level of ceiling

The lighting devices installed above the ceiling level create the effect of the luminescence from the inside. It is perfectly kneading, but there are a number of flaws:

  • The area is not fully covered;
  • possible severe heating of lamps;
  • The need to use LED lamps.

Backlight ceiling

At the ceiling level

Embedded point lamps are installed directly to the ceiling structure itself. Lighting space is performed, depending on the idea. But the light dispersion ratio is quite high. It is impossible to install lamps with a power of more than 35 W, and the transformer is required.

Spotlights in the stretch ceiling

Below level and overhead

The main distinguishing characteristics of such lighting are a large percentage of light dispersion. This category includes point lights, which are also embedded in a suspended or stretch design, but the lighting element goes beyond the ceiling frame. May have glass beams, hanging decorative elements.

Point Lamp for Stretch Ceilings

To mount the overhead luminaires, a special basis is used, which allows the lamps of different power parameters.

Overhead point lamps

Other options

With the help of fiber-optic point lamps, you can create a simulation of the starry sky. Duplex stretch ceilings with additional backlight are quite original in the solution. It is worth considering that when choosing a mignon type lamps, one element is set at a rate of 2 m2.

Fiber-optic ceiling lamp

Unusual ideas for the placement of lamps

To create a new lighting project, you can be guided by creative ideas:
  • Place the spotlights of the snake;
  • Initiate one type of lamps in the corners, and in the center to mount another;
  • Select various colors and arrange them in symmetry;
  • Place point lamps with semicircle relative to the walls.

You can draw any drawings, make a photo and implement ideas, the main thing to take into account the installation rules.

Stretch ceiling backlight (2 video)

Different ideas (80 photos)

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LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

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LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

Point lighting: how to place lamps on the ceiling (+68 photos)

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LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

LED lighting in the interior of the apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

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Types of ceiling lighting and designer ideas for different rooms | +80 photo

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Point lighting: how to place lamps on the ceiling (+68 photos)

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Point lighting: how to place lamps on the ceiling (+68 photos)

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