Installation of MDF wall panels: Recommendations


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  • Frame Method Installation Plate MDF
  • How to make installation using glue
  • Installation Recommendations MDF Plate

MDF is a material that is widely used for cladding the surfaces of the ceiling, walls with plates. In the process of its manufacture, dried wood fibers are used. MDF plates are ideal for places such as staircases, corridors, storage rooms, hallways, etc. Before starting the installation of wall panels of MDF or DVP, that is, tree-fibrous plates, which are close in composition to natural wood, which is an environmentally friendly material, should be carefully familiar with all methods of mounting the MDF wall panels.

Installation of MDF wall panels: Recommendations

It should be remembered that the MDF panels are mounted on the wall vertically.

Apply two methods to secure the MDF plates on the ceiling or walls: frame and adhesive.

These methods are effective, and their use depends on many factors. If the wall cladding plates MDF is required to hide communications, apply a frame mounting method. If it is planned to facing the walls with a smooth surface, the adhesive method is used. In fact, both the other methods are effective. Installation of wall panels can be produced not only in a vertical position, but also horizontal. The method of vertical installation is distributed to a greater extent.

Installation of wall panels will require preparation, in addition to MDF and BROUS, the following types of tools:

  1. Perforator.
  2. Self-timers.
  3. Level.

Before installation, it is required to determine the area of ​​the inner wall panels, and then install the timber bar after 50 cm from each other. Installation of panels produce, taking into account the losses on the grooves of 0.5 mm, which will be for each of them.

Frame Method Installation Plate MDF

Installation of MDF wall panels: Recommendations

PVC panel mounting circuit.

The name of this method speaks for itself: For its embodiment, it will be necessary to construct a frame that resembles a design used for fastening other types of materials, such as drywall. The difference is only as bearing profiles.

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It should be remembered that the technology of installation of the inner wall panels involves the horizontal direction of the jogbook, and with horizontal installation - on the contrary. If you plan to install the wall panels of a diagonal type, then a grid method is used to install the frame. In this regard, some features of the frame of the frame appear. It is recommended that the framework is recommended to be installed using the UD-profile, not a bar that can be subjected to negative exposure to moisture.

Initially, the framework is mounted, and after the guide profile is fixed, by observing correspondence with the perimeter of the wall.

The differences in the methods for attaching MDF and drywall are associated with the fact that the vertical carrier CD profile is mounted not every 60 cm, and 300 cm, this is associated with the size of the length of the carrier profile corresponding to the standard and component of 3000 mm. It is carried out in order to later make the installation of horizontal carrier CD profiles with a step of 500 mm between the guide profile.

Installation of MDF wall panels: Recommendations

MDF panel installation circuit.

A vertical profile compound is made using crab-type CD connectors, and the fixation of profiles to the wall is carried out by brackets having a P-shaped type.

Installation of the frame is one of the main and most important types of work performed when installing the MDF, and the installation process is light. Installation of plates on the frame is carried out using the so-called swipes (special clamps) inserted into the grooves located on the ends of the wall panels. This allows you to ensure the reliability of fixation when connecting MDF with a frame. Klemer designs are designed so that they cannot create interference when inserting the next subsequent MDF slab in the groove belonging to the previous one.

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How to make installation using glue

Installation of MDF wall panels: Recommendations

Installation of PVC panels for walls.

Mount MDF plates on the walls of glue is much simpler. This significantly speeds up the installation process in the absence of iron or wood frame, the manufacture of which can take a fairly long time.

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Before the MDF plates attached to a particular attachment method, it should be understood with glue used specifically for this purpose. To install, you need an adhesive composition with certain properties.

  1. The glue must have a plasticity after it is frozen, since MDF plates made from the compressed cardboard, they can very much to be exposed to deformations, which depends on temperature and humidity in the room. Therefore, the adhesive composition is needed, capable of reduced and eliminate the effect of temperature effects.
  2. The glue must be efficient and in those places where the walls are somewhat twisted. In other words, it is necessary that the glue can be applied fine and thick layer, so the composition should have a fairly thick consistency. These requirements are satisfying "liquid nails", widely used for fastening wall panels in fact by all masters.

The MDF installation itself is simply implemented quite easily due to the instruction existing on the glue packaging. At the beginning of the mounting of the wall you need to clean from dust and contamination. Be sure to carefully treat the surface of the primer for greater clutch with it glue. While the primer will dry, you can proceed to perform other types of work, for example, to cut several tens of panels.

The glue is applied to the slab itself to the point method, it is possible to apply a chess order by the method, but the drops of adhesive should not be done too large.

Each MDF plate with applied glue pressed against the wall as close as possible. The developed instruction on gluing MDF panels requires each panel to tear off, which is needed to wind the glue, which will prevent the drop in the wall from the wall below the presence of its own weight. By smearing glue to 10 panels one after another, then applying them to the wall and immediately tearing, you can speed up the installation. After 5 minutes, when the glue was dreamed, the plates are mounted against the wall, carefully pressing them.

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Installation Recommendations MDF Plate

Stick MDF plates on the surface is simple, harder to roll exactly. Without increased attention, each slope and other obstacles may arise problems in the installation process. The mechanism of stalls will be absolutely affected by the state of the appearance of the interior. To carry out high-quality installation of MDF, you need to follow the following rules.

  1. Pre-work is carried out before installation. It is required to prepare the base for wallpaper stickers. For this, the wall is cleaned from old finishing materials or wallpaper. If there is no possibility to remove them, then the walls are moisturized, after that, outdated wallpapers are departed. If necessary, disassembled work on the removal of plinths or other parts from the wall surface.
  2. Then the heat insulator is installed. Taking into account the sizes of the wall, the canvas from the foam. The glue is applied along the surface with a smooth layer. The heat insulator with the glued glue is gently applied to the wall and smoothed on the surface. At the same time, the thermal insulator from the foam is required to glue an "online".
  3. After 2-3 hours after the stickers of the thermal insulator, it is embarked on the installation of the panels, which together with the corner are cut into a certain height. Start mounting MDF panels from any angle of premises. It is also required to secure on the 5-6 panels of the holders along its entire length. Then the MDF is fixed to the wall of nails. Each next decoration element is inserted with a spike in the groove of the previous element. Installation of holders and fasteners are made by analogy with the first MDF element. After installation, closes the angles of the room inner corners in order to mask the ugly places of compounds.

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All MDF compounds with the surface of the ceiling are hidden at the top of the corner, and from the bottom - the plinth. Another embodiment of the MDF panels is the introduction of a special iron frame, which is needed if there are convexity in the walls. But from the beginning of the installation on the wall, one of the lowest points are found, then retreat from it by 4-5 cm, where the horizontal line is drawn for even fastening. The iron profile is sometimes replaced by a frame of wood bars. If the tree is not succeeded as it should, the MDF slab can appear.

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