Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video


Glass mosaic is the original and beautiful view of the needlework. Using a little fantasy, you can build such a masterpiece that will decorate your whole home.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic can be purchased two types:

  • Buy already ready mosaic in a construction store;
  • Make a mosaic with your own hands from girlfriend, it can be beautiful stones from broken glass and dishes, old ceramics, various beads or buttons.

Of these simple materials, you can make such beautiful compositions that you will not see this anywhere and do not buy any money. And most importantly, the work will be considered as it is called, the author, and there is no same model. Everything depends on your desire and fantasy.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Of course, it is worth starting with the simplest sketches, but only then you can go to more complex compositions.

Start with light

The following tools and materials will be required for work:

  • Mosaic glass;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Grout.

The usual mosaic can be not only a beautiful element of the decor, but also very useful in the life of any family. For example, use mosaic in places of switches and sockets. Sometimes it often happens that it is these places that take a gray and dirty appearance over time. So I came to help the mosaic, which can be easily rubbed, if there is a need for this.

  • Take out a mosaic from the bucket and select the necessary colors you need. The capacity of such a bucket is 1000 grams.
  • The necessary surface is grinning and start uploading on the principle of laying tile.
  • Glue by layers, after everyone, it is necessary to wait for the time for complete drying so that the drawing does not lose the appearance.
  • Thus, we make each layer of the sketch.
  • That's all, the original place for the switch is fully prepared. Such work took no more than 2 hours of time.

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Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

In the same way, you can make a frame at stained glass.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Second option

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Ceramic tile, color scheme choose what colors are more like;
  • Blend of glue;
  • Grout;
  • A hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Construction primer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Special temperature carving device.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts.

First of all, it is necessary to make a stencil. You can draw yourself, but you can print. Cut it.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

This is what pattern should you get:

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

The surface must be treated with construction primer, after drawing a rectangle with a size of 66 cm by 62 cm.

So that the tile is better glued, you can slide a little surface. After carrying a ready-made sketch.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

From the tiles, cut out small pieces with a special device. Stacking mosaic to start with smaller details, such as the mustache. We do the same as shown in the photo:

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Butterfly laid out. That's what kind of beauty turns out.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Now we start laying out the small square behind the butterfly itself. And make the frame.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

So that the black frame does not look like a black stain in the picture, you can dilute such a color, for example, white or any other suitable color.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

We are waiting for a complete drying of the glue. After we produce the grout of the finished picture.

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

That's all, on this picture is completely ready. Now take her and hang on one of the walls of your home, you can make a metal frame.

Third lesson

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Colored glass;
  • Primer;
  • Glue;
  • Putty;
  • Thorough sponge.

From pieces of multicolored glass, you can decorate both the bathroom and the usual wall in the apartment. We will analyze today how to make a beautiful fish in the bathroom.

  1. The necessary surface must be glued, thereby equally. After applying the primer.
  2. Now we will transfer the pattern on the wall from the template. In our case, this is a fish.
  3. After finished drawing, we begin to lay out the glass, gluing every piece. It is better to do this in several techniques, giving breathing every row.
  4. We leave to complete drying the finished picture.
  5. After the picture is completely dried, we will drag the mask and begin to miss the finished picture.
  6. We leave until complete drying of this mixture. After half an hour with the help of a sponge, you can safely wipe the panel.
  7. That's all, the painting for the bathroom is completely ready.

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Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

Mosaic of glass with your own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video

In the same way, you can make a picture and for the kitchen. Featuring a beautiful pattern and mosaic, you can start to create masterpieces with your handles.

We bring to your attention to familiarize yourself with video lessons that will help in more detail in the process of making such paintings, as described above.

Video on the topic

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