New insoles do it yourself


New insoles do it yourself

Sometimes it happens that a good pair of shoes disappear somewhere insoles, or they dug. Fit this disadvantage is very easy and simple.

New insoles do it yourself

Step 1: Required

  1. Cheap flip-flops (or thick cardboard).
  2. Marker.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Shoes for which we are preparing insoles.

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

Step 2: Straps

Get rid of straps on slippers.

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

Step 3: contours

We assign an old insole on slippers and supply it with a marker.

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

Step 4: Scissors

Cut with scissors along the contours of our new insoles.

New insoles do it yourself

Step 5: Replacement

We take out old insoles and replace them with new ones.

New insoles do it yourself

New insoles do it yourself

Step 6: Comfort

We measure shoes with new insoles.

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