Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo


Mosaic is a picture that can be composed of various beads, paper, glass, rhinestones, and photos can also be used in this art. Today we will talk about what a mosaic from the photos is your own hands.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

You can make a drawing on any material. Any picture made in the style of mosaic will be the most beautiful and original. If you make such a picture as a gift, it will not be ashamed to give it. Mosaic from the photo is different called the collage. Today we consider several master classes to create beautiful collages. So, we job to the description.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Phased instruction

Recently, it became very popular to make a collage from a photo for their relatives. Its advantage is that in one image several types of photographs will be located immediately.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Showing a little fantasy, you can create a unique photo mosaic, which will please a look for many years.

The following tools and materials will be needed for work:

  • Whatman;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Set of markers, pencils or paints;
  • Set of helium handles;
  • Photos;
  • Decor elements.

Prepare all the materials described above and begin work. Paper sheet lay out on a straight surface and post all selected photos on it.

Note! You need to fold the photo in such a way that they overlap each other.

After starting to glue a photo, one by one.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

If there is a place between photos on Watman, you can make some small drawing. All this will depend on what topic a collage is created. If this is a holiday on the sea, then you can draw seashells, Orsh inhabitants, the sea, sunset and so on. What is enough for your imagination.

After the collage has already acquired a more or less well-groomed look, he needs to make a frame. You can simply draw a place under the frame of monophonic paints. But so that the photos looked original, the frame can be made shape. For example, paint in some beautiful pattern. Or, for example, stick dry leaves or twigs. Decor can be used any.

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Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

The finished collage can be placed in the frame. Thus, the picture will look much better.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the selection of photos of collages (for example):

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Memorable photos

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Photos form that must be square;
  • The plywood sheet is not thick as the substrate, the size use 40 cm by 60 cm;
  • Scotch bilateral;
  • Brushes made of foam base;
  • Glue for the decoupage of the matte color;
  • Hook for fastening the picture on the wall;

The main stages of the work:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to form a whole composition. To do this, select the photo and choose them in size.
  2. The finished substrate is placed on the table. On it lay the prepared photos. Make it need rows. Therefore, the fact is very important that the photo is taken the same (it takes the size).
  3. So that the ranks were smooth, you can read the lines with a simple pencil.
  4. Now we start to attach photos to the base. To do this, use double-sided tape.
  5. Decorating collage of decor elements.
  6. After that we cover the finished collage with a thin layer of glue, we insert into the frame and hang on the wall.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

In the shape of a heart

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Photos;
  • Whatman;
  • Scissors;
  • Frame with glass;
  • PVA glue;
  • Decor elements.

Watman leaf is spread on a straight surface. Draw a big heart and cut it out. After that, you need to fill it with prepared photos. Photos can be positioned in any order as you wish. It is better to first practice a little, for example, lay out a photo several times so that there are no problems in the process of gluing. We glue the photo by glue. Let us completely dry the finished product.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

If possible, the finished collage can be illuminated or, for example, put into the frame under the glass.

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

In the same way, you can make a heart that will be devoted to one person. To do this, you can print his portrait, put it in the middle of the form and from the middle already sticking photos, decorate the elements of the decor. If this is an unexpected surprise for a young man or a girl, then on the contour of the collage you can spend the garland and turn on at the right time. Here you have the idea of ​​the original gift. These ideas can come up with a large amount. The most important thing is to be configured to work, and then fantasy will not make himself wait and present you a great idea for gifts to your loved ones.

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Check out the photo ideas for creating a mosaic from photos:

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

Mosaic from photos with your own hands: Creating a portrait with a photo

You also offer video lessons that will make it possible to figure out how to make a collage.

Video on the topic

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