Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video


In this article, let's talk mainly about children's clothing, although the knowledge gained from this text can be applied to both adults. Crochet sleeves worth trying to tie at least once every mother's mom. You can come up with festive dresses with such decoration or everyday images.

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

The difference between the usual sleeve from the wing lies in the fan-shaped extension of the bottom line. This technique gives the sleeve the form is really similar to the stupid. The sleeves are performed not only to crochet technique, another embarrassment of knitting with knitting needles is possible and just stitched from the fabric. But we will look at the hook.

Selection of yarn

To approach the choice of yarn is consciously, for the lungs, arbitrarily falling folds of each sleeve-wing, choose the yarn relatively thin and pliable. If you knit a dress yourself from a more dense thread, it will be quite good to look at the sleeve from other threads and even from another color.

If you want more, so that the sleeve holds the shape and not bended by itself, it will take a thicker yarn. If its thickness is the difference with the main, as mentioned above, it is absolutely normal.

The video shows an example of one of the knitted dresses with this type of sleeves.

And also look at the special video, which tells how to choose the yarn for children's clothing.

Options of outfits

If you configured to knit, then look what are the models for a children's dress. Perhaps it is one of these models that you will enjoy your child.

The dress below should be knitted in a completely crochet. Well, when there is a hand hook with the first and seventh number. Threads - preferably acrylic. This product knives on the coquette, with sleeves-sleeves. Skirt on this model trapezoidal, but you can knit and straight. Beads and flowers, as desired, you can decorate the finished product.

Article on the topic: how to sew a skirt on a wide gum

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Here is an interesting set can be made too, decorated with air wings. The costume is quite suitable for a girl with age two or three years.

For its manufacture, you need one hook - number 2. Yarn is best woolen. The costume consists of two colors, but the number of colors is not limited.

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

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Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Tell how to connect here is a dress on which, as in the photo above, you can add appliques. For knitting, we will need the following scheme:

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

For manufacture, it is necessary to prepare:

  • yarn for children's products. The main color is 100 grams, secondary 50, in the finished product it is crimson, gray and the remains of blue;
  • Prepare not only hook, but also the needles;
  • At the request of appliqués and buttons.

The main parts of the dress are knitted. For the back, 150 loops are enough. First, there are three centimeters with a gray thread, a rumble of a handwriting. Next, we reduce the loop halve, they see two together. And begin to knit the main color, 10 cm. An ordinary gum 1 * 3, we reduce one loop after it. When we appear at a height of 24 cm, counting from the very beginning, take a gray thread again and, as in the beginning, with a handful viscosity, 3 cm. Again, the loops on each side are closed for the armor.

For the front part, everything becomes completely similar, but a more in-depth neckline is made for the throat. Finally, we reached the most interesting - wings. For one, 50 loops are recruited. With gray, we encourage the usual mating, then on each side it is reduced by several loops. The outer side is tied with raspberry thread.

Collective seams on shoulders and sides. The neck is tied up with several centimeters. All loops are closed. A button is sewn for a fastener and a small loop is made. Appliques and prepared decorations are sewn on the dress.

Article on the topic: Bracelet from the thread with your own hands: how to tie correctly with video and photos

Here are some sleeveless schemes:

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Crochet wings sleeves for baby dresses with diagrams and video

Knitting for children

Knit outfits for children popular and fashionable, as it was before and now. But earlier it was common, since it was hard to get a good thing, and now, because unique things are more appreciated. Handmade when buying is worth an unmeared money, and I want to wear your kids well. Therefore, many modern mothers engaged in needlework so that, besides, their children had design clothes, so also made with their own hands.

Another plus of knitted things from natural threads is that they will warm up in a strong cold, and they will not be allowed to overheat in the heat. What winter, that summer things are light. Therefore, if the child will actively frolic in winter in the cold, firstly, he will not have discomfort in movements, and secondly, it will not freeze. In the summer, it is important not to overheat children, it is badly affected by both the skin and all the body. Knitted things just allow you to trace.

Video on the topic

Pay attention to the video, they show knitting nuances and various ideas are offered.

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