How to put in order an old battery?


How to put in order an old battery?

If the surface of the heating battery was swept, crackled, shuffled, the output one: you need to remove the old paint. Practical reasoning on how best to do it, set.

Before buying a means for cleaning the surface, it is necessary to find out than the battery was painted.

The least time will take the surface cleaning with the use of paint fluid, that is, a chemical method. It is for sale in all specialized construction stores in the form of gels, concentrates, aerosols, powders.

Before buying a wash, you need to try to find out what the battery was painted.

Different types of means used to wash off the old paint are designed for its particular composition.

For example, there are washes for polyurethane, epoxypolyester, epoxy, powder paints, calculated for several basics.

If the nature of old paint is not known, it is better to buy a universal means to remove any paint coating.

To remove glyphthalic, nitrocellulose and oil paints, for example, use AFT washes, which leaves the old paint for 20-30 minutes and does not cause corrosion of the metal

Splice aerosol application

How to put in order an old battery?

Batteries having a ribbed structure are processed using an aerosol spray.

Before working with any chemical preparations, security measures should be taken: open the window, put on gloves, sealed glasses, respirator, protective clothing to prevent poisoning.

For the processing of a battery having a complex ribbed structure, it is more convenient to apply a wash with an airless apparatus or an aerosol spray. Considering the specifics of the method, it should be protected from splashing plastic and rubber items and gender.

As a rule, one canister is enough to cover with a suspended solution by the outer surface of the battery, as well as its uneven inner surface. Preparations are usually universal, that is, they can bundle any paint and primer if it is. At the same time, they do not cause corrosion.

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After 10-60 minutes at a temperature above 10 ° C, the paint swolves with bubbles, it becomes loose and easy to remove with a metal brush, a spatula or a chisel. If you failed to remove the paint completely, the operation can be repeated.

Use of water-based chemical

How to put in order an old battery?

Chemical cleaning is recruited on the brush and smears are applied to the battery.

The traditional is considered a method for applying a brush washing, but at the same time the method is very difficult to process the internal elements of the battery and wash off the penetrated paint.

It is very effective to wash on a water-based Paint & Varnish Stripper, without flowing from vertical surfaces. Before applying the washes, you should cover furniture, floor within the action radius, but, nevertheless, avoid splashes and spilling.

The bank in which is nalita washed, is made of high strength material, so the fluid should remain only in it. The means is recruited on the brush and smears are carefully applied to the battery.

Washing consumption: 1 liter is enough for a battery consisting of 12 sections. Actions time - from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the coverage time. Do not allow drying, you should carefully assemble a spatula or a rigid brush softened paint. A accessible surface rinse with soap water room temperature and dry well. Using the sprinkler, you can rinse and internal protruding parts, pre-substituting a flat cup or cuvette under the battery.

Tools are cleaned of paint, washed, as well as brushes, soapy water.

Thermal battery cleaning method

How to put in order an old battery?

Cleaning the battery in the thermal method should be carried out in the open air.

We need a soldering lamp or a construction hairdryer, a rigid metal brush, a rag and a spatula.

Pre-battery is removed from the wall and remove to open air, as the cleaning of the thermal method from the paint is dangerous and toxic.

The solder lamp is heated by the battery until the paint starts to bubble. While she was not cooled, it is carefully removed by a small spatula. Since the work is carried out with open fire, and the battery is massive, it is necessary to observe maximum caution and, if possible, attract the assistant. This is due to the fact that to warm the surface of the metal and remove the paint with both hands sequentially. The assistant must control the position of the subject in the space in this processing method.

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The construction hairdryer is not as dangerous as a burner or soldering lamp. It can be applied in a closed room, but you need to close the walls with cardboard from flying paint pieces. After heating, the old bubble paint is removed with a rag.

The cold radiator is preparing a brush for metal, the surface is determined by the solvent. After that, all the shortcomings will be visible. Perhaps the procedure will have to be repeated for individual battery fragments.

Before the battery is placed in place, it should be painted on both sides outdoors. In addition, you need to check whether the gaskets are burned.

Mechanical removal of old paint

How to put in order an old battery?

You can remove the paint from the battery using the "Bulgarian".

A manual mechanical way to remove paint with a battery is quite difficult, but the result is usually very effective. This is possible in cases when she almost fell off, it bubbles and has few layers. Sometimes this method is used if it is satisfied with the incomplete purification of the battery from the old paint, as it is subject to decoration.

Large bubbles can be repeated with a mechanical perforator with a nozzle in the form of a blade or a hammer.

For further purification, files, cycles, spatulas, scrapers, rashpille, sandpaper are used.

It is also possible to clean the painted surface with the "grinder" - an angular grinding machine. For this, the disc is replaced with Krestovka - a wire brush.

Koldovka is fixed to clean the surfaces from paint on the ESM.

Change the grinder drill, in the patron of which the steel brush is clamped.

Grinding machine with a special nozzle (spraying medium hardness) surface is carefully processed. If necessary, the nozzle is changed. Having finished processing, the surface is wiped with a rag moistened in a solvent.

Sandblasting or abrasive cleaning is the most effective method of removing old paint with batteries. It requires not only the presence of special expensive equipment, but also skills. But if there is already a compressor, it is worth buying a nozzle for sandblasting.

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