Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners


Pussy, specks, paint - these are eggs painted by Easter's holiday in various ways. Modern hostesses are usually simply boiled eggs in food dye and use special films with drawings, when they hit boiling water on them, they jerk the egg. In this article, we will look at the old traditions of the painting of Easter eggs with their own hands, the master class on coloring wooden billets with the help of paints is attached.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Draw wax

To start the painting of eggs with hot wax, you need to prepare materials and tools, and also come up with a pattern of pattern. Basically, the writings are painted with lines and abstract patterns of raw eggs. Sometimes the contents of the egg blow out of the holes.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

So, for work we need eggs, wax or paraffin candles, napkins, food dyes, pre-divorced in water, and a tool of writing, which is sold to shops for needlework. It is a metal funnel with a handle.

The wax is laid in this funnel and trusts over the fire. Actually, so we will apply the wax pattern from this weak.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Eggs need to rinse, dry and wipe the surface with alcohol, each time heating the watering can, because the wax has a property quickly cool.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

After applying the main lines, we lower the egg into one of the colors, take out a couple of minutes and continue to apply additional patterns. And again we lower in the paint, but another color.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

To make the picture now manifested itself, you need to hold the egg over the flame of the candle and wipe out the napkin.

Another way to paint eggs for Easter - with colored wax chalk. You can buy them in the stationery store. Small melts melt in metal containers and an inverted needle or another wand strikes multicolored pictures.

Continuous lines are hardly possible, but make petals and spikelets quite actually point painting.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

If you use empty eggs, satin thin ribbons can be traded through the holes and on top, and now they can be switched or collapsed into beautiful bows. Although in fact, Easter eggs can be boiled, painted and then paint.

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Easter souvenirs

The painting of eggs is an interesting creative occupation for children both in kindergarten and at home. For beginners, paint can be painted with gouache paints, and the eggs are pre-empty. To do this, the hole is done in the upper and lower part of the selection and blew the contents, the holes, if desired, can be sealed with a small piece of painting tape or stagned by a test. Or if you have a medical syringe, then use it to get the contents. On eggs you can apply a drawing.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

To work with drawings, you can connect markers and markers for contouring.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

The painting of wooden eggs is also engaged in experienced master, acrylic colors are created original souvenir eggs that can be given to close or selling.

Murals consider in detail the example of one of the works.

Step 1. Prepare materials and tools.

We will need - billet eggs made of wood, sandpaper, acrylic paints (can be drawn and gouache), brushes, preferably synthetic, to work with acrylic. The rest is needed - napkins, pencils and protective newspapers, decoupling varnish.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Step 2. Preparation of the workpiece for work consists in stripping a wooden surface with emery paper. Typically, wooden surfaces before painting should be coated with either acrylic primer, or a self-made solution of PVA and water glue in equal parts and clean it. You can use the construction grinding sponge instead of sandpaper.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Step 3. We apply the first layer of paint with a wide brush over the entire surface and let dry, make a pencil sketch and weaving thin brushes pattern details, as shown in the photo.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Ideas for painting

Eggs in traditional folk painting are made in several layers. To draw berries, flowers and birds in the style of Gorodetskoy painting, the background is first applied, then the first layers of stains are drawn, which determine the positions of the main parts, do the tone at the same time. The second layer is drawn by dark details with thin strokes that create the shape of flowers or leaves. And at the end are drawn by white and yellow paints glare. At the end of the work covered with varnish.

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Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

An elegant openwork can be created with a tube with dots and lines.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Without certain skills of artistic skills, we also recommend using stencils. Cut them can be made of paint tape or other adhesive tape.

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

Another photo with the painting of eggs:

Painting of Easter eggs do it yourself: master class for beginners

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