Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos


When a child appears in the house, then in every corner of the rooms you can find toys. The boys have many cars, airplanes, train vessels, tools, and girls prefer dolls, kitchens, horses and soft toys. With the help of a girl's dolls play the role of mom and care for their toy babies. But since the realization of how Mom takes care of his child, the daughter also begins to play and with his dolls and in the same way to swaded, feed, talk, punish and praise. But for the whole of this game you need and inventory that is possible to buy in the store toy or do everything yourself. But all this costs a lot of money and not every parent can acquire everything that the child wishes. To save a few financial resources you can make cots for dolls with your own hands.

It is known that modern children do not have one doll, as more of their moms or grandmothers and therefore the sizes of dolls are different. For example, for Barbie or for Bebi Bone, the sizes are bits. Therefore, my mother should take care that the daughter does not have one bed. Options from which you can make such a cradle: from wood, plastic, bottles, and also from cardboard, out of the box. These are simple ideas, but such products can be very nice to decorate and give an unusual look to the taste of your daughter. But best of all, of course, to do everything with the child.

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Puppet crib

To help the child in organizing the order of a child's corner, you can begin to begin to make both clothes and furniture for the doll. In this master class, we will make a crib for the Monster High doll, which is very popular lately with the release of cartoon screens about Monsters girls and their school.

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What should be prepared to create such a bed?

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • line;
  • paper glue, best use PVA;
  • stapler;
  • paints with a tassel;
  • markers or markers of different colors;
  • Box for shoes;
  • Multicolored paper;
  • Scotch.

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

In this master class we will do the Tahtu - a crib with one back at the head of the head of the head. Getting to work. Black with a line on the box, where we retreat from above 2 centimeters, and on the sides one centimeter. We look at the photo, as it should look like. Now cut out the resulting crib through the line that we did. We glue the crib with paper, velvet, we can use cloth, clippings from glossy magazines. Next, reagree with ribbons, strata, lace and others. Now take the cardboard and cut out from it any form back. In our case, we make patterned, you can round, P-shaped. It all depends on the preferences of the needlewoman. This back can be disappearing with markers or decorated with tissue or paper. We are kpripim with a stapler. Our crib is ready. It remains to make a porida of soft tissue.

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

Two-storey bed

Modern little girls, as a rule, there is not one doll from one series. In this case, it is easier to make a bed bunk. To do this, you can use any material, for example, to build from plywood, paper, cardboard, from the box.

What we need:

  • Two identical boxes for shoes;
  • Synthetic material;
  • any floral tissue;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wood sticks.

Beds for dolls do it yourself from the box and plywood with photos

We start decorating the boxes using the selected fabric. Purchase their cloth outside. When everything is placed, inside make a mattress from a synthet board: cut down the bottom of the box, but to reduce a little, so that without complications it is possible to accommodate the bed. Next, we glue the wooden sticks on each side of the bed in such a way that there was one bed from above, and from above is another. We look at the photo as it should be.

Important! It is necessary to keep track of that on the lower floor, from the bottom side, the wooden wand peaked for one centimeter, because it will serve a feet of a crib.

Decorates everything to taste the needlewomen. Cot is ready.

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Video on the topic

Here is a video selection, with which you can learn to make a crib for the doll of your child.

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