PVC tile: basic properties and qualities


Modern and high-quality materials are increasingly used for decoration. If you are looking for a tile, then for sex it is not necessary for the floor to choose massive out of porcelain book or retain laminate or parquet. Excellent solution is a tile of polyvinyl chloride. Plastic is increasingly used to arrange an apartment or a private house. This is due to excellent properties and a pleasant price for the finishing material. On the carpet.ru you can choose PVC plate, carpet, as well as various carpets. A large range will pleasantly surprise you. Let's talk about the properties and advantages of PVC tiles, for which rooms it will be suitable, to consider during the choice.

The main advantages and cons

As for positive qualities, the following qualities and properties can be noted:

  • PVC tile is a material that perfectly opposes high humidity. Moisture will not penetrate inside the finishing material, creating a special comfort in the room. Due to this, some use it even for the bathroom;
  • Stop and transporting such a tile is very easy. It has a small weight, quite compact and comfortable. As for the installation, you can mount the tiles with your own hands;
  • Plastic is a material that can have absolutely any shade. Therefore, the variety of tiles for design is large. You can choose that tone that perfectly fit into your interior style;
  • Increased wear resistance allows the durability of the material. The tile is practically not engaged in the process of use, pets will not spoil this floor coating;
  • The coating has a pleasant temperature, it will not be cold on the coating, as with a tile based on ceramics;
  • Repair acceptance of material. Another important advantage is the possibility of quickly and without any problems to repair the coating. For example, if one tile is spoiled, you can install a new one quickly and independently;
  • Coating light care. It is quickly cleaned, you can apply different care products.

PVC tile: basic properties and qualities

But there are significant disadvantages that can not be considered. We refer to them:

  • The material is unnatural, which is why for Eco interior and those who love environmentally friendly materials, the tile will not fit;
  • The cost is quite high;
  • Drops of temperature can adversely affect the form and quality of finishing material.

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So, choose PVC tiles or not - choose only to you. But be sure to consider all the pros and cons, as well as the conditions in the room where it will be installed.

  • PVC tile: basic properties and qualities
  • PVC tile: basic properties and qualities
  • PVC tile: basic properties and qualities
  • PVC tile: basic properties and qualities
  • PVC tile: basic properties and qualities

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