Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material


The beauty of autumn did not only challenge the lazy. It is not surprising, because those bright paints that this time gives the year, truly multi and bizarrely intertwined with each other, creating masterpieces. And how many diverse natural material can be prepared for creativity! It is simply impossible to recalculate. A nice bonus - all the blanks are absolutely free, and their collection is available during the walk of the walk, which gives a wonderful mood, positive and positive emotions. Apparently, it is this energy that drinks natural material and the wonderful crafts are obtained from it. Autumn bouquets do it yourself from fallen leaves, fruits and berries, cones and moss - here is a small list of how you can extend the charm of this time of the year for a long time.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

It is in the fall in all general educational institutions a variety of contests are held for the best handicraft from the gifts of nature or a harvest festival. At this event, you can see a huge number of truly unusual, bright, creative creations. Of course, every child dreams to defeat the competition. But more important than the victory may be an understanding that your snaps are unique and unique and the other, similar to it, simply does not exist.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Consider several crafts from natural material that can be built with a child for a school competition.

Children's fantasy is not limited to the framework and is not subordinate to conventionals. Kids see the world differently than adults. On this fertile soil and germinate the shoots of future masterpieces. If you add to the child's thinking to add the skill and experience of parents, then everything is embodied in creative masterpieces. An example of such combination is presented in the following photos.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Roses from leaves

In almost every handicraft for school, the guys use the foliage. Properly dried and strokes of bizarre form and coloring is already beautiful. But it is very trite and uninteresting - collect a bouquet of leaves. A more creative idea will make roses from them that are very similar to the real. In addition, the leaves for this craft do not even have to dry.

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Step-by-step instruction in which the process of creating a flower is depicted in detail, presented in the photo.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Depending on how many maple leaves and what color will be used for the manufacture of roses, the size of the bud and the color of the final product depends. It is very good to apply for crafts. Leaves of contrasting shades - straw, lemon, red and oh colors.

Live beauty

The easiest, but from this no less spectacular, the bouquet can be collected from flowers that please the eyes on the flower beds almost to the first snow.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

For such a composition, asters, phlox, Rudbecia are suitable. Their bright and juicy color will create a sunny mood even in cloudy weather.

Velhets - Kings of flower in the autumn time. They are not tugged for quite a long time, but by their colors, which varies from gently yellow to a saturated-orange, awaken the vital energy of the human body. A bouquet of these colors will be extremely well and comfortable to look both in the kitchen and in the office.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

The combined compositions of bunch of berries, cones and colors look very appetizing. Collect such Iquiban during the period of harvesting will not be any difficulty.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

A bouquet of vegetables, fruits and cereals can become a real stylish gift for girlfriend, which adheres to a healthy lifestyle and watches its nutrition.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Of course, do not forget about Physalis and Georgina. These flowers are so self-sufficient, which is perfectly looking even in conventional banal containers without additional decorations. But do not miss the point that the colors should be much, and not two or three twigs. Only in this case will be a spectacular bouquet.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

A bouquet of Physalis can stand for a very long time, until it is uninstalled or will not swell its color. You can collect compositions and from other teasels, which are presented in a wide range.

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Bouquets or candy.

Of course, while the season of colors in full swing and has not ended, you can always create an original bouquet without effort. But what should I do if there are hopeless rains behind the window and the autumn has already exceeded the middle? There is an exit. You can make an original beautiful autumn bouquet of candies and corrugated paper.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

It looks like this composition is very stylish and bright, but to make it quite simple. You just need to buy a variety of your favorite candies, several tubes of corrugated paper of various shades, tape and scissors. Even children can be attracted to work. They will gladly wrap candy in paper petals.

Autumn bouquets do it yourself for school from natural material

You can decorate the cracker using wrapping paper, tapes, braids, openwork grids, beads and rhinestones.

Video on the topic

Even more ideas for creating a variety of bouquets, compositions and Ikebane is represented in a selection of video. See and inspire!

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