Applying solar panels


Applying solar panels

Solar battery is a group of photo cells generating electric current under the influence of sunlight.

Applying solar panels

Scheme of the solar photoelectric system.

The external simplicity of the design is very attractive compared to the turbines of hydroelectric power plants and atomic reactors, but large electrical capacities than the hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants, the use of solar cells can not be used yet.

Sunlight - the base of heat and life on Earth, its abundance and easy accessibility attracted the inventive minds of all time. Thousands of years ago, the Great Archimede, with the help of concave polished surfaces of bronze shields, focused the rays of the sun and set fire to the wooden squadron of the Romans. Solar collectors are collectors of solar heat - popular today when used in summer souls on cottages and garden sites.

Applying solar panels

Scheme of water heating heliosystem.

Solar energy to receive electricity began to be applied only in the middle of the last century. The discovery and use of an internal photo effect in semiconductor photocells, the development of the technology of their production allowed us to create reliable structures of solar batteries.

As a result of the falling light rays on the surface of the semiconductor photocell in the latter there is a directional flow of electrons, which is called electric shock. Its value is measured in microamers. The electrical power of one photocell is very small, so they are connected to blocks. The main disadvantages that brakes the widespread use of such batteries are:

  • low electrical power;
  • High cost of production.

The low solar power is due to the fact that most of the light flux falling on them is dissipated, reflected or absorbed without generating electric current (loss - up to 75%). Hence the low power of the photocells and the high cost of their electricity.

Applying solar panels

Scheme of the principle of operation and device of the solar battery.

The main material for the production of semiconductor photocells is crystalline silicon. Sea and river beaches are filled with sand - a bright representative of silicon, but contain all sorts of impurities. Natural silicon cleaning technology is a very expensive event, which affects the cost of photocells.

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Sunny energy actively began to use in space. Solar panels in spacecraft - the basis for the nutrition of the entire side space technology. In everyday life, the use of photocells is most often found in the calculators on solar panels. Improving crystalline silicon production technologies led to the creation of solar cells on new generation photocells.

The use of solar batteries in everyday life

Applying solar panels

Scheme of solar modules.

Household use of photocells combined into blocks to create sufficient electrical power, finds use as backup energy sources for the most necessary household appliances.

Dachas and country houses in terms of our reality are very vulnerable to temporary electricity shutdowns. Even elite areas built up with luxurious buildings are not insured against these phenomena. The absence, at least temporary, the possibility of using the usual home appliances: refrigerator, microwave, toaster, TV - creates household inconvenience and annoying.

Solar panels eliminate the dependence on the temporary shutdowns of electricity and create a feeling of freedom and comfort. For additional comfort, you have to pay, since the use of such batteries is possible only complete with special devices:

  • batteries for the accumulation of electricity produced by photocells of the battery;
  • controller to adjust the optimal expenditure of accumulated electricity;
  • Inverter for food domestic appliances.

Connection and maintenance

Correct and use the solar battery correctly - this task comes immediately after purchasing this cheap equipment. Here is the most minimal list of activities on the organization of autonomous power supply:
  • Select the required number of modules from the photocells to assemble batteries;
  • select the connection method;
  • provide for the installation of a diode shunt from possible shading of photocells;
  • Install battery charging regulator;
  • Install the controller for the entire photocell system.

The specifics of the work requires the involvement of a specialist to correctly connect the battery.

Solar service is easy, but requires attention. Photocell, more precisely, a crystalline semiconductor, durable and unpretentious to changing external conditions. The elements of the design of photovoltaic modules and batteries during operation change their properties:

  • Pollution of photocelling surfaces reduces their effectiveness;
  • Protective film reduces light transmission by 10-20%, which requires adjustment in electrical circuits;
  • overheating of the controller and the inverter disrupts the electrical characteristics of the system;
  • Insulation of the supply wires are destroyed from moisture and temperature drop.

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Use the faulty battery is strictly prohibited.

Prospects for the development of solar energy

Applying solar panels

Scheme of the power grid when using solar panels.

Installation on the roofs of houses in the cities of solar converters is very promising to save electricity, but requires state support. For example, household consumers of photovoltaic energy in Germany subsidize utility payments.

In states, where sunny days are dominated by (Spain, Israel), projects of residential and industrial buildings with solar pavements are being developed. The complexity of the production technology and the high cost of photo cells do not allow to achieve mass production.

Electric vehicles are actually operated today, but on a small scale due to the need for frequent recharging batteries. Charging automotive batteries by solar batteries is a breakthrough in the automotive industry to create competitive electric vehicles.

According to long-term technical forecasts, by the middle of the 21st century, the cost of electricity photomultic elements will approach the cost of its typical suppliers. From the point of view of ecology, autonomous powerful sources of electricity in the form of solar panels will be widespread.

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