How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video


Schoolgirls are always interested in how to decorate a personal diary, because each notebook for personal entries should be individual and emphasize the inner world, as well as the individuality of the owner. Every girl, especially in childhood, wants to keep a diary. It is interesting to record your thoughts and feelings. Personal notebook for entries can help a person understand himself and take important decisions. Of course, as a diary, you can use a simple notebook or buy a log diary with decorations without fantasy, but to have a diary, manually decorated, much more interesting. Below will be considered original options for decorating a diary.

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

Bright covers

To decorate the diary outside, you can make a cover from the fabric with your own hands.

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

Before starting work, you need to prepare such materials as:

  1. Notepad or notebook with a solid binding;
  2. Bright material, such as velvet, flax, satin fabric, or drape;
  3. Fliselin;
  4. Lining material;
  5. Buttons;
  6. Suede lace;
  7. Special suspension for laying decor;
  8. Scissors;
  9. Motor threads;
  10. Pencil;
  11. A piece of chalk;
  12. Two rules, ordinary and centimeters;
  13. Pins.

First stage

First you need to know all the dimensions of the notepad, the width, when the notepad is deployed, height and width when closed.

It is important to determine the thickness of the notebook and the size of the smell and valve that are made to hold the cover.

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

Folding all sizes, you can count the width of the fabric. It is necessary to determine the length of the suede cord. The length of the cord will be equal to the diagonal diagonal, plus a small battery allowance.

Cutting a notebook with a suede lace, plus a sewing allowance, plus a loop that wakes the button. The result obtained is and will be the length of the lace for fixing the cover.

Pattern details

At the next stage, cut the pockets for the handle and notes. Size pocket Calculate, focusing in the size of the notepad.

Article on the topic: Crochet. Organizer with pockets on the wall

From the phlizelin to embroider the rectangle is the same in size as the cover. Tracing Flizelin to the invalid of the notebook and try the iron. Connecting a notebook and a sample cover, to the right in the center to put the fixing cord. Sew blanks for pockets and handles, strain and twist.

Sew the main and lining material together. From the front side to see to leave the hole, to turn the cover, as soon as the case for the diary is turned out, the hole can be sewn. At the last stage, pockets to the case, as well as the entire perimeter of the cover. Sewing the button, and the bookmark decorate the fittings.

This is how the finished cover from the fabric should look:

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

No less beautiful will look a diary in the leather cover.

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

It is necessary to wrap the diary of the skin and circle the contour, for each side add 4 centimeters and cut part. From the front side of the cover with a hole punch hole for spikes.

At the final stage, put a personal notebook for entries into a leather case, and the edges will be turned out.

Interior decorations

How to decorate your personal diary inside. There are a lot of decor of the inner side of the diary.

  • Photos and pictures that will clearly illustrate the events described in the personal notebook;
  • Small schemes;
  • Font of different quantities;
  • Decoration of pages using pockets for different things important for the owner of the diary;
  • Ink and pencils of different colors.

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

How to decorate a personal diary inside and outside with photos and video

Video on the topic

Video with ornaments for a personal diary. Thanks to the instructions in the rollers, even a child can decorate the diary.

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