How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian


On the eve of the day of all saints, the pumpkins are taken. The head from the pumpkin is the main symbol of this holiday. However, it is interesting to know the history of the day of all saints and how to cut a pumpkin on Halloween correctly.

History and traditions

According to the Irish legend, he lived in the world Farmer Jack, who drank very much and led a rampant lifestyle. The character of the man was lazy and greedy. Once, when Jack was sitting in the tavern and drunk, he saw Satan and concluded a deal with the devil, sold his soul in exchange for a mug of beer. Satan turned into a Chervonets, but Jack managed to put a coin in his pocket, and in this pocket there was a cross. In order to return its original bowl, the devil gave Jack exactly 10 years of calm and quiet life. It's time for Jack to die, but Jack never changed his life, there was no road to the paradise farmer, and there is no jacket under the Agreement, Jack's soul began to wander, as lost, throughout the light. To illuminate the road, the man used coal from the hellish fire. In order not to burn hands, the farmer had to cut the jack lantern from the pumpkin and insert coal there.

Pumpkin flashlight is a symbol of the loud soul. On Halloween, it is customary to cut the head of the pumpkin and insert candles there, and then put homemade lanterns on the threshold at home and drive a soul of the farmer from his home. The lanterns were previously done not only from the pumpkin. In England and Scotland, potatoes, turnips or beets were used for these purposes. Pumpkins began to use in the United States of America. Bright and juicy pumpkin has become the main attribute of the holiday. Below are a photo of examples of how the pumpkin transforms into a lantern, looking at these photos, you can inspire your own creativity.

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How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

Understand how to cut a pumpkin correctly, the master class will help.

Technique cutting

First of all, you need to prepare materials and tools:

  1. Fresh pumpkin;
  2. Acute, well-compatible knife;
  3. Thick needle or awl;
  4. Paper;
  5. Markers;
  6. Big scissors;
  7. The spoon.

Important moment - for work I need a good, correct pumpkin. The vegetable should be dense and smooth, without spots and defects. The fruit is better to choose a high, not less than 20 centimeters in height, with a ripe pulp and solid fruit, length from five centimeters.

After the fruit is selected, the lid of any form is evaporated with the marker. For a candle or flashlight do a neat hole in a vegetable. If you plan to insert a candle in the pumpkin, do the hole from above, and when it is planned to insert a jar with lanterns, then below. Take a knife and carefully cut the drawn lid, then take the tail, carefully remove.

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

Now it's time to remove the inside of the fetus. For this procedure, you will need a spoon. It is necessary with the help of a spoon to release the vegetable from the pulp, seeds and fibers so that the walls have seal, at 2-3 perhamn.

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

It is time to show fantasy and come up with a fruit funny or evil face. To do this, it is necessary to use markers and on the leaf of paper to come up with which the product will be at the product. The places where it is necessary to cut, better paint the marker. Figure attach to a vegetable with adhesive tape, then tilt to make an eye contours. A knife cautiously cut the picture, clearly by drawn lines.

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

At the last stage, it is necessary to make lighting for vegetable. A common candle is suitable, which is recommended to put in a glass, or lace lama lace shaped is winding around a glass bottle. Place the lamp in the pumpkin. Remove the wire through the hole made, and then turn on the outlet. Pumpkin Talisman is ready. You can put on the threshold of the house.

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Paper option

A pumpkin flashlight from fresh vegetable can quickly spoil, but a great output will make a paper pumpkin lantern. How to cut a pumpkin out of paper, the fast method is described below.

For such a product, you will need:

  • Colored paper of orange and green color;
  • Scissors;
  • Tube stationery glue.

Orange paper should be cut into symmetric stripes. Bear the tips of the strips in a circle in the form of the sun. Now connect the second ends and attach the green tail.

That's what should happen.

How to cut pumpkin on Halloween: master class with photos and video in Russian

Video on the topic

The video in Russian, presented below, will help to figure out how to make a pumpkin flashlight.

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