Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos


If smoking person lives on one with you, you don't know what the ashtons do not happen much. They can wear out from time to time, lose an attractive appearance, fight, break and crack, and sometimes just disappear. Therefore, to have about the reserve, a couple of three of these accessories is necessary. Buy such thing is very simple. Shops are replete with a product of this kind. But I want the subject to not just serve to its owner, performing its direct function, and also caused pleasant emotions or eloquently testified about the silent feelings. Therefore, it is much more pleasant to not buy a soulless ready-made product, but make a ashtray with your own hands.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Ashtrays make various forms and configurations: convex, flat, rectangular, round square, curly. They can be with a lid so that the smell from the cigarettes does not apply around the room, and without it.

The material for the manufacture of this item can act as a tree, stone, metal, sinks and even tight plastic.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Several ideas for homemade products

The most common ashtray version made by your own hands is the manufacture of it from a beer can or drink. Cropping an empty container from under the carbonated drink, a primitive urn is obtained for cigarettes. In order for the product more cultural and elegant, it will have to work a little.

A step-by-step master class, shown in the illustration below, explains in detail how from the usual metal bank get a cute ashtray with sides.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Salted dough is an excellent material for making various crafts from it. It plastic, can acquire any shape when modeling. After drying in the oven, the products made of salt dough hardened and do not change their form. All these qualities are not better suitable for creating an ashtray from it.

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Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Fantasy on the topic of the shape and size of an attribute for smoking from the dough can be infinitely long. Experienced masters will cope with the presented instance, the newcomers are needed simpler models.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Properly mixed dough - half of success in making crafts from it. There are many recipes on a given topic: based on glue, vegetable oil, children's cream. The best is the classic method, thanks to which the dough is performed in the measure of elastic, plastic, does not crack when drying. The composition of such a mass includes only a small salt "Extra", water and wheat flour.

A more spartan and simple variant of the ashtray from the tree can be made of four boards. Even a schoolboy can cope with this work.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

For this billet glued together. Next, the product is dried for at least 4 hours. After that, the handicraft is grouped by sandpaper, optionally tinted with a veil or a special dye and is covered with drying.

As a gift to some event or holiday, lover of decor can decorate the usual glass ashtray. The compositions of seashells on such an accessory will look not only stylish, but also exquisite. Such a present will take a worthy place in the interior of its owner and will become a real decoration of the room.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Decoupage instructions are given below:

  1. Degrease the glass surface with alcohol-containing liquid;
  2. On the bottom of the ashtray with the help of acrylic varnish the selected drawing is glued. It is better to use marine themes so that the thing is performed in one style;
  3. Next, the ashtray is toned by white or blue acrylic paint;
  4. Shells, rhinestones, beads, and other small parts made of polymer clay, prepared in advance are glued to the prepared surface.
  5. By the need, the finished handicraft is painted in the right colors.

Options for professionals

Wooden ashtrays are less durable due to the propulsions formed in them, besides there is always a risk of fire from a nonpreaded cigarette. Nevertheless, the accessory for smoking, isted out of wood, enjoys great demand and respect.

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Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

It is quite difficult to sharpen such a model. For work, you will need special sawing and lathes, as well as specialized tools such as chisels, clamps and files. But the true masters does not frighten it, and the end result will delight with its spectacular appearance.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Masters of chasing and artistic forging can create a masterpiece of metal.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

With the help of a welding machine from under the golden hands of craftsmen overlook the exclusive author's work presented in the photo.

Ashtray with your own hands with a metal lid with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Even more ideas for inspiration contains a selection of a video in which the secrets of craftsmen are revealed and various master classes are collected for the manufacture of ashtons with their hands from glass cans, ceramic tiles, gas cylinders and other materials.

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