Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns


In our time, unusual clothes will not surprise anyone, but not - to give your wardrobe a winting will help appliques for clothes from the fabric. And to find out how to do them correctly, read the material on.

Such applications will breathe life into your everyday things will give the "second breath of the old". In this article, you will be offered to your attention several types of techniques, with which you can transform the wardrobe of your kids. Yes, the works presented below are suitable for children's little things, because these little fidgets very often "reward" clothes with such spots that are almost impossible to wash, or holes that can be imperceptibly hidden by appliqué.

Manufacturing instructions

Let's try to make a bulk stripe, for your crumbs (in such a technique you can perform a patch and for adult clothes).

  • First you need to draw the pattern. If you do not know how to draw, do not worry, you can print the picture. Choose from the templates presented below or take your own. Separately create a detail template that will be volumetric. Patterns should be without letters and a few millimeters less than the main part.

Pattern options for pattern:

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

  • Now we attach the drawing to the base and supply it with a chalk or a special marker for fabric. Those details that should be volumetric, cut out of the foam rubber.
  • Now we attach the applique to the main fabric, for this, first sew the foam rubber, and above cover the applique itself.
  • Capture only a fitted fabric so that the threads are invisible, stitches do as much as possible and more carefully.
  • The outline of the figure can be decorated with ribbon, beads, beads, etc.

Here is an example of a finished applique:

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Windroad technique

Now let's try on a new technique, the result looks very unusual. Thus, it is very convenient to hide the torn places that are no longer subject to recovery.

The drawing, which will be presented here, will suit more on clothes for boys, but you can choose the option and for the girl. But it is worth considering that the drawing is better to choose easy.

So, we will need:

  • The thing you will decorate the applique;
  • White paper sheet;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil;
  • English pins;
  • Fabric that will be appliqué;
  • Threads;
  • Sewing machine.

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The selected drawing must be applied on paper. The main thing is that it can be easily removed after the decoration is completed. We take a thing that we will decorate, and turn it inside out, mark the approximate location of the picture and attach a piece of fabric to the basis of pins or large stitches.

Now turn the decorated thing back, and already on the front side we attach the pattern so that it does not move. We fasten the main fabric and fabric for appliques with small stitches along the edges of the image, but the template does not affect. After that, it should be removed all the pins and the template itself.

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Now a very important point: sharp small scissors from the front side of the decorated fabric cutting the contours of the pattern, retreating from the seam of no more than 3 millimeters. Be careful - do not cut a random cloth for appliqué.

And finally, we cut off the excess fabric from the wrong side, here we turned out such an interesting result:

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

There is another option to decorate boring things from fabric - panel.

Original panel

We will perform with you here is a drawing:

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

You will need:

  • Fabric that will be the basis for panel;
  • Sewing threads of those colors that will be used in work;
  • Pieces of multicolored fabrics;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Textile glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to carve out all the items and items that will be used in the work.
  2. Applique start to perform from a house. To begin with, we sew the biggest rectangle suture "forward needle".
  3. Next, sew the roof of the looped seam. Rutchs select suitable for tapping to fabric so that they are as little as possible.
  4. Next, sew the windows, separating the windows with black threads.
  5. Next, we decorate the garden, you can make it in the picture with simple circles, and you can cut out flowers from the fabric. Sew them to the fabric in the same way as the house did.
  6. The cracker should be arranged in the frame, in our example, the hoops, which are used for embroidery. Panoto can be placed under the glass so that it is less exposed to pollution.

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Applications from the fabric is such an interesting option to give originality by ordinary things, especially if unnecessary flasks of fabric and boring uninteresting clothing were launched in the house. Such an element of decor will have to taste with any child and his parent. Below for you will be presented with schemes and sketches for appliques from fabric.

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Appliques from fabric on clothes for boys: patterns with patterns

Video on the topic

Look also a selection of video, there are also many interesting ideas there.

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