Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter


Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter

1. Malink on the duck do it yourself

Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter

Plastic Mankovs produced by our industry have a low sound quality, so hunters, as a rule, make them themselves. In this regard, I want to remind you about the well-proven one in the pre-war years and is undeservedly forgotten in our time with a wooden cherry on a duck and tell about its manufacture.

Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter

The blank of the resonator of the future manka is pulled out on the lathe. The material uses dry birch wood. Using a pencil and line, the workpiece is placed and then cut by the jigsaw on the planes of the AB, BV, VG and DG (Fig. 1). To facilitate the execution of this operation, the workpiece is worn on the mandrel (the rod with a diameter of 16 mm, squeezed in visks) and is cut along the BW planes and the GW to about the middle, then removed, put on the mandrel with the other side and cut to the end.

The discharged extreme parts of the workpiece are treated according to BV planes and GW sandpaper. Insulating tape, these parts are fixed on the mandrel again, is cut into the planes of the AB and DG and then cleaned with sandpaper. The parts made in this way are folded together with BV and GW planes, fix it relative to each other with an insulating ribbon and processed with a file, as shown in Fig. 2 of the dotted line. In fig. 3 shows the inner surface of the resonator parts after final processing. To obtain a natural sound and giving a water-repellent properties, the parts of the resonator are covered with alcohol versus, and after drying - colorless nitrolac.

The membrane of the manka (Fig. 4) is made of tin from any cans (tin thickness of approximately 0.3 mm). The membrane is inserted between the wooden parts of the resonator; The entire device is fixed by the Cambrid of the appropriate size (Fig. 5). It is configured by the mannock with longitudinal displacements of the membrane and the Cambrid relative to the resonator. As can be seen from the description, the shock is simple in the manufacture: all works are out of no more than an hour of time.

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2. Malink on the moose by their hands

September. The moose will begin gon. Many hunters love the hunt "on the moan" moose for her beauty and amarness, for the severity of sensations and the ticking nerves feeling danger. A prerequisite for successful hunting for the WAU is the skillful work of the Vabelchik.

Experienced hunters are very believable mimic moose moons without any remedies, only making out of the palms of the neck of the horn and climbing the nose with indicable fingers. Someone moans in the barrel of the gun or in the glass from the kerosene lamp, someone in a bottle with a damp bottom. All these methods require some talent from the Vabelchik, the ability to accurately reproduce the voice of the animal of the right gender and age.

Those hunters who do not have a musical rumor who lacks skills and experience in this simple case, or simply do not want to strain voice ligaments, you can try to make a self-made vacuum from tin cans. This device, proven in practice by many hunters, is not difficult to do, and the result can exceed all the expectations.

For VABA, we will need: a pot of tin (from coffee, from baby food, etc.), a lace or a non-nutritional clothesline from a nylon about 60 cm long, a tape or a piece of leather, equal to the surface area of ​​the can.

Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter

The bank can be of any size, the main thing is that the hole diameter is somewhat less than the bottom diameter. Not the best canning cans are best suited, and banks with a "jumped" lid. But, for the absence of such, you can take a tin from canned tomatoes. The size of the bank affects the sound received - than it is less, the sound above, and, accordingly, the more, the "moan" below and louder.

You get a suitable bank, in the very center of its bottom you need to do a hole. The hole must match the thickness of the lace. A rope tied to a node tied to the nodule is encountered in the hole (so as not to fall out). Elementary Vaba is ready!

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Pre-mix the lace in the water, clamp it between the large and index fingers and spend on it from top to bottom. At the same time, the bank should be kept only for the base, without touching the walls. It turns out the sound, very similar to moose moan.

The device can be improved by wrapping it with a tape or shocking the skin. Then the sound published by the jar will lose a metal tint and becomes more natural. In addition, in order to bring the sound to the desired timbre, you can fill the jar with loose moss.

Good luck in experiments!

P.S. The global collection of the gunkam is apparently many hundreds of samples, including mankey of old work and a modern production mankey.

The figure shows the manus intended for study:

Homemade shock and moose shoes for hunter

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