Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video


Autumn time comes and inspires children and adults to creativity. Berries, fruits, nuts, ears are kept in the fields and gardens. The forest pleases the acorns and cones. Therefore, I want to apply the gifts of autumn and make autumn crafts with their own hands.

Garden fun

Vegetables give food not only to our body, but also to our imagination. Due to the variety of shades and forms laid down by nature, they can be perfectly combined with each other, and the caretaker can become a masterpiece.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

For example, to make slippers from zucchini, you need to draw contour on them, cut the flesh along the contour and decorate the carrot flower.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Zucchini - good stuff for trainers, carts, airplanes and boats, if the child is entrusted to make a craft from vegetables to school. From his fruit can easily cut the model to the child. Wheels can be made of zucchini, cucumber or carrots, sliced ​​with circles. Sail - from the cabbage sheet.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

In the trailers, you can put "cargo" - other vegetables, or passengers, also made of vegetables and fruits. Children like to make men and animals from vegetables. If a master class is preparing, for example, for a kindergarten, it can be smeashariki. To make Smesharikov, need round vegetables and fruits: potatoes, onions, beets, repa, radish, apple, orange and plasticine. From plasticine to make eyes and other recognizable elements of physiognomy: Horn for elosy, hat for cookatych, braid for Nyushi, etc. To remind children these elements, you can bring the printouts of each hero so that the children choose their loved ones. In order for the autumn handicraft, it seems to be completed, you can decorate the "place of residence" of sneakers with a composition of leaves, insects and snails from chestnuts, pine twigs.

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Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

If you have pears, green and black grapes and toothpicks, then you can make such hedgehogs, as in the photo:

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Clean the pear so that the muzzle formed, to the back to the toothpicks to attach green grapes, nose from black grape or olives. The eyes can serve two grains of carnations.

Forest fantasy

Hedgehogs are interesting characters. They are good not only of vegetables and fruits, but also from natural material.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

The craftsman will be good if with the help of twigs, corping, acorns, autumn leaves create an atmosphere of the forest, and make the hedgehog itself from cones and plasticine. It can be decorate with berries or mushrooms, strengthening them on "barns".

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

If the time and material is not so much, you can create cute hedgehogs from just three components: autumn leaves, plasticine, spaghetti. Sitting the future crafts to lay the leaves, to put the ball blindly from plasticine from the plasticine on one side of the ball, stick into the back of the spaghetti slices. Glue the eyes and spout made from plasticine.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Very bright and original, autumn crafts are obtained. Here will come in handy sprigs for imitation logs, chestnuts, acorns, berries, bumps, even fir needles.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

You need to cook a plastic tray or a dense piece of cardboard, you can even a cardboard box so that the house can be easier for contests, etc.

At the bottom of Singing any available natural filler - leaves, hay, straw, moss, needles, pebbles.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

The hut can be folded from chopped branches and tie with twine, threads, plasticine, or glue.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

The inhabitant of a house is placed or near the house or in the window. Near the house you can create additional elements of the decor: lay out the track, or "plant" a tree from a pine twig or cones, to build a well, throw the nest for the chicken, put an egg from plasticine into it. If you insert a branch of viburnum, it will be similar to a whole bush near the house. From the residues of chopsticks to build a fence, sticking sticks one near the other. The roof of the house can be made of straw or leaves.

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Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

In the forest theme, the owls look very harmoniously. From the cones, acorns, plasticine and small details will be a pretty handicraft.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

For the complex craft "Owl on the tree" will need: round non-spoke of a wooden chumbach for a stand, spiceing a tree for wood, a large bump (future owl), feathers for wings, eyebrows and tail, plasticine, paints, a little moss, yellow leaves and chestnuts for Decoring stand.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

To create a cheerful autumn background, you can make pendants from agosmorers made in Origami technique, as in the photo:

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn accessories

Such accessories like clock, bag and hat are often present in our daily life. Crafts made in this style are amazing.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

To make a craft-hat, you first need to prepare cardboard blanks. Cut and glue with each other so that it turned out the desired form. You can use an old felt hat.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Pre-prepared leaves gently glue on the cardboard basis or felt, add. The bunches of Ryabina and other bright elements of the decor to sew threads.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Very decorate the interior of the kashpo, made in the form of a hat. Its edges are decorated with multi-colored leaves, and the middle decorated with autumn colors sled.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Crochet you can easily encourage whole baskets with mushrooms and fruits.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

To make a craft-clock, you need a dense square piece of cardboard for the dial, several beautiful dried leaves of different colors, thin twigs, 30-40 chestnuts or cones for design.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Plug cardboard by contour by chestnuts. Mark the center and stick twigs in the form of a clock and minute arrows, Roman numbers XII, III, VI, IX. On the free space inside the clock neatly lay the leaves, in the center glue one chestnut.

The watches decorated in the autumn style can be a wonderful gift.

Autumn crafts with their own hands from natural material with photos and video

Video on the topic

Autumn crafts are diverse and multifaceted, and every autumn human fantasy creates more and more new masterpieces of this type of creativity. In specially selected video lessons below, you can see even more ideas and options for them.

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