Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table


Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in the kitchen interior

In today's selection of ideas for the house, we offer a table of color combination palette table in the interior. And I will start with the kitchen palette - the gamma is restrained, harmonious, suitable for solar kitchen. These ideas of the interior are suitable for any premises, using this color, you can get a harmonious space.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in children's interior

The following idea of ​​a colorful solution for children's room Girls. The colors are chosen by harmonious, nonsense, not annoying a child's psyche.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Palette Combine Colors in Bedroom Interior

This palette may seem at first glance somewhat gray, but thanks to the inclusion of the lilac, everything becomes full. Colors do not argue, but complement each other.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in living room interior

Several bright accents in this living room served as a starting point for creating a color palette. It turned out an interesting idea for stylish premises.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in living room interior

Another solution to the combination of colors - the palette is chosen more saturated, live and juicy. Pay attention to bright walls and accents in pillows.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in dining room interior

This palette is based on warm shades that carry the color is white. In the white space and color spots are manifested.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in living room interior

Go to more saturated cold shades. This palette combines shades of blue in the living room. The idea is brave and suitable for the premises of the exiting south side.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in bathroom interior

This palette is somewhat incompatible with the image of the room, but on color all the colors are perfectly combined with each other.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower combination palette in bathroom interior

Well, the last palette of the combination of colors in the interior of the bathroom in marine shades. Beautiful and stylish solution, I think. Take a note and use the organization of your room. Successes in design and painting!

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Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

The principle of the triangle on the color circle will allow you to choose three combined colors without any problems. Just take three colors in your palette, located on the corners of the triangle. It can be rotated and still all the three colors will be harmoniously combined with each other.

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Combination of color gamma

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Table of color matching

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Color combination table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Color tables

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

Flower Combination Palette in Interior - Table

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