Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos


Each hostess faces the problem of storage in the kitchen. This issue is especially relevant for bulk: croup, spices, coffee, tea. Of course, in the store you can find a wide selection of spice storage jackets, both with a pattern or decoration and without it. The more beautiful and its original look, the more expensive it will cost. A complete set will be in a round sum. But after what to overpay, if the jars for spices do with their own hands, it is simple and practically without costs, you can do only with appliant means.

Glass jars from under children's nutrition, pickles, mustard, small iron jars with covers are well for storage. You can use jars from under drugs, juices or yogurts. The main thing is that it is comfortable, tightly closed and helped her form. There are a lot of decor options. Some of them do not require special skills and skills. Any hostess will cope with the task, the main thing is to choose the way you like.

We start creating

If you are using glass jars and love to draw, then everything is simple - with the help of stained-glass colors you can paint the jar. If the drawing is complicated, you can use stencils. Consider on the example of painting.

Materials: stained glass paints, black contour, glass jars for spices, brushes, stencils, PVA glue, alcohol, centimeter tape, cotton sticks and needles or toothpicks.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

We will proceed to step by step an embodiment of painting.

To begin with, cut out the prepared pattern. But not through the contour, but with the allowance. Figure You can choose any, your taste. We measure the circle of the can be centimeter. The same centimeters should be a drawing, if we have it on the whole circle. Unfront cut down the contour. Attach the drawing inside the jar so that the stencil is visible outside. Dot to glue it inside the jar with the help of PVA glue, as shown in the photo. Wait for its complete drying. It usually lasts about 15 minutes.

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Treat the surface of a glass jar with alcohol. It degreases her and will give it an opportunity to spread the paint smoothly.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Let's start directly to the stained painting. With brushes No. 1 or No. 2, we supply the black contour paint pattern silhouettes. Drinks to align with toothpick or cotton sticks. Give the paint a little silent.

Through the brush fill in the corresponding flowers of the drawing details.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

You can decorate and cover. To do this, draw an arbitrary drawing or using a stencil. Next, the sequence of execution is the same as with a can. Give a jar to dry completely, usually it takes about a day. Remove the stencil from the inside of the can and wash off the remnants of the glue of PVA with warm water. The jar is ready, you can fill it with spices and put on the prominent area of ​​the kitchen.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Another example of a simple decor of jackets for spices can be harvested jars with inscriptions on cams. But the inscription need to be processed. It is possible to do this with the help of a construction or acrylic varnish, or attach a wide scotch from both sides.

The original and beautiful decor can be the design of textiles jars for spices. The fabric must be dense, it can be simply glued to the jar, make inscriptions and open lacquer.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Another beautiful and original solution can be the decoration of the jar of decoupage.

Materials: Glass jars for spices, PVA glue, scissors, brushes, acrylic paints and varnish, beautiful ornamental napkins, white napkins.

The process of making decor is very simple. On a clean jar with the help of PVA glue glue several balls of napkins. Let dry. Meanwhile, with napkins for the decor, we remove the two inner balls and cut the elements for the decor. Gently glue by a jar with elements, smoothed a tassel with glue. Let the jar dry completely and cover with glue. A jar for spices in a decoupage technique is ready.

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Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Decor variants set. From simple painting of covers, sticking stickers and to decor with textiles, artificial colors, polymer clay, napkins with original pattern, harnesses, ropes, beads, pearls, grains, croup, seeds and everything that is enough fantasy.

We will provide several examples of the decor of jams of different complexity for inspiration.

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Jars for spices do it yourself with photos and videos

Create beauty and comfort with your own hands from simple materials very simple! No matter what method or technique you have chosen. You can start with simple and walk to the most difficult options. You can show yourself in painting, you can in the art of decoupage, you can simply adhere to practicality. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments, try, do. Work will always be original and please the eye, and perhaps and cause surprise, both hostesses and households and guests. Try!

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