Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video


Works made by your own hands are appreciated in our world most. And even more so, the products that are made with love as a gift. Everyone knows that make a gift for a real man is very difficult, and even such that he liked. In today's article, we suggest to make you just such an unusual gift - a beer mug of sweets, which will accurately like the male floor. This gift is ideal for those who would not refuse from good beer, but still it is well suited for those who love to be destroyed with delicious chocolate candy and other sweets.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Gift with taste

But the process of making an unusual gift with your own hands can be traced on the example of the master class.

In order to make a beer mug of sweets, you will need such materials: corrugated paper (preferably brown), small chocolate candies, insulation with foil (small piece), wire, glue, artificial wool and decor object - decorative tape. All materials you can buy in a specialized store.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

In just a few short steps, we can quickly make this gift.

The first step we need to make a cylinder in the form of a circle with a foil. The length of the cylinder must be one cm greater than the length of the chocolate, and the width of the cylinder should accurately place a certain amount of chocolates so that there are no empty seats. In our case, it turned out a rectangle in size eleven by twenty-nine cm, which we brought into the cylinder with the help of bilateral scotch. If you doubt that the scotch will not stand, you can additionally pierce the stapler.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Then we put it on the seal, we supply and cut out this circle. It will be the bottom of the beer glade. Thus, we cut the perfect circle and do not make any extra and complex movements.

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Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

We glue both parts with each other, but only with the help of tape.

On a note! The glue use in no case, because it will spoil the foam part of the insulation.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Now we need to take corrugated brown paper. Cut from it a rectangle, which is wider than a cylinder for a pair of cm and longer than twice + one cm. And also cut the circle, the diameter of which is also more for a couple of cm.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Now we use hot glue and glue the first step with a circle of paper for the bottom.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

After that, the Boca is blocked. No need to wrap their inside at this stage.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

The next step we need to make a handle for the beer glade. Cut the handle initially from the insulation. In our case, the size of the handle is 1.5 * 6, and then cut off another piece of corrugated paper, slightly more than the size of the handle.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Put the paper handle and put inside a small but flexible wire.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Fix the handle to the glass. Ends glue with the inside of glue.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Now the protruding part of the paper wrap inside. For convenience, you can cut it on a pair of stripes. Inside the bowl glue the edge glue and the bottom is glued to the bottom.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

The next step is offered to decorate the gland handle with a gold braid.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Near the beginning of the handle we make one turnover and fasten the flap on the glue.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Now we need to decorate the walls of the beer mug with chocolate candies. To do this, we take small chocolates and glue them in a circle, starting to work from the handle of the beer gland.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

If you still have a little place left, then we glue it with a gold braid.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

The top of the beer mug we also have already reagree.

Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Well, the last step must be filled with something beer mug. It may be candy, just throw in the middle as many candies as possible, and maybe artificial wool, as in our case, which will mimic the beer foam. Beer mug from candies is ready!

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Beer mug of candies with their own hands: master class with video

Here is such a beautiful and sweet gift for male representatives from us. It is perfect for both birthday and on February 23.

Video on the topic

We offer to see the interesting selection of video lessons for the manufacture of an unusual gift for a man - beer mug of candy. In these master classes, other schemes are described, and experienced masters are divided into their experience, they tell the entire manufacturing process in detail and shared in small secrets.

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