How to make a coffee table transformer with your own hands?


The coffee table Transformer is an excellent solution for small apartments in which there is little space for a variety of furniture items. This table is consistent and declined depending on the needs of the owners. As folded, this is a small coffee table, and in the unfolded - the table for guests. This design makes a table multifunctional and practical.

How to make a coffee table transformer with your own hands?

Drawing of a transformer table.

Even a person who has never been engaged in the manufacture of furniture can do with his own hands. For this, quite desire and the reserve of patience.

Selection of a mechanism for the table

Table transformer can be laid due to a special mechanism. Variants of such mechanisms a great set, so it is quite difficult to determine the optimal. When choosing a mechanism, remember the golden rule: the ideal one is considered a transformer table that a woman can fold and decompose without any assistance.

Complies with this rule such a mechanism as in Fig. 1. In addition to the ease of use, such a mechanism has another advantage - it is enough just to find on sale. You can go to find something more original and acquire a mechanism of another type. But it should be remembered that the convenience of operation should be above all.

How to make a coffee table transformer with your own hands?

Figure 1. The transformation mechanism of the table is easy to install and exploit, it is also easy to find on sale.

There are two main types of mechanisms:

  • spring;
  • Gaslift.

Spring mechanisms have some advantages over gas-lift:

  • ease of design;
  • ease in fixing if necessary;
  • The inconsistency of the fastening elements (springs) is folded.

Preparatory work

Before starting the table, you need to create its layout. This can be done with special programs, if there is a desire to make the table of the original model. If the table is a fairly simple design, which, except 4 legs and countertops, does not include anything in itself, then you can draw a schematic drawing of the table on paper. It is necessary to determine the characteristics of the model of the table and its parameters.

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As a rule, the instruction to the mechanism contains recommendations regarding the size of the future table. Guided by them, you can do without making a layout or drawing of the structure. When all table parameters are known, you need to cut the material. That is, to prepare patterns of future separate parts of the table.

Select the material for the manufacture of the table can be based on your own taste preferences. The transformer table can be made of chipboard, fiberboard and other things. It is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the material so that it can withstand the severity of the entire design, the mechanism and items located on the table. As a rule, the thickness of 22 mm is sufficient.

How to make a coffee table transformer with your own hands?

Assembly scheme of a transformer table.

When the material is selected and purchased, you can proceed to its sawing. To do this, the hacksaw or the jigsaw is suitable. You can easily facilitate the task and order the details in the carpentry workshop, but the independent execution of this work should not be too complicated even for beginner masters.

When the items are ready, you need to check whether they correspond to the necessary dimensions and are suitable for each other. A total of 14 details should be harvested:

  • 4 for frame;
  • 8 for legs;
  • 2 for countertops;
  • 1 Small board for support table tops in unfolded form.

Assembling table of transformer

First of all, the framework is going. To do this, you need to connect 4 relevant parts with each other. For fastening parts it is best to use confirmates. Under the fasteners you first need to drill holes on the markup.

For marking, you can use a simple pencil if the material is light, or special stickers on a dark material on which the pencil is not visible.

As a result of bonding 4 parts of the frame, a rectangular box should be turned out, in which there is no lid or bottom.

The folding mechanism is attached to the frame. This element has a sufficiently large weight, so it is necessary to make through holes in the framework for fastening. Fasteners will be hidden in the future with legs, so you can not worry about what they will be noticeable and make a coffee table less attractive. The mount is performed on the bolts.

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Next are made legs. Each leg is 2 parts connected at right angles using multiple corners of a small size. After the details of the legs are fastened, you can move to their installation on the frame. To do this, you need to make a mark with the mark under the holes, drill holes and fasten the legs on the metal bushings.

Then you need to go to the assembly of the table top. To lay out and fold it easily, it is necessary to use high-quality reliable hinges. Two parts of the countertops need to be folded to each other and on the one hand, mark the places to be drilled for fastening the hinges. In the finished holes are inserted fasteners of hinges and twisted. A small board, which will rely on the unfolded countertop, is attached to the folding mechanism and only after that the assembled countertop is attached.

As a result, the magazine table is a transformer, which is very easy to turn into a full dining table. This piece of furniture will serve for the convenience of the hosts in everyday life and will enjoy guests on holidays. A woman who does not resort to assistance will be able to cope with his layout, which is very important if the woman herself is preparing for the arrival of guests.

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