Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video


The modern industry allows you to give every flight of fantasy and creativity. Interesting application in the wardrobe found and ordinary polyethylene. With it, you can simply and quickly create a beautiful and unusual outfit, only an inspirational idea will be required. And if you give the will imagination, you can come up with a stunning and unique dress from the packages with your own hands.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Polyethylene will allow you to create incredible patterns and forms due to the ability to stretch and melt. This option of dresses, of course, will not serve you for a long time, but for the carnival or a fun party will be determined.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

In the use of cellophane as a replacement of the fabric there are its advantages: the material is not necessary to iron, it is possible to use different colors, it does not require a lot of time to create a product, you do not need to wash, you can simply rub a wet shaking, minimum financial costs.

Options for simple dresses

Having mastered the receptions below the master classes, you can easily repeat these amazing outfits.

Very quickly you can make an unusual dress, just a few steps and without any instructions: take the black trash package of maximum volume with ties, cut through the bottom package for the neck, and on the sides we make rosters for hands. That's all, the outfit is ready - we put on and tighten the string at the bottom.

Another simple option: Two black packages and tape will need. Wrap the package around the body, forming the draper, fasten the scotch of the folds, cut out beautiful straps and attach with the help of the tape to the base. Latest Barcode - Make a side cut on a skirt for convenient movement in the dress, and for the strength, skid the top of the scotch with the inside.

Complete options

A little more comprehensive option - dress with a lush skirt. For him, you need to take the T-shirt of the same color as the package. T-shirt decorating flowers from the package - cut out a strip of 50 cm long and a width of 8-12 cm, then we collect it into the flower, folding in half and collect on the thread.

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Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

We proceed to the skirt: Packages inflation and tie from above, make the basis from a large garbage package, glue to it bonded with a different scotch bag, forming the shape of a skirt. T-shirt and skirt sew threads.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Jail dress from cellophane and paper. A dense cardboard will be required, from which we cut the corset for the future outfit. Corset is tightening with a package, creating beautiful folds or ruffles. Then a large package to the corset on the scotch tape. Using the properties of cellophane, when heated is compressed, we make a kind of stroke roses with a preheated iron. Be careful not to burn the skirt.

Ball gown with a bodice: it will take the ability to cut and sew. Of the two black and two green packages of the crumb part of the bodice and the back of the back, stitch the details of the thin needle. The lower skirt is made from the black packages, and the upper layers are from the green. Stitching the bodice and skirt. From the remaining packages, we cut the volumetric belt band and make the assembly method of ten multi-colored roses to decorate our dress.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Knitting with cellophan

Use garbage bags and as a knitting material. Using the hook, you can create an original attractive outfit, in which it will be quite difficult to recognize the usual packages.

Material for knitting needs to be prepared in advance and in large quantities, since when the packets lacking, it will be difficult to pick up others in color.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Cut the strips as yarn yarn threads from a large number of packages. Knit crochet number 2 The easiest pattern is a column in a circle.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

It will be interesting to look a dress with a knitted riding and a lush skirt from inflated packages.

Another option of using cellophane strips for skirt. If you bind the crochet the base of the dress from usually yarn in the form of a mesh, and the strips create a bulk skirt as follows: I cut the length and width of the strip. Then, each strip we fold in half and put it on the basis of the grid, fix the nodule. As a result, two end of the strip and will form the puff of the skirt. An example of a dress in the photo below:

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Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Child dress

For children's carnival, you can also make a festive outfit from the packages.

You will need: feltster, scissors, tape, needle with thread, yellow and blue packages.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

We take a package with ties, try on a child, a felt-tip pen note the space of the slot for the back and the desired length. The dress will hold on with the belt on the neck. The size of a multi-tiered skirt is determined as a length of the waist to the knees of a child. We fold packets to each other and cut off the size of the skirt length.

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

Dress from the package do it yourself for girls: master class with video

For a more lush skirt, you can gradually shorten the length. We proceed to assembling the skirt for the girl - fasten the skirt layers on the bilateral tape, the lower layer of the maximum length, and the next little shorter. This technique will make it possible to create a more spectacular skirt.

Video on the topic

We recommend to view video lessons before starting the process of creativity:

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