Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency


Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

The relevance of this topic

Currently, around the world, including in our country, the issue of developing and implementing new energy sources is sharply. Everyone knows that the most significant ones are oil, natural gas, coal, electricity. Oil and gas reserves are not limitless, due to all this it is necessary to look for alternative energy sources. One of them is the use of so-called solar panels. For solar energy, it has been known for a long time, this is the subject of disputes and discussions among specialists. Some believe that this is a big prospect for the future, others are confident in the opposite.

Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

Solar panel connection circuit.

Now a very large number of large campaigns invest millions in the development of this industry, including in the construction of solar power plants. On the one hand, the solar panels do not require costs when they are operating, but the cost of this equipment is high. Part of the specialists argues that the profit from this project will not be able to cover the costs associated with construction. In contrast, these devices can work with dozens and hundred years, therefore, with long-term operation, the profit will be obvious. It should be considered in more detail, what is the effectiveness of solar cells, factors determining it. But first you need to get acquainted with the principle of their work, the main advantages.

The principle of operation of solar batteries

Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

Scheme of the elements of the solar battery.

Everyone knows that electricity is the main source of energy. But it can be obtained and easier. The sun is a natural source of energy that can be widely used in the modern world. For solar panels, the main mechanism of work is the absorption of solar energy and transform it into electrical, and subsequently into thermal. The widest use of these devices are found in the system of heating of private houses.

Such batteries are photovoltaic generators of electrical energy. The solar panels have a semiconductor element on which the sun's rays are affected. As a result, a constant electric current is formed, which is further used for heating.

In the chains of solar cells, a voltage is generated, which is valid. The device includes a battery that is able to accumulate energy. Undoubtedly, in order for it to be possible, sunny weather will be required. After the accumulation of energy, the battery can supply the consumer with warmth for some time in cloudy weather.

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Efficiency of solar equipment

It is worth knowing the performance of solar batteries. Relying on scientific data, it can be argued that the energy is approximately 1367 W per 1 m². In the region of the equator, it is delayed by its atmosphere, so the energy that reaches the land is equal to 1020 W.

In Russia, it is possible to obtain only 160 W / m² in view of the fact that the efficiency of solar cells is 16%.

Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

Scheme of the solar battery.

For example, if you install solar batteries on an area of ​​1 km², then the annual amount of electricity obtained will be approximately 187 GW / h (1173 * 0.16).

At the same time, the angle of installing them relative to the incident light is of great importance, in this case its optimal value is 40 °. The cost of 1 kW of electricity is currently equal to 3 rubles, the cost of electrical installation will be 561 million rubles. The efficiency of this equipment is inconsistent and depends on several factors. The main of them is the intensity and duration of insolation, which, in turn, is determined by weather conditions, the duration of the day and night, that is, the latitude of the area. The type of solar cells is of great importance.

Efficiency for the heating of a private house

Of great interest is the use of such equipment for home heating. Electricity is an excellent source of heat. Many houses have exactly such a heating system. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the heating of a private house with the help of such a source is advisable to organize only for regions with maximum solar energy. For the northern territories where polar nights are another approach. In this case, it is recommended to combine the use of solar energy with other types of heating, for example, gas or heating on solid fuel (furnace).

The thing is that the effectiveness of such batteries in cloudy weather is low, which can cause a lack of heat. Therefore, heating with the energy of the Sun, transformed into electrical, is not recommended to be applied separately from others. Optimally use them only to save money when possible. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of solar panels can not fully provide optimal microclumatic conditions in the room, heating the house, due to this, this type of energy is recommended to be used together with other types of heating.

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Economic efficiency

Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

Solar collector scheme.

Important provision when using this source - economic benefit. It directly depends on the power of the battery and the square of photovoltaic elements that perceive the rays. If you take such a city for example as Moscow, then you can get the following interesting data. If the device capacity is 800 W, it allows you to limitably use household appliances, but it will not be able to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity during the day for heating rooms.

With the power of the device 10 times more, that is, 8 kW, it will warm up the small area of ​​the room at home in autumn and winter time. In the spring it is possible to complete heating of all rooms.

The device with a capacity of 13.5 kW almost completely replaces electricity, which can ensure constant heating of the house at all months of the year, with the exception of November, December and January. In this case, you can leave the basic devices to work from solar apparatuses, and the heating is connected to the central system. So you can save decently. The most powerful generators are those that have a power of 31.5 kW. They will allow you to completely abandon the main types of energy supply and use only the energy of the Sun throughout the year for a long time. But there are such devices expensive, which limits their use.

Disadvantages of the energy of the sun

Solar panels: Prospects for use, efficiency

Solar panel layout.

Despite the fact that the electricity obtained using only the energy of the Sun does not require any investment during operation, there are many problems in this issue. First, the volume of the resulting electricity depends largely on the following factors: weather, terrain latitude, batteries.

Secondly, such sources of heat are more than an additional means, for example, for heating, which limits their use. Thirdly, the installation of such equipment is worth a lot of money. In particular, it concerns large power plants. The cost of the batteries themselves is an order of magnitude higher than that for batteries.

But the most important thing is to reduce the methods of generating heat obtained from the Sun and maintain it as long as possible. In the evening, electricity consumption is increasing, and the batteries work mainly during the daytime. Scientists calculated that the cost of 1 W on the battery is 0.5 $. For the day (8 hours of work), it is capable of forming 8 W / h, which will be required for the evening. The cheapest solar electricity is now obtained using polycrystalline batteries. The fact that the cost of solar energy should not exceed the price of alternative fuel, for example, gas. If we take to the example of one of the world leaders in this issue - Germany - the price of gas in it is equal to $ 450, then the cost of 1 kW of solar energy should not be higher than 0.1 $. Otherwise, the application of the latter will be economically not appropriate.

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Benefits of the source of energy

Electricity, thus obtained, is an alternative to the one we used to use today. This type of energy supply is optimal for those territories and objects where there are no other sources, for example, on remote cellular stations.

Such equipment can be indispensable in the southern regions of our country, where there is a peak of solar activity. When using large stations it is important to remember that they can serve dozens and hundreds of years.

Conclusion, conclusions, recommendations

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that in the modern world there are searches for alternative sources of energy. A promising direction is solar energy, which is based on the use of solar panels. The standard solar installation consists of the following main parts: an ordinary converter, a DC converter to an alternating, power take-off mechanism, battery and a device that regulates the level of charging and discharge.

The effectiveness of such equipment depends on several factors. The most important of them is the activity of solar energy and battery power. The most optimal devices with a capacity of 13.5 kW, which can provide almost uninterrupted operation of all equipment. For the northern regions of our country, the use of batteries is not promising. It is recommended to use them as an additional source of electricity to save money. It is advisable to combine it with central heating (on natural gas or solid fuel). When erecting solar stations, it is necessary to take into account the high costs of equipment. Payback can be decades.

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