Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos


If you want to update the interior with the help of bright accents, you can make a vase for flowers with your own hands. Or decorate an existing vase. Such an exercise is very easy to perform, and large investments are not required to implement it.

You can make vases from a plastic bottle, from the can, from plastic, you can make a vase from newspaper tubes, from any submitted materials. Vases made or decorated with her own hands will become an excellent gift for March 8!

You can find a lot of interesting and easy master classes on how to make a vase yourself. We collected the most original for you.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Decoration from paper

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

With ease, you can turn a simple bottle into a pretty bright vase by fan. The process of such a transformation is very easy, so you can safely connect your child to this work.

To work, you will need:

  • transparent glass bottle;
  • Glue for decoupage (you can use the usual PVA, water diluted with 1: 1);
  • Colored corrugated paper or old magazines and newspapers.

First prepare the paper: Narques in small pieces of magazines or corrugated paper.

The number of pieces will depend on the size of the bottle, but we advise you to immediately tear more. If you want, you can use scissors.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Now take a bottle and glue. Lubricate a small plot with glue and apply pieces of paper to it. Not all the bottle should be missed immediately, but only those areas you work right now.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

When the entire bottle is covered with paper, we wash the glue from above again and glue the second layer of multi-colored paper.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

We cover all this with glue or, if desired, varnish.

Vase in the style of paper plastic ready!

Decorating thread

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Great looks vases decorated with threads.

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You will need:

  • Threads of any thickness;
  • PVA glue;
  • glass container (bottle or bank);
  • scissors.

We scroll small areas on the bottle and watered the thread. You need to wink tightly and tight so that there are no lumen between threads.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

You can change the colors of the threads, and then use multi-colored tapes at all.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

In this way, you can decorate bottles and cans of any form.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

VAZochka from clutches

For example, this cute vase for small wildflowers can be made to the cottage. Take:

  • Canning jar;
  • wooden clothespins;
  • Thermo glue.

In small points of thermo-glue, we will pass throughout the perimeter of the cans from the inside and outside so that the clothespins were more secure. Now we plant clothespins on glue.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

The jar can be painted, and then cover with varnish. Or leave the natural color of the clothespins and decorate with a vase with ribbons or cardboard hearts or flower.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

In such a vase, you can put a small cup with water, and already put flowers into it. Water is better not to pour water into the jar.

From banks

Using the usual glass jar, you can get a beautiful original vase. We need:

  • Glass jar of any size;
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • Thermo glue.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Paper apply thin stripes.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

And on each of them, let's make a fringe.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

We glue each strip to the jar, you can use stripes of different colors.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos


Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

With sequins

Make such a vase is very simple.

To craft, take the glass container (jar or finished vase), braid with sequins and thermo-glue.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Glass vases are starting to wind up with sequins from the bottom up, pre-lubricating a small plot with glue. Sequins can go to each other, it is not scary. The main thing is that there are no lumen between the ribbon.

The top of the vase can be tape. Ready!

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

From newspaper tubes

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

We need:

  • paper (newspapers, books, magazines);
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • The round shape that we will be fertilized;
  • Thin long wand (you can use the needle or wand for sushi, for example).

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First of all prepare the tube. To do this, take the paper, cut the strips with a width of 8 cm, thin wand and screw the tube. The edge will fill with glue. We give the tubes to dry.

Now proceed to work. Place the tube two into two crosses. Do the same with four tubes, and then the resulting structures are located in the shape of the sun. In the first step, focus on the photo, it is better to do everything according to the template.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

After creating a "sun", take a working tube, bend in half and start wearing a rope. So we melt the bottom.

Now you need to put it on the form and continue to determine somewhat close, gradually bending the base tubes to the center. We turn the weaving from the newspapers completely and continue to weave the bottom up the wall of the vase.

You can complete the work with conventional bending, the calling tube one for another on the front part. The ends of the tubes can be easily hidden under weaving.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

The last step remains - the decor of the vase. First, we paint the vase by any color with acrylic paints, then the PVE glue, diluted with water in a 3: 2 ratio, and finally fix the result of varnish. Here is such an interesting vase!

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

You can connect the vase with ease and crochet. Below are the schemes of knitting incredibly beautiful VAZ.

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Vase for flowers with their own hands from newspaper tubes with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Also watch video master classes for the manufacture of VAZ do it yourself.

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