Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video


Many of us have glass bottles of alcohol or lemonade. And who would have thought that you can use them as a vase! Vase from the bottle with your own hands is decorated easily and quickly, it is worth only to show fantasy or see the entertaining master classes on the Internet.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Vases decorated with independently, you can decorate a festive table or give them close to.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Vases from bottles can be made in the technique of decoupage, it is also possible to use and plasticine, tapes, and threads, and any submitted decoration tools.

We use a bottle of wine

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

From a bottle of wine, an excellent vase will be released from a bottle of champagne or glass bottle!

Necessary materials for crafts:

  • bottle;
  • acetone or alcohol to degrease the bottle;
  • Acrylic paints (better, if it is special cans with paint for glass);
  • Malar tape of different widths.

If you plan to use paint in the cans, then it is best to store the surface with a food film or paper before starting work.

We will start work. First of all, you need to remove the labels and wipe the bottle of dry. Then - to degrease it.

Next, you need to push the vase with a painting ribbon. You can enclose in a circle with stripes of different widths, you can make a zigzag, spiral or any other pattern. If you want the neck of the bottle not to be painted, it can be wrapped with foil or also to stick with a scotch, as shown in the photo.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

After that, we begin to paint the vase. Do not be afraid to blur with a paint tape, since it will still have to be removed at the end of work.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

How to dry the paints usually write on the package. Some paints need to be baked in the oven, so you need to read the instructions in the paint. As a rule, it takes about 1-2 days for complete drying.

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As a result, we got stylish vases made by your own hands.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Glass VaZochka

Another master class on how to make a simple vase from a glass bottle. To work, you will need:

  • bottle;
  • Spray paint;
  • Stencil: An openwork napkin, lace fabric, cut out of paper drawing and so on can be used as a stencil.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Prepared bottle without labels stain in paint. It can be both one and several colors. If necessary, Kraft in several layers.

After drying the background layer, the paint take paint contrasting, we apply stencil into the right place on the bottle and carefully pass the paint. In order not to blur the bottom and throat of the bottle, they can be wrapped with a foil or food film.

You can not use the stencil, and cover the bottle first completely in one color, and then from a larger distance spray another in the center.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Beautiful stylish vases are ready!

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Plastic in the move

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

In addition to glass, the vase can be made from the usual plastic bottle. There are several ways to make stylish vases.

For example, you can make a vase from plastic bottles from under shampoo or shower gel, as well as from bottles of mineral water.

We need:

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

  • Bottles themselves;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • Waterproof paint.

First you need to thoroughly wash the bottles (if you use bottle from shampoo) to get rid of chemicals. Then you need to remove the labels.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

A painting tape is applied arbitrary drawing on the surface of the bottle.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

We proceed to painting. You can use paint in bells or waterproof acrylic paint.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

It remains to wait for the drying of the paint, and you can pour the water and put flowers in the vase.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Also from plastic you can make this beautiful vase.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

It will take:

  • plastic bottle;
  • nail or soldering iron for applying a pattern;
  • marker;
  • paint.

Just as in the first version, you need to remove labels before starting work.

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The marker is scheduled to the future pattern. This step can be skipped, because if you immediately begin randomly apply a nail pattern or a soldering iron, you will get a very interesting ornament.

Heat the nail or soldering iron and applied the lace pattern on the bottle. Sut off the unnecessary top of the bottle.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

Then proceed to painting. Any paints suitable for plastic are suitable. For example, stained acrylic paints.

Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photo and video

When paint dries, Vaz is ready! It's time to put flowers into it.

Thus, as we see, it is not necessary to throw out unnecessary plastic bottles. Of these, you can make beautiful vases that will decorate your apartment or country house!

Video on the topic

We also suggest you familiarize yourself with the video master classes to create beautiful vases from bottles.

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