Track lamps and modern business


Usually, such systems are used in exhibition, trading and presentation halls. Therefore, track luminaires are of particular importance for business. Currently, there are different variants of devices, their all possible color execution, designs, connection methods. It should be noted that the efficiency of sales, client loyalty relative to the specific business area depends on the selected equipment.

Track lamps

About the "right" light

Visual merchandising is inextricably linked with the quality of the proposed lighting. Savings in this issue can significantly reduce sales, because in the dark room it will not be possible to assess all the advantages of existing proposals. It must be borne in mind that the modern buyer is quite capricious. If he does not see the "Goods", with a lot of probability, he will not pay attention to him and will not buy. Therefore, apparently, he will refuse the service of the 90s and will go to competitors. The output in this situation will be track lamps.

We add that the right light should not be limited to backlight the showcases and the lighting of the goods. Separately, it is necessary to take into account the optimal color temperature, select the correct zoning of space, expand the emphasis and competently produce the illumination of certain areas. Ultimately, busbar, lamps will have to create an optimal atmosphere of the room. Specialists recommend for each client, the specifics of the direction of doing business to present a special, individual approach. It is interesting that the problem is not always solved by expensive equipment.

Track lamps

Inappropriate use of light will definitely cause an excessive dimming of the room. Quite often, the builders suspend the busbar rather highly, due to which the calculated light changes significantly. Therefore, it is important not just to think about the track system correctly, but also to correctly install it. Design work is better to produce with the use of specialized software that allows you to provide the optimal alignment of lamps, including absolutely all, even few significant, invisible areas.

Track lamps for business

On the importance of track lighting

Of course, unnecessary lamps will be an additional cost article. Therefore, it is necessary to show a weighted approach and responsibility in their choice. Any deviation from the accepted project is fraught with a significant deterioration in the quality of lighting. When planning the modernization of the trading hall, any business of the premises, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • Performing a separate highlighting of goods, shopping shelves;
  • Zoning space, selection of zones in the hall;
  • Additional backlight of the cash zone;
  • Decoration light showcases;
  • Ensuring lighting in utility and warehouses.

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Track lamps

Each section of the room has its own characteristics and the relevant requirements are imposed. Track luminaires will allow the optimal approach to the formation of the necessary atmosphere and creating competent lighting of the trading point. For example, quite often in boutiques offering decorative cosmetics, devices with a small color transmission coefficient are used. Customers often enter the street, sunlight in order to evaluate the real shade of the shadows or lipstick offered by him. Such nuances are available in most shopping points of our country.

Choosing busbar, track lamps, can not be sure that the problem is solved. Many mistakenly believe that it is enough to navigate the high power of devices and their affordable price. Ultimately, the selection stops at variants with a cold light of an unbalanced spectrum, a small CRI index, within 65-75, a small angle of dispersion. Often a non-professional approach to choosing a lighting system leads not only to loss of the client, but also the rapid fatigue of their own employees, losses of their performance. Ultimately, the owner of the business, focusing on savings, is able to "at the output" not get the expected profit.

Track lamps and errors in choosing

Sometimes the owners of outlets do not even think about the importance of choosing light.

Track lamps

Therefore, we give the highlights to which you need to pay special attention, without which it will be impossible to achieve success in business:

  • Busbar is recommended to be placed no more than 120 centimeters from the edge of the racks;
  • Track lamps are installed too high, too large an angle of dispersion is often selected;
  • Products with low efficiency, increased current, which leads to their rapid "acceleration", but reduce the service life, reduction in the level of light flux with time;
  • High lighting should be made not by the number of devices installed on the busbar, but the optimal selection of their technical characteristics;
  • It is used too large housings from metal - halogen elements of illumination of an old sample that do not have an effective heat removal;
  • Incorrect selection of space for busbar for lighting store shelves, fitting rooms, input groups, etc;
  • Incorrect combinations of colors, for example, not always white track lamps will be profitable to look at the black ceiling and vice versa.

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Separately, it is necessary to say about the overall floodlight. When it is formated, designers and business owners also allow a lot of errors.

Track lamps

To the main points we will take:

  • Invalid selection of light scattering elements (leads to loss of light stream up to 50%);
  • Errors in choosing a color temperature;
  • Insufficient lighting angles (formation of narrow spots, uneven illumination);
  • An illiterate approach to the location of the lamps;
  • Outlets with power, light stream.

Before you buy track lamps for business, you must take into account their design style, appearance, production technology. The emphasis must be made on modern LED devices capable of providing the required efficiency and durability. The radiator used is obliged to high quality heat. It is advisable to take into account the type of reflector, possible losses of light. Of particular importance is the stability of the color temperature. The deviations of the devices used according to the appropriate indicator should not go beyond + -100 K. Selecting the busbar, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of its simplicity of fastening, repeated installation, compliance with PUE rules.

  • Track lamps for business
  • Track lamps for business
  • Track lamps for business
  • Track lamps for business

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