How to make yourself a sunny battery?


How to make yourself a sunny battery?

Electrical energy today is not suiced, so such a question as alternative energy sources is very relevant. Among such sources of energy is one of the most common sun, so the solar panels are becoming increasingly popular. Such a source of energy is really very good, but if you purchase a solar battery in the store, then you need to be prepared for what such equipment is expensive. However, you can significantly save, if you make a solar battery with your own hands. It is best to make a solar battery from transistors, because in many homes there will always be diodes and transistors from old who have become unnecessary radio and televisions. If everything is done correctly, then such transistors can give a new life and with their help you can get a large amount of energy.

How to make yourself a sunny battery?

With the help of solar battery you can reduce the cost of electricity in the house.

Production of solar battery made of transistors

Make your own hands a semiconductor solar battery for a radio receiver on transistors is not difficult.

Of course, those who have experience in the technical sphere have an advantage, however, it is not a prerequisite. The main thing is to clearly adhere to the instruction, and then everything will turn out. In the manufacture of such a solar battery, you need to take into account the fact that when the conductor is illuminated by light (in this case by the light of the sun), it is a source of electric current, that is, a photocell. It is this property that needs to take advantage when the solar battery is made from transistors with their own hands.

As for the current strength and such an important factor, as the electromotive force of such a photocell, then it all depends on the material of the semiconductor, the magnitude of its surface and illumination. However, turn the transistor into a photocell is not so easy. In order to do this, you need to be able to get to the semiconductor crystal, for this it must be opened.

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How to make yourself a sunny battery?

Solar battery charge controller circuit.

It should be noted that the fact that the energy that is produced by one photocelement is too small, which is why such photocells are collected in one battery. In order to increase the current strength given to the outer chain, all the same photocells must be connected in a strict sequence. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the best results can be obtained if you work on the principle of mixed connection. Such a principle involves the process of assembling photobatabase from sequentially connected groups, each group consists of the same, parallel to the connected elements. Transistors must be prepared in advance, it is necessary to collect them on a plate of genitax, textolite or organic glass. As for the connection method, all the elements must be connected with subtle tinnitus made of copper. The conclusions that are suitable for the crystal are not recommended to solder, since during the soldering process there is a high temperature, as a result of which the semiconductor crystal may be damaged.

The plate with a photocell is placed in a solid material body, which should have a transparent top cover. Both outputs need to be fed to the connector, to it then connect the cord from the radio. Solar battery made by hand in this way, can generate a voltage to 2.1 V at a current to 0.8 ohms. Such a power is enough for the radio receiver on one or two transistors.

What do you need for the manufacture of solar battery?

To turn transistors into photocells in the following way. It is necessary to pre-prepare tin-lead solder, rosin and battery for 4.5 V. From instruments need the following:

How to make yourself a sunny battery?

Solar battery diagram.

  • pliers;
  • small hammer;
  • soldering iron;
  • tester;
  • tweezers;
  • boxes;
  • vice.

With the help of booths, you need to cut off the lines by lines, then the crumpled tube must be repaid so that one of the conclusions is free. Then you need a diode in the vice clamping for the flange, a sharp knife is applied to the weld, on its back side, you need to slightly hit and remove the cover. At the same time, it is necessary to closely ensure that the knife blade does not take place too deep into, otherwise the crystal may be damaged. It is such photocells that are the basis for equipment that can be made with their own hands in a short time without spending great effort.

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The manufacture of the solar battery on the transistors independently in Russia is relevant also because there is no own production, and foreign equipment is expensive. It cannot be said that its power is large, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the cost of manufacturing it is very small, and the benefit of its use is obvious.

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