Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate


Bonbonnieres are small boxes, baskets or bags for sweets or small gifts. Initially, bonbonnieres - it is the wedding accessory. They were invested sweets for guests in memory of the celebration. Modern bonbonnies expanded their application. These are just small presents to guests during the holidays, for example, from firms for workers or visitors. The cardboard box may contain information about the company. Cerenate, the contents can also serve as an advertisement for the company. Especially relevant will be such a gift from confectionery stores and firms. Small sweet gifts will be appropriate between friends. In this article we will tell how to make bonbonnieres with their own hands from different materials and to a different case.

Festive Christmas tree

We offer a detailed master class of New Year's cardboard bonbonniere in the form of a Christmas tree.

Having made a box on the template, it can be decorated at its discretion. You can make a different decoration, but in one style.

We need:

  • printed pattern;
  • white cardboard;
  • Stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • glue;
  • paper for scabing;
  • Decor elements, paint.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Let's start a master class on the manufacture of bonbonniere. Cut the template, apply it to the cardboard, outline and cut out the billet box. According to the dotted line, we make a bitter.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

The lines of the joints are lubricated with glue from the inside of the product. At the beginning around the perimeter, then in the folds of folds.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We glue a Christmas tree barrel.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We try to connect the details. The bonbon targeted cover should not be pinching or compressed the base. Open and close the box should be simple.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

When the box is ready, you can proceed with decoration. From the scrapbook by the template, with which previously worked, cut out three bases of the Christmas tree: two top and one lower. One top item will be located inside the box, so it should be done a little less.

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Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Insert the cut outbreak inside the base box. To make the paper well and was able to smooth it carefully, especially in the corners, we use a plastic card. We glue the rest of the Christmas tree with the outer sides of the box.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Do not attach details, place them on the box. If everything is suitable, proceed to the decor.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We use the finished decorated element, a bow and dried set. In order to give elegacity of the box, the wooden decor is painted in a gold color, after drying it is applied PVA glue and fall asleep fifth-software. Let's dry, pour out surplus. It turned out the effect of icing a sprig, which, besides, shines beautifully.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We collect the details of the composition as it was conceived. Here is such an elegant paper box turned out.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

From fabric and fate

The wedding most often use bonbonnieres of fabric. On such boxes, a fatery decor looks very beautifully and thematically. In addition, such treats can be fully arranged in the standstitis of the holiday. The pattern of the tissue bonbonniere can be arbitrary, and you can use some templates for the manufacture of cardboard boxes.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Nevertheless, we will offer a simpler fabric bonbonniere.

We need:

  • cutting burlap;
  • scissors;
  • Santimeter tape or ruler;
  • Fabric paints or decor elements;
  • ribbon;
  • thread and needle;
  • Sweets for filling.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We will start sewing. From the cut slicing of burlap cut the rectangle. Its dimensions can be any, such as it is necessary in each case. However, it should be borne in mind that the cut should be 2 times more conceived, as if two bonbonnieres put each other. We have a size of 10 by 15 cm.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

We fold the rectangle in half vertically. The outstanding side of the workpiece should be top. We sew lateral seams. Soak.

We decorate at your discretion. On the example, you simply paint acrylic paints for fabric.

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Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Fill the bag with sweets and tie the ribbon, as shown in the photo. Ready!

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Perhaps the easiest way to manufacture bonbonnieres is from a fate. To do this, simply cut off a circle of a fate, you can add several layers each other, put a circle into a cup or a deep plate, fill with a treat and tie a ribbon. Ready.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Decoration on christening

Children's christenings are a big and responsible holiday. Of course, all guests will be pleased to get small gifts in memory of such an important event. In addition to sweets, you can add up letters in the boxes. From you can write on paper for queening and twist, arrange in the form of scrolls or arbitrarily. Of course, many options for children's bonbonnieres can be used to christening, but we propose to issue in the form of a cake. In addition, not always after the lush feast, guests are ready for a sweet table. And here is such a treat that will be taken with you, will be delighted accurately.

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Unusual bonbonnieres look very original. Below will represent the scheme.


Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate


Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

Bonbonnieres do it yourself for a wedding or christening from a fate

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