Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video


Doll Grain - this is one of the old Slavonic faces that attracts wealth to the house. Like others, it is embodied in a female image, symbolizing the wife of the house. They made a grainbed with their own hands after harvesting. It was based on a bag of grains that have personified forces, saved land.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

History Oberega

Nowadays, such a doll is no longer carrying such a symbolic nature. And before her purpose was to drive off the evil spirits and the protection of the bins of the owners. In the crown year, she could become a real savior, because the grain stood in it (always only the most selective from the new crop) could be used as sowing material.

In addition, it was believed that the cereals stored in it are charged with a huge force and vital energy capable of passing by a person. Groats in the grain was updated every year, after another harvest. And in the spring, last year's grains from the doll got and sowed for a richer harvest.

Usually the grain stored next to food reserves (storage room, kitchen). They were given to the largest holidays of the family, such as a wedding or housewarming. Thus, the wishes of well-being and wealth were made. Children who begin their own life, parents also made such a gift.

During the process of making the doll, it was recommended at the same time to ask for its help in affairs and endeavors, on improving family relationships.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

Manufacturing process

You can fill in the guard with practically any croups and grains, you can make a mixture of them. After all, each of them carries a specific symbol. It is impossible to use a croup with defects and crushed, as well as the one that has been exposed to any processing. There must be only those grains that will be capable of germination, because their main task is to add and grow.

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The values ​​of the components stored inside the doll:

  • Peas will bring peace and friendship with him;
  • buckwheat and legumes symbolize material well-being and prosperity in the house will also be recommended to those who often sick;
  • Oats - personifies strength;
  • Beans and corn symbolize the health of children, the continuation of the genus and general understanding and cohesion in the family;
  • will prolong youth nuts and acorns;
  • Good luck in the endeavors will bring a coin;
  • Sunflower seeds will give energy;
  • From damage and the evil eye will protect the millet;
  • Millet is worth adding not to married girls, it will attract a good owner to the house;
  • Any dry spikelets and berries symbolize the future good harvest.

Now there will be a gradually painted master class on the manufacture of this wonderful doll.

First you need to sew a bag for cereals. This should be made from a rectangular cut slicing of linen or cotton fabric of light tones.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

In order to have enough for flashing and tie, long thread takes. Leaving on the one hand the long end of the thread (about 25 centimeters), the fabric is flashing in two centimeters from the edge.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

After flashing to the edge, one end of the resulting tube is tightly tied with a thread.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

Next, the bag is turned and filled in advance the chosen crop.

Please note that you need to seal the grain very well, tapping the bottom on the table, so that the doll can stand steadily.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

The bag is tied up with the free end of the thread.

The next step will be the manufacture of beautiful outfits for grain doll.

We will need:

  • Colored flap rectangular shapes, various textures and density (future skirt and elegant apron);
  • dense, warm tissue in the form of a long and narrow rectangle (future coat);
  • braid;
  • A triangle made of red and colored fabric (for a handkerchief and a dummy).

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

First of all, the lower skirt dresses, places behind, toning thread.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

On top of it put on the edges of the edges forward, leaving a small distance between them.

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Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

Then the apron is tied with an outdoor way. Cook it stands with a beautiful belt.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

Next, from the strips of warm woolen fabric firmly twisted on both sides of the rolls (this is a coat sleeves) and tied to the body.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

At the final stage, it is necessary to tie the tower, an elegant braid and a red handkerchief, knitting them from behind.

Doll Grain DIY: Master Class with Video

Our wonderful grain doll is ready!

In order to be in the house where a married couple lives, peace has always reigned, consent and family unity, the rich husband did for the grain.

And if it was suddenly a disorder appeared in the family, then in the manufacture of these dolls in the grain invested a note with the desire to gain this long-awaited rest in the house. In this case, love will come back and the desire for the acquisition of mutual understanding and respect.

Video on the topic

In addition to the presented master class, there are still a large number of manufacturers and design of such a doll. This is a very entertaining and interesting lesson, where you can give a flight of your rich imagination.

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