Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday


If you are scheduled for any holiday, and you do not know how to decorate the house, letters from cardboard can be an excellent addition to the festive interior. For children, such accessories can become interesting toys or gifts. If you do not know how to make a cardboard letters, you are very lucky, because our article will tell you in great detail how to make letters from cardboard with your own hands.

Ordinary option

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

This option of making a cardboard letter is perfect for beginners, because it is very simple and does not contain any complex manipulations.

  • First you need to prepare a template and translate it into cardboard. Cut the letter with a stationery knife or scissors (but the knife is careful).
  • Now the workpiece needs to reorganize. You can make it any way convenient for you. It looks very interesting to the letters scrambled by threads, for this you just need to wrap a blank over the entire surface, now they can simply hang them up to the ceiling, and not just on the wall, because they will look equally beautiful on each side.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

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Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

With the help of such letters, you can decorate the house for your birthday, and then they will stay with you for life and will remind you of the joyful events that happened on this day. We offer you a detailed master class on creating volumetric cardboard letters.

First you need to draw the letter on the A4 sheet.

If you do not know how to draw, nothing terrible, you can use schemes, templates proposed below, and simply print them.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

The selected letter must be drawn on cardboard in two copies.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cut off the strip of paper, about two centimeters wide.

Now take the sleeve from paper towels (or toilet paper) and, applying a cut-cut strip, outline the line. Such rings need to do about six. If you want to make the letters very voluminous, make the ring sewers.

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Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cut the rings.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Now we put our rings on one beak. It is the rings that will create a volume, therefore, as mentioned above, if you want a volume more, make rings wider.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Then we glue each ring to the letter. Lubricate with glue to another edge rings and glue the second part of the letter.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Now you need to take ordinary paper and cut it into small stripes. With these bands, we glue the sidewalls of our letter. Paper can be mounted a little first, so it will be better to fold as you need.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Then you need to puncture the letter with paper and in the end our product will become quite solid and durable.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Wait for the whole glue dries, and color the letter. It is best to use acrylic paints, they are quite persistent compared to others.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

You can somehow decorate the letter or draw something interesting on it.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Cardboard letters can be not only an ornament for a holiday or matinee, they can become an excellent decoration of the everyday interior. We offer you to see this video lesson, it tells how to make cardboard letters with backlit, they look very modern and original, first and it is not clear that they are made of cardboard.

Letters from the cardboard can be used as a decoration on the head, for example, for the holiday of the exploratory school or home entertainment.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Make such an accessory is quite simple, it is enough to cut from the cardboard the desired letter and glue on the rim (an ordinary paper strip adopted by the stapler in the ring). Such a letter is preferably re-organized.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

You can decorate any cardboard letter than you like: threads, colored paper, self-adhesive paper, paints, buttons, in general, for which enough fantasy.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

If you want to please your soul mate, for example, on the day of lovers, you can make a beautiful cardboard inscription "LOVE". To do this, you will not need to apply a lot of effort. We offer you sweep patterns, you will need only carefully cut them and, desirable, translate to cardboard so that they are more reliable. After that, you will only be bent and glue all the ears.

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Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

After that, decorate the letters as you like, it turns out very beautifully, if you push the letters with beads, rhinestones or sequins, with a certain light, they will be brightly overflow and glitter.

Cardboard letters do it yourself for children for birthday

Video on the topic

Now you can easily make a letter from cardboard for any holiday. Agree, it looks very original and modern. The end result will depend only on your efforts and fantasies, do not be afraid to experiment, and you will definitely achieve great success in this exciting lesson. We also offer you a video selection of master classes. They are presented even more ideas and options for letters from cardboard.

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